IPA: Anorectic signaling by the central GDF15/GFRAL system

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: School of Medical Sciences


Loss of appetite and the associated reduction in body weight are a major problem for old and sick people. Together they lead to a reduction in quality of life and can even cause premature death. Furthermore, treating the elderly and sick is putting an ever increasing burden on the NHS. Thus, it would be extremely useful to be able to prevent undesirable weight loss whilst protecting normal, healthy appetite.
Diseased and damaged tissues release a number of chemical messengers into the bloodstream, some of which are thought to cause the feeling of sickness. One of these is a chemical called GDF15, which normally circulates at very low levels, but which is greatly increased during illnesses, including cancers and inflammatory diseases. Very recently, the site at which GDF15 works was identified - just in a very small region of the brain which has previously been associated with mediating nausea and the wish to vomit. We have identified the type of brain cell which recognises GDF15 and which mediates its effects. Thus, if we block these brain cells from sending messages in laboratory mice, we can stop GDF15 from causing eating to be reduced. Importantly, this specific brain cell type responds to GDF15, but not to other important signals which control normal appetite.
In this project, we will use different types of laboratory mouse to determine where in the brain the GDF15 signal is transmitted. This will then allow us to block the signal at different sites so that, hopefully, we can reverse the appetite loss associated with a number of different illnesses, but without disrupting healthy eating. All of our experiments will be carried out in laboratory mice, but they will guide the development of drugs for use in humans. In this way, we hope to help improve outcomes for those suffering from different illnesses and, in particular, improve the quality of life for the elderly.

Technical Summary

Loss of appetite and the associated reduction in body weight are a major problem for old and sick people. Together they lead to a reduction in quality of life and can even cause premature death. Furthermore, treating the elderly and sick is putting an ever increasing burden on the NHS. Thus, we are aiming to prevent undesirable weight loss whilst protecting normal, healthy appetite.
Diseased and damaged tissues release a number of cytokines into the bloodstream, some of which act on the brain to cause sickness behaviour. One of these is GDF15, which normally circulates at very low levels, but which is greatly increased during disease states, including cancer and inflammatory disease. Last year, the receptor for GDF15, GFRAL was identified and found to be expressed exclusively in the caudal brainstem. We have identified the neuronal type expressing GFRAL and can block GDF15-induced anorexia by blocking the relevant neurotransmitter. Importantly, GFRAL-expressing neurones do not respond to other anorectic or satiety signals.
In this project we will use different cre-expressing mice to determine the downstream pathways mediating GDF15-induced anorexia. We will investigate acute anorectic signals as well as a number of different disease states. We hope to be able to block anorexia produced in these states without affecting normal, physiological regulation of appetite.

Planned Impact

Unintentional weight loss is encountered in 27% of people over 65-years old and is associated with poorer quality of life, increased risk of illness and mortality. By 2039, people aged 65 or over are going to represent 23% of the UK population. Although weight loss is common in the aged, it is a critical problem for people with long-term illness, and it is often the first sign of disease. Approximately 40% of people report unexplained weight loss when they are first diagnosed with cancer. Up to 80% of people with advanced cancer experience loss of appetite which can exacerbate cachexia and fatigue. Another common cause of weight loss is not the disease, but the treatment. Radiation and chemotherapy often cause a decrease in appetite, nausea and vomiting. Treatments to increase appetite are ineffective and, therefore, patients may require costly nutritional interventions. This project will provide knowledge to both academics and clinicians at international conferences and by publication in high-impact journals. Following publication, the new mouse model generated will be made freely available.
Appetite loss and wasting related to ageing and increased disease burden create major financial costs. The chances to improve quality of life, decrease complications and make savings for the NHS are enormous. However, there are also specific opportunities for commercialisation. In 2016, the global cancer cachexia market alone (pharmaceuticals, nutrition, etc.) was US$1.63 billion, and is set to grow to US$2.51 billion by 2025. By comparison, a conservative commercial estimate of the annual market opportunity for anti-obesity drugs is over US$100 bn. The PI has been involved previously in successful collaborative projects with a number of industrial partners, providing evidence for several novel targets for drug development that has underpinned commercial programs.
During the lifetime of the grant, the basic research will be discussed at meetings organised by the Child Health Research Network, the Diabetes and Obesity Research Network and the Association for the Study of Obesity. These annual meetings are forums for basic researchers, psychologists, clinicians, community nurses and other health professionals, patient group representatives and policy makers. Outreach work will be encouraged at all levels within the laboratory. Over the three years, the applicants will lecture at two local schools and at a local Café Scientifique-type meeting. The PDRA will be strongly encouraged to follow the example set by previous lab members, to tutor for the Manchester Access and STEM programmes (aimed at helping under-privileged children into further education), and to complete both a Wellcome Trust Researchers in Residence Scheme and a UK GRADschool.
This project will provide strong training in both in vivo skills and specialist techniques in transgenics, chemogenetics and optogenetics, metabolic and behavioural research. The applicants has supervised fifteen PDRAs, fifteen PhD students and twenty six masters students, the majority of whom have remained in science (some have their own independent research groups and others have moved into the commercial sector). The PI directs a cross-University IMB initiative to promote and expand research and training in in vivo biology. This problematic area is crucial to the UK economy and to the ambitions of Manchester to be a world-leading university. The applicant has acted as external examiners on a number of courses at other Universities.


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Description Despite major disruption due to the Covid pandemic we completed all of the main objectives of this grant. So far, we have one major paper published (Worth et al., 2020, eLife) and two more near to submission. We have also made significant novel discoveries which we will follow with two new separate applications for funding.
In Objective 1, we demonstrated that systemic injection of GDF15 causes anorexia and aversive behaviour. Furthermore, both GDF15 and a number of other aversive stimuli cause the activation of GDF15 receptor, GFRAL, -containing neurons, which are located exclusively in the brainstem. Non-aversive satiety signals do not activate GFRAL neurons. The anorexia caused by GDF15 is blocked by a monoclonal antibody that prevents binding to GFRAL, demonstrating the dependence of signalling on that receptor alone. Importantly, the antibody did not affect normal feeding or body weight, suggesting GDF15 is not involved in the physiological regulation of normal body weight. Furthermore, we demonstrated that injection of the cytotoxic cancer therapeutic drug, cisplatin, causes the secretion of GDF15, activation of GFRAL neurons and anorexia/aversion (well-known side effects of such pharmacotherapies). Importantly, the sickness effects of cisplatin could be blocked completely by pre-treatment with the GFRAL monoclonal antibody. These data were included in our first publication (Worth et al., 2020; and paper in prep). These are important findings as they suggest that GDF15 does not play a role in the homeostatic regulation of appetite, but that blocking its actions could be used as an adjunct treatment in illnesses that cause anorexia and sickness (such as cancer). We further developed this part of the project to determine if this protective effect was true for all classes of cancer pharmacotherapy (see Objective 4).

In Objective 2, we showed that the majority of GFRAL neurons in the brainstem contain the neurotransmitters, glutamate and cholecystokinin (CCK) and these neurons project directly to CGRP neurons in the lateral parabrachial nucleus, and indirectly to CRH neurons in the hypothalamus and PKCdelta neurons in the central amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Selectively ablating CCK neurons just in the brainstem or antagonising CCK receptors, blocked the anorectic effects of GDF15. We were the first to make these findings and our results were included in our first paper. Many of our findings have since been replicated by other groups. As a continuation of this Objective, we have been investigating the different neuron types which lie downstream of GFRAL neurons using the battery of Cre-driver mouse lines we have available in our lab. This was a particularly productive approach at a time when Covid was delaying us from starting the majority of our other planned experiments. Thus, we have targeted pathways to and neurons within the parabrachial nucleus, amygdala and hypothalamus using a series of chemogenetic and optogenetic approaches in several transgenic Cre-driver mouse lines. These findings will be included in future publications. However, we also identified a completely novel signalling pathway downstream of GFRAL neurons. Thus, we have concentrated on the latter. We have carried out a number of experiments to activate and inhibit this novel pathway, and shown that specific GDF15 effects are dependent on this novel pathway. These findings have been included in our second paper which we currently completing. This work has also discovered potential new functions for GDF15 and we will pursue further funding to follow this up.

The work related to Objective 3 was at first completely prevented and then later delayed because of the Covid pandemic. This Objective was dependent on us generating a transgenic Gfral-Cre mouse through an external source. This was completely out of our control and it led to a whole year being lost from this, the most important part of our grant. When we were able to validate the mouse model, we found that it was excellent, with Cre-expression faithfully replicating the natural pattern of endogenous Gfral. However, we were only able to complete one full set of experiments with this new mouse model during the lifetime of the grant. We showed that we could fully replicate each of the effects of GDF15 by artificially and selectively activating GFRAL neurons. These results are included in our second paper.
Also, in an unrelated and separately funded project on the effect of incretin drugs on body weight, we found that GLP-1 receptor agonists also activate the same cholecystokinin/GFRAL neurons in the brainstem to cause anorexia and the unwanted side effect of aversion/nausea. We found that we could block the aversion, but not the anorexia by co-administering GIP (Costa et al., 2022, Mol Metab). This is very important clinically, as dual-incretin receptor drugs have been undergoing successful Phase III human trials. They are very effective at causing weight loss without the usual accompanying patient drop out due to nausea. It is apparent from our work that GIP inhibits CCK/GFRAL neurons through a local GABAergic connection. We will be able to follow this up in a second new project which will benefit from our new Gfral-Cre mouse model.

Also because of Covid, we had to adapt parts of Objective 4. Thus, instead of investigating the role of GDF15/GFRAL signalling in response to disease generally, we concentrated on inflammatory disease and cancer specifically. During the Covid lock down, we were able to continue experiments with excess wild-type mice that we had from maintenance breeding. As mentioned above, we were able to make a comprehensive study of different classes of cancer pharmacotherapy. We showed that the expression of anorexia and aversion correlate directly with the level of GDF15 production induced by the different treatments. The side effects of treatments that cause the secretion of significant amounts of GDF15 could be blocked in Gfral knock-out mice or by co-treatment with the GFRAL-blocking monoclonal antibody. We also mapped the brain pathways mediating the anorexia/aversion following different treatments and confirmed its dependence on GDF15/GFRAL signalling. The results from these experiments are included in the third paper we have generated from this project. One disappointing outcome from this Objective was that we were unable to find suitable mouse cancer models on which to test adjunct therapies. We induced different types of human and mouse tumours but found that mice only lost weight when the cancer was beyond treatment - in fact, the various cancer cell lines we sourced appear to have been selected as they do not cause early weight loss in laboratory animals (which would confound pre-clinical research into cancer drug treatments). We did some experiments on inflammatory diseases which confirmed a role for GDF15/GFRAL. The results are too preliminary to be published as they stand, but they are suitable proof-of-concept, which we will be able to use in future funding applications.
Exploitation Route We are collaborating with a pharmacuetical company on his project.
We will prepare two further funding applications.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

URL https://elifesciences.org/articles/55164
Description Luckman gave a talk to members of Health Innovation Manchester Post docs in the lab organised ECR meeting on Neuroscience of Energy Balance. Received funding from the Physiological Society, the British Pharmacological Society, the Biochemical Society and Novo Nordisk. Included talks and workshop on career development. Luckman Lab Twitter feed is followed by many in the field. Luckman gave a business talk and made a separate podcast to the Faculty to highlight opportunities for BBSRC IPA and MRC MICA funding. Luckman was invited to give a public talk organised by The Physiological Society to commemorate the unveiling of memorial to A.V. Hill
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Education,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Societal


Description Health Innovation Manchester
Geographic Reach National 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact Knowledge regarding multi morbidity
Description CNS/brainstem effects of incretins
Amount £1 (GBP)
Organisation Eli Lilly & Company Ltd 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2020 
End 02/2023
Description Industrial partnership with Eli Lilly, Indiannapolis, USA 
Organisation Eli Lilly & Company Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Exchange of data and staff.
Collaborator Contribution Direct funding of 10% of three Industrial Partnership Awards (IPAs with the BBSRC), plus research materials. Intellectual input and processing of samples.
Impact Papers. Target identificatin and validation.
Start Year 2010
Description "Hungry for Science" seminar series 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Undergraduate students
Results and Impact Post docs in the lab received funding from the British Pharmacological Society to find a "Hungry for Science" seminar series. Targeted ECRs from PhD to Postdoc.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Business talk 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Business talk in February 2019 to highlight opportunities for BBSRC IPA and MRC MICA funding.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Early Career Researcher Meeting 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Post docs in the lab organised ECR meeting on Neuroscience of Energy Balance. Received funding from the Physiological Society, the British Pharmacological Society, the Biochemical Society and Novo Nordisk. Included talks and workshop on career development.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Elsevier National Post-doc Appreciation Week "Best New Event" Award 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact Post docs in the lab organised a local post-doc appreciation event, which turned into a University-wide event held on 16th - 19th September 2019. It was nominated for a UoM "Making A Difference Award" and won the Elsevier National Post-doc Appreciation Week "Best New Event" Award
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Health Innovation Manchester 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Talk to members of Health Innovation Manchester
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Luckman Lab Twitter feed 
Form Of Engagement Activity A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press)
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Luckman Lab Twitter feed is followed by many in the field.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017,2018,2019,2020
Description Luckman, S.M. "Physiology: from human to mouse and back again." Invited public talk organised by The Physiological Society to commemorate the unveiling of memorial to A.V. Hill 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Luckman, S.M. "Physiology: from human to mouse and back again." Invited public talk organised by The Physiological Society to commemorate the unveiling of memorial to A.V. Hill
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021