Desiphering the structural origins of functional multimodality in bacterial mechanosensitive ion channels

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Sch of Biomedical Sciences


Ion channels are central to life sciences due to direct involvement in signal transduction, aging, cancer and neurodegeneration. Despite progress in the fundamental understanding of the structure and function of specific membrane proteins (Nobel Prizes in Chemistry 1988, 1997, 2003 and 2012), this has only been the tip of the iceberg. There is now an immediate need for the development of novel triggers to control pores in the cell membrane of deadly pathogens and tackle antimicrobial resistance, the most common cause of death worldwide.

We anticipate to achieve that by exploiting an ancient and ubiquitous mechanism of ion channel regulation named mechanosensation. The latter is the ability of membrane proteins to sense tension changes occurring within the lipid membrane and respond to these by altering their structure and function. This proposal aims to gain a fundamental understanding of mechanosensation and decipher the molecular basis of its co-existence with other forms of ion channel regulation.

To this end, we will dissect the individual steps that form its molecular basis and identify the common, but essential structural elements responsible to transduce pressure-sensing abilities to channels. The fundamental aspect of the underlying impact of the lipid membrane in ion channel regulation along with the physiological role of the functional versatility of pressure sensitive channels will be elucidated. To this end, we will identify the unique structural features which allow functional multimodality of mechanosensitive channels and their ability to respond to other stimuli, such as ions, pH or specific molecules, in addition to mechanical triggers.

Within the project we will develop and follow an integrated multidisciplinary approach in order to establish a link between mechanical-activation and ligand-gating. The proposed studies will involve using a suite of state-of-the-art structural (Cryo Electron Microscopy and X -Ray crystallography), biochemical (Protein Purification), biophysical (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy and Electrophysiology) and sophisticated computational methods (Molecular Dynamics) to address questions pertaining to the mechanism and regulation of distinct members of the bacterial mechanosensitive ion channel family at a molecular level.

Collectively, we anticipate to translate forces within the membrane participating in the mechanical activation of channels into specific molecular stimuli, which would mimic mechanotransduction. Similar to optogenetics, a field which has massively evolved over the last years and is based on the interaction of proteins with the ancient physical property of light, pressure sensing, one of nature's most fundamental regulatory mechanisms, would enable a radically novel field to emerge.

Technical Summary

We aim to better understand ion transport across cell membranes in pathogenic bacteria - the most common cause of death worldwide - via mechanistic and structural studies of a class of integral membrane proteins called mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels, ubiquitous across life kingdoms. An arsenal of advanced structural, biochemical and biophysical methods will be employed to elucidate the molecular basis of the underlying property which regulates these systems, that is mechanical sensing. Importantly, we have already developed a pipeline for production of pure, functional, the MS channel proteins MscK, MscM and YbiO to underpin the work. Functional characterisation will utilise purified wild type channels reconstituted into artificial lipid membranes called liposomes that mimic the cellular environment to allow for a detailed study of ion kinetics and mechanism by exploiting electrophysiology. These studies will also determine unambiguously the essential structural components required for mechanosensitivity of these channels, namely their ability to sense changes in tension within the lipid membrane and respond by opening their pore through which ions flow. This way these systems could convert mechanical energy into electric current. New 3D structures will be acquired by Cryo Electron Microscopy will reveal in molecular detail accurate positioning of each individual building block of the channels. This will permit to visualise crucial interactions with other proteins, ions or molecules and decipher their functional role into the regulation and physiological role of these systems in deadly pathogens. Cryo EM has revolutionarized biology after recent technological breakthroughs and the Astbury centre within the Leeds University is extremely well equipped with two state-of-the-art microscopes for solving such challenging ion channel structures. The proposed studies could further be exploited for therapeutic intervention against pathogenic bacteria.

Planned Impact

The following groups and people will benefit from this research:
1) Academic beneficiaries: In the short term (lifetime of this grant) the main beneficiaries are academic groups, both within the University of Leeds, other UK universities and internationally. Further details are given in the academic beneficiaries section, but the approach taken in this grant proposal in terms of combining techniques to elucidate membrane channel structure (and hence function) in greater detail than previously possible, will be of great benefit to academics working on a wide range of membrane proteins.

2) Public outreach. I will strive to promote a greater public understanding of science. This will benefit the public but also the wider scientific community by highlighting the role each plays for the other. I will communicate with the public about general science but also of the specific benefits of basic biological research using model organisms. I will achieve this via outreach activities. During my time in St Andrews I have organised and actively participated through oral presentations and scientific activities to Fife College, at Stenton Campus and offered advice to local community students. In Leeds I intend to organise similar and get involved in established public outreach activities at the University of Leeds, between students in local schools of different ages and backgrounds. In particular, I will actively get involved in the Discovery Zone activities at Leeds Festival of Science for schoolchildren and the Pint of Science and the Cafe Scientifique for adults. Further, I will participate in local outreach events, such as the Great Yorkshire Show.

3) Scientific training. As part of this grant I will recruit one post-doctoral research associate (PDRA). During the course of this project, I will have to opportunity to train him/her in molecular biology, membrane protein biochemistry, crystallography and PELDOR (DEER) spectroscopy. He/She will also have access to the award-winning career development courses offered at Leeds University via a variety of organisational development and professional learning courses. I will closely mentor
the PDRA to ensure his/her career progression will be a success.

4) Societal/translational impact. Despite MS channels being present in all life forms, and that they are linked by their common property of pressure sensitivity, prokaryotic and eukaryotic MS channels are completely distinct from each other, making them excellent drug targets for either bacterial pathogens or animals/humans respectively. This presents certain advantages, such as targeting prokaryotic MscM which is present in all bacterial pathogens but absent form humans, thus making it an excellent target for tackling antimicrobial resistance. Although the work we do is at the level of fundamental basic biology, our work will help to identify MS channel targets for development of novel therapeutics. By elucidating the molecular basis of pressure sensing and its multimodal functional role within MS channels, we are taking an important first step in that direction.

5) Commercial exploitation. Despite there will be no immediate opportunities for commercial exploitation of our work, I anticipate the design of novel molecular tools for MS channel gating to create potential commercialisation opportunities. I will then take advantage to patent and/or licence any technologies resulting from our work. I have familiarised myself with the relevant authorities within St Andrews (Knowledge Transfer Centre) and I will do the same in Leeds, which has recently made a multimillion investment for industrial and commercial exploitation of patents and future spin off companies. This molecular platform will be used to identify ligands for activating or inhibiting MS channels first for in vitro studies and subsequently to animal model testing for potential biomedical applications, benefiting Leeds University and the UK's science economy.
Description The new PDRA (Dr Yue Ma) has been recruited in May 2023, in Manchester and the PI (Christos Pliotas) will have started his new post (June 2023).

O1) Establish the essential MscS-like C-terminal structural features of MscK, MscM and YbiO as the fingerprint for mechanical sensing within the bacterial MS channel family

Protein constructs pt?Nter(1-780)MscM6xHis, pt?Nter(1-792)MscK6xHis and pt?Nter(1-439)YbiO6xHis which carry N-terminal deletions and have been constructed and transformed in E. coli ?7 strain. We attempted once to grow these, but we experienced problems with the viability of the ?7 strain, as is quite sensitive to osmotic changes. We will need to repeat these experiments to draw safe conclusions about the level of expression the aforementioned protein constructs are able to provide.

Planned work (PDRA 0 - 2 months):
Protein constructs will be subjected to hypo-osmotic shocks in vivo. Cells (with overexpressed channels vs control) will be grown in high salt (0.5 M NaCl) and then subjected to low salt conditions (0 - 0.2 M NaCl).

O2) Obtain and solve molecular detail 3-D structural models of MscK/MscM/YbiO channels by Cryo-EM

Completed: We have obtained CryoEM maps for two of the three largest MscS-like E coli channels as planned. Namely MscK and YbiO in detergent and MscK also in lipid nanodiscs. Currently, both detergent and lipid MscK is at sub-nm resolution and for YbiO we have achieved ~3 Angstroms resolution maps for a substantial parts of the protein, including the channel pore helices and extra TM domains in three distinct states (closed, partially open and fully open). We have also generated new heptameric AlphaFold models for all these channels including E coli MscM. This was not initially planned but we decided to take advantage of the recent advances in AlphaFold, as these were not available at the time of this proposal application. This would enable faster solution for MscK and YbiO CryoEM structures when the new higher resolution maps are obtained by the new PDRA. We have already been drafting two manuscripts about new channel YbiO and MscK structures, and the new PDRA will obtain the extra data required to improve resolution, do the final refinement and publish the structures.

Planned work (PDRA 2 - 10 months): One additional data collections on the Leeds Titan Krios are required (available funds are on the existing grant) and will be implemented by the new PDRA, who is also going to prepare the protein samples required for this purpose. These datasets are needed to improve resolution for publishable quality MscK and YbiO structures. We have recently upgraded the detectors on our Leeds Krios microscopes and is anticipated that those upgrades will enable for higher resolution data collections using same sample preps, for which the PDRA is already trained for. For YbiO, we will need 1-2 additional data collections and structure refinement to publish the structures we have in three distinct states. Modelling will be accelerated by the new Alphafold models we generated and this remaining computational work could be done by the PDRA and the PI in parallel while completing the functional (electrophysiology, see O3) and protein dynamics (EPR, see O4) experiments.

O3) Identify the extra domains responsible for the functional diversity of bacterial MS channels

Completed: We have reconstituted the channels in GUVs and performed single channel electrophysiology recordings for this variant and also for WT MscK, MscM, and YbiO channels (with MscS as control) and observed substantial differences in their pressure activation thresholds and functional behavior, not previously reported. In particular, we found that MscM is voltage dependent that is not the case for the other homologous channels. This has allowed us to make progress on understanding the functional role of the additional domains these channels possess, consistent with O3. Mutants for these three proteins expected to open the channel pore and equivalent to the A106V MscS mutation have been identified by sequence alignment (e.g. 922S for MscK), constructed and purified, as planned. All these modified channels expressed well and yielded functional channels with their open probability to be substantially increased.

Planned work (4-5 months): The electrophysiology measurements for MscK/MscM/YbiO WT channels have been completed. Since, all these three channels carry additional to MscS domains, we will conclude their role by assigning the differences and/or similarities in their functional behavior. These results will be essential and will be linked with O2 structural findings to deliver the expected output 4.

O4) Elucidate the role of the large extended coiled coil periplasmic domain of MscK and MscM and investigate its link to mechanosensitivity

Completed: We have constructed 8 x distinct MscM protein constructs with including the characteristic periplasmic domain. We have tested all these constructs for expression and 2 x of those could express well. We have subsequently grown in large scale this "soluble" periplasmic-domain protein and purified it. In SDS gels proteins are consistent with expected size, however in size exclusion chromatography these proteins eluted as monomeric. Therefore, it seems that these proteins cannot fold as heptamers and other MscM domains are required, as these monomeric proteins may be artifactual and irrelevant to MscM's function and structural integrity. Therefore, to address O4 and understand the role of the periplasmic domain we started following an alternative approach, also based on EPR, as originally planned. In particular, a total of 16 x Cys mutants of MscM, spanning all of its 11 transmembrane helices (per monomer) and periplasmic domain, have been constructed, individual proteins have been expressed, purified and spin labeled to enable PELDOR distance measurements. The latter will be combined with new AlphaFold MscM/MscK/YbiO models we recently built, to apply PELDOR distance restraints and obtain high resolution information about the dynamics of all these systems to enable their curvature-tension sensitivity mechanism to be elucidated. Distance measurements for 10 (out of 16) sites have been performed and the PDRA will do the remaining six measurements and process the data with the support of the PI.

Planned work (5 - 6 months): The last 6 remaining mutants, which include 2 periplasmic-domain mutants for EPR have been expressed and purified in large scales and perfomed PELDOR distance measurements. We are now setting up PELDOR distance-restrained MD simulations which will be undertaken in parallel by the new PDRA and PI and a MSc student. Protocols are already optimized and tested for multiple channels mutants and no time for optimization will be needed. We also have working protocols for PELDOR distance restrained MD and the appropriate equipment installed up and running (i.e. dedicated work stations and relevant software installed on Arc3/4 supercomputers in Leeds and HPC in Manchester) to deliver O4
Exploitation Route Work is continuing towards all objectives of this grant, anticipated new PELDOR dynamics on these ion channels will change the community's perspective on the bacterial membrane curvature, which could be substantially distorted by these gigantic ion channels in a similar way to human membranes (i.e. Piezo channels). Further, insights into the biological function of YbiO, MscK and MscM will have an impact in the understanding of bacterial cell physiology and signalling and enable the development of new tools against antimicrobial resistance.
Sectors Education



including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description BioEmPiRe; Accessing uncharted but essential landscapes to biological machineries by pulse EPR
Amount £988,938 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/W019795/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 07/2022 
End 07/2022
Description Greece: Dissecting the physiological role of MscS-like mechanosensitive channels in a model filamentous fungus (EU partnership award)
Amount £30,000 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/W018411/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 04/2022 
End 04/2024
Description High resolution cyclic ion mobility HDX mass spectrometry of protein dynamics and function
Amount £590,770 (GBP)
Funding ID MR/X013030/1 
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2023 
End 03/2023
Description Role of ion channel KCNJ2 in leukaemia pathogenesis: Investigation into functional mechanisms and therapeutic efficacy
Amount £262,000 (GBP)
Organisation Blood Cancer UK 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2024 
End 03/2027
Title In-lipid structure of pressure sensitive domains hints mechanosensitive channel functional diversity (dataset) 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title Pocket delipidation induced by membrane tension or modification leads to a structurally analogous mechanosensitive channel state 
Description Experimental data: Raw data for 3pESEEM time-domain traces. Computational data: Raw molecular dynamic simulation trajectories. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description CryoEM structure solution and refinement 
Organisation Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have prepared protein samples for cryoEM activities on novel mechanosensing membrane proteins. We have a high impact manuscript in preparation and deposited two new structures in the PDB database
Collaborator Contribution Prof Kastritis and his team supported our cryoEM activities on novel mechanosensing membrane proteins. We have a high impact manuscript in preparation and deposited two new structures in the PDB database
Impact There are two PDB structures deposited (will be released upon publication) and one high impact paper in preparation
Start Year 2023
Description Diallinas lab - EU (Athens/Greece) partnership 
Organisation National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Country Greece 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Dr Mariangela Dionysopoulou from the Diallinas lab (Athens University) has visited my lab at the University of Leeds and spent 5 months as a postdoctoral research visitor. Dr Dionysopoulou's travel and subsistence costs were covered by this BBSRC EU partnering award for the duration of these 5 months, that she was visiting my lab in Leeds. Her work in the lab initiated fruitful scientific interactions with other members in my lab and transfer of expertise (i.e. in Aspergillus nidulans cell biology). Importantly, the research activities she led under my supervision led to a significant article output regarding the discovery of novel mechanosesnitive channels in the the eukaryotic A. nidulans organism, published in the journal "Channels" (please see relevant output section). This published effort also involved work from other members of my group working on bacterial mechanosensitive ion channels (i.e. Bolin Wang and Nana Yan), who also co-authored this publication, along with co-corresponding author G Diallinas, as part of this partnership. My group's activities mainly involved all structural modelling aspects in this collaborative paper.
Collaborator Contribution The partnering lab's contributions (Diallinas and Dionysopoulou) involved all cell biology and relevant Aspergillus nidulans cell-based assays described in the paper. Partner's activity included all the confocal microscopy experiments undertaken and the cloning and protein expression in Aspergillus nidulans, as described in the paper.
Impact 1) Genetic and cellular characterization of MscS-like putative channels in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans (2022). M Dionysopoulou, N Yan, B Wang, C Pliotas*, G Diallinas*. Channels 16 (1), 148-158 2) BBSRC Satellite Symposium on mechanosensitive channels, as part of an EMBO workshop/conference on membrane proteins and transporters
Start Year 2022
Description BBSRC-sponsored Symposium on Mechanical Sensing and Ion Channels 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact A BBSRC-funded symposium on "Mechanical Sensing and Ion channels" as part of the EMBO workshop on membrane transporters in Chania, Crete, on the 23rd-27th of August 2022. There I have invited Prof Nektarios Tavernarakis (ERC Council Vice President), Prof Ute Hellmich, Prof Gary Lewin, Prof Stefan Lechner, Prof Jian Shi and Prof George Heath. More details here ( and the main EMBO workshop page where the BBSRC-sponsored event is also highlighted ( Both the EMBO workshop and BBSRC satellite symposium attended over 150 delegates, including postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, industry representatives and leading academics from around the world.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Invited seminar at the Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation at the University of Glasgow 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Christos Pliotas delivered an external seminar hosted by the Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation at the University of Glasgow, presenting recent research activities of his group on bacterial mechanosensitive channels and pulsed EPR spectroscopy applications on membrane proteins.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Manchester Institute of Biotechnology Invited Seminar 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Christos Pliotas was invited to give a seminar at the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, The University of Manchester as part of institute's regular bi-weekly/monthly seminar series. His talk attended postgraduates, postdocs and academics mainly from the University of Manchester but also elsewhere and involved his current research on mechanosensitive channels and PELDOR spectroscopy on membrane proteins.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022