ProtoNutrition, Robustness, Oxygen and Omega-3 in Salmon (ProtoROOS)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Stirling
Department Name: Institute of Aquaculture


Fish are an important component of a healthy human diet providing high quality protein, key minerals and vitamins, and are an almost unique source of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) - EPA and DHA. Increased dietary intake by humans of these omega-3 fatty acids are associated with beneficial health effects, including reducing incidence and severity of inflammatory and pathological conditions including cardiovascular, neurological and developmental diseases. However, all marine fisheries are fully exploited and, since 2015, more than half of all fish and seafood is now supplied by aquaculture. Paradoxically, farmed fish, such as salmon, are themselves reliant on dietary supply of the LC-PUFA. However, there are finite and limited supplies of the marine resources such as fishmeal (FM) and fish oil (FO) that supply these nutrients. Alternative, more sustainable feeds have been developed over the past decade with much of the FM and FO now being replaced by plant proteins and oils. The level of replacement has now reached a critical point where it is having potentially detrimental effects on fish growth, feed efficiency and, importantly, fish health and robustness. Therefore, the key aim of the present research will be to refine our understanding of the needs for these nutrients by Atlantic salmon and thereby refine our recommendations on the need for LC-PUFA in the diets of these animals.
Requirements by salmon have been estimated at ranging somewhere between 1.0% and 1.5% of diet. Given that global salmon farming presently uses about one third of global fish oil production any upward revision of those requirements may cause some significant constraint issues with supplies. Recently, studies undertaken in Norway have suggested that, under challenging environmental conditions, the requirements for LC-PUFA by Atlantic salmon are elevated to about 1.7%. However, there are various flaws with this study including a lack of statistical robustness, formulation covariates, and different nutritional backgrounds of the stock used in the study. Additionally, the use of the term "challenging environmental conditions", wasn't qualified in terms of specific environmental variables but rather a collective of various conditions. Because of that Norwegian study, there is now a perception across the industry that there is a need for higher omega-3 LC-PUFA in the diets of salmon under sea-cage conditions than previously thought, which adds considerably to production cost and undermines the sustainability of modern feeds. Therefore, the present project proposes to re-assess this link between environmental challenge and omega- 3 requirements in a more robust and structured manner, as well as assessing the implications of proto-nutrition on subsequent nutritional responses and whether this prior nutrition link can be used as a means of reducing subsequent demands by fish later in life.
The studies proposed in this project include increased statistical robustness, combined with a more carefully structured experimental approach with a clear definition of the challenging environmental conditions as a decline in water oxygenation (usually the key environmental challenge in sea-cages conditions), which will be used to provide robust quantitative data on this issue. The project will also aim to separate oxygenation issues from feed intake issues, as typically fish respond to low oxygen levels by reducing appetite, which is a further confounding factor with how oxygen affects nutrition.
The proposal is timely and highly relevant as it responds to an important industrial need with cutting edge research. This research will have clear deliverables to improve the utilisation of limiting marine resources in the use of modern feeds in aquaculture. In doing so it will help enhance production and feed efficiency, while maintaining the health and nutritional quality of farmed fish, delivering greater sustainability and food security.

Technical Summary

Our hypotheses are that prior nutritional history (proto-nutrition) has an impact on subsequent nutritional requirements as the fish seeks to obtain a net level of key nutrients in their system to sustain growth. Additionally, that the occurrence of "challenging" environmental conditions, through hypoxia (and reciprocal CO2 increase), impacts nutritional responses, not by changing the animals demands per se, but rather by an overall down-regulation of feed intake resulting in an apparent need for an increased nutrient concentration in the feed. These hypotheses contend that nutritional requirements for fish should be expressed as a function of their daily nutrient demand relative to total energy intake and growth demands (akin to a recommended daily intake, RDI), not as a proportion of the diet as has historically been the case. This is a major conceptual shift in the notion of nutritional requirements in the aquaculture domain.
By addressing both hypotheses, we will improve our ability to manage the nutritional requirements of Atlantic salmon more effectively and efficiently through their lifecycle. This will enable greater utilisation of sustainable feeds formulated with very low levels of marine ingredients, through that better understanding the complexities associated with essential nutrient demands and how to supply them. There are elements of the nutritional programming concept in parts of this project in that we will, for the first time, test the hypothesis that proto-nutrition during the salmon's freshwater phase of life will have an impact on subsequent requirements. Specifically, that the potential fortification of a salmon's diet when it is young may allow a reduction in demands later in life during a more resource demanding stage. This will have huge implications for how much of the finite marine resources will need to be used in satisfying the animals requirements at the more resource-use-intensive later stages during the seawater phase of production

Planned Impact

Outcomes from this research will impact at many levels, including academia, the salmon feed and production industry, fish consumers and the public. The primary exploitation will be through development and production of improved feed formulations designed to optimise the production efficiency of fish to better utilise sustainable feeds. It will also help facilitate improved levels of replacement of the dwindling and expensive marine ingredients, fishmeal and fish oil, currently used in UK aquafeeds, largely from imported sources. This project will therefore provide industry with strategies with the potential to improve both the economic viability and sustainability of UK aquaculture. Key tangible outcomes will include the more effective use of sustainable feeds formulated with low marine ingredients. By fine-tuning our ability to formulate closer to the fish's demands, whatever the environment or nutritional history, we will be able to better use this valuable resource. However, our exploitation strategy will be far wider than just the feed manufacture sector, as we will target the fish production sector as a whole and increase awareness of the potential of nutritional management through a combination of nutritional and environmental strategies to mitigate fish health and production issues associated with sustainable feeds. There are two main industrial beneficiaries, the UK salmonid farming and aquaculture feed industries. The aquafeed industry itself will play a key central role in the commercial application and uptake of the feed formulation and feeding strategies to be developed and evaluated, with project partner Marine Harvest taking a lead role. The Universities of Stirling (UoS) and Exeter (UoE) have both worked extensively with the feed and salmonid farming sector for more than a decade, collaborating on several research studies including recent BBSRC IPA and BBSRC-NERC projects. This project with Marine Harvest Feed is, however a new collaboration with a newly established feed producer in the UK. Moreover, both UoS and UoE have long and established histories as centres of excellence for fish nutrition, health and physiology research and are recognised as trusted sources of independent research. However, UoS and UoE have extensive links with all sectors and key stakeholders in the UK aquaculture industry that involve regular direct contact, engagement and discussion. Thus, we will use these well-established links including the industry-led Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC), to engage with potential end-users including major fish farming companies, to ensure industry-wide dissemination and engagement. UoS and UoE membership of the BBSRC ARCH-UK network ensures that the research and inter-disciplinary collaborations it involves strengthen basic and strategic aspects of aquaculture science in the UK. Project results will not only be published as usual in scientific peer-reviewed literature (conference proceedings and papers in high impact journals), but also disseminated widely to industry through contributions to trade and professional magazine articles and online sites such as FISHupdate, and the public via Institutional web pages, and social media as well as mainstream media articles in local and national press and interviews.
Description Experiment 1: Does hypoxia influence the responses to dietary omega-3
System constrained hypoxia is associated with clear differences in carbon dioxide levels and water pH, but not total alkalinity.
There are significant effects of hypoxia on feed intake (irrespective of omega-3 level) and subsequent fish growth, but not feed conversion.
Hypoxia does not change the response to omega-3 intake, with responses of pair-fed fish demonstrating that the omega-3 response at normoxia is more linked to feed intake than biological activity of the nutrient.
While significant differences were observed among liver, heart and brain tissues, little effect of treatment was observed on lipid class composition. This suggests that the lipid class composition is tightly regulated within tissues.
Despite omega-6 levels being kept the same in both diets, the higher level of omega-3 in the diet had a clear negative impact on the omega-6 levels in the phospholipid fatty acids of each of the tissues.
Hypoxia induced a higher level of white blood cell counts, with higher levels of heterophils, lymphocytes and monocytes observed due to hypoxia. But no effects of hypoxia on red blood cell, haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume or mean corpuscular haemoglobin were observed.

Experiment 2: Does protonutrition influence the response of fish to dietary omega-3 demands?
Effects of omega-3 on feed intake responses of fish from a mixed protonutritional background were atypical to that normally observed, with little difference due to omega-3 level observed across all eight treatment diets.
Enhanced effects on weight gain were observed by fish previously fed a low level omega-3 when subsequently fed low omega-3 diets. However, no effects of protonutritional history on responses to subsequent higher levels of omega-3 intake were observed.
By contrast, feeding a high level of omega-3 during protonutrition had no impact on the subsequent responses of fish fed any of the diets varying in their level of omega-3.
The protonutritional effects of low omega-3 intake extend to a more efficient retention of certain omega-3 (like DHA) by those fish when subsequently fed low omega-3. By contrast, fish initially fed a high level of omega-3 had no differences in their response to utilisation of DHA irrespective of what dietary level they were fed subsequently.

There are several publications in progress for the specific scientific community.
Exploitation Route This is too early to say with meetings with stakeholders, MOWI, planned late April to discuss potential applications.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink

Description The findings from this project examine two fundamental concepts; 1) That hypoxia affects the nutritional response to omega-3 supply via attenuating feed intake, not altering demands. 2) That proto-nutrition (prior nutritional history) has an impact on subsequent responses to essential nutrient requirements. Clear effects of hypoxia on feed intake and growth were observed and these occurred irrespective of dietary omega-3 level. Dietary omega-3 level had a numerical, but non-significant impact on feed intake and growth. Notably, correlation between intake and growth responses was very high, supporting that most responses were intake rather than nutrient driven. The use of a pair-fed control clearly demonstrated that the majority of effects observed were in response to hypoxia attenuating feed intake, not altering any responses to dietary omega-3 level. The feeding of a low or high omega-3 diet prior to examining the fish's responses to variable nutrient supply demonstrated a significant impact of the prior feeding history (protonutrition) on subsequent nutritional responses. However, the observed responses were contrary to those expected with an enhanced response of a low omega-3 protonutrition when subsequently fed a diet low in omega-3. By contrast, feeding a high level of omega-3 during protonutrition had no impact on the subsequent responses of fish fed diets varying in their level of omega-3. These results suggest that a protonutritional deficiency may enhance a fish's ability to subsequently retain and use those nutrients during a subsequent period of nutrition.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink
Title ProtoROOS T1 dataset 
Description Data comprises numerical data on fish growth, feed intake and varying environmental parameters concurrent with those changes over a 138-day period. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Still a work in progress. 
Title ProtoRoos microbiome data 
Description This is the 16S rRNA dataset for ProtoRoos containing 96 libraries. The data will be submitted to the SRA database ( in parallel to relevant publications 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This dataset will inform scientific outcomes of the project. 
Title ProtoRoos transcriptome data 
Description This is a large RNA-Seq transcriptome dataset composed of 120 libraries relevant to ProtoRoos objectives. It will be submitted to the SRA database ( in parallel to the relevant publications. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This dataset informs the molecular regulation component of the project. 
Description ProtoROOS 
Organisation Marine Harvest
Country Norway 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution As lead on the project we have planned, coordinated and implemented multiple project meetings and completed the first experiments of the project in conjunction with our collaborators.
Collaborator Contribution The collaborating partners contribute essential skills, knowledge and expertise specialist to their domain. Each of the contributions have been essential to the effective conduct of the research.
Impact No outputs or outcomes yet. Work still in progress.
Start Year 2019
Description ProtoROOS 
Organisation University of Exeter
Department College of Life and Environmental Sciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution As lead on the project we have planned, coordinated and implemented multiple project meetings and completed the first experiments of the project in conjunction with our collaborators.
Collaborator Contribution The collaborating partners contribute essential skills, knowledge and expertise specialist to their domain. Each of the contributions have been essential to the effective conduct of the research.
Impact No outputs or outcomes yet. Work still in progress.
Start Year 2019
Description Industry liaison 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Presentation as a keynote speaker at two online webinars about the optimisation of omega-3 for health and robustness of salmon.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020,2021
Description Industry liaison 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Workshop/meeting with industry and academic stakeholders to share plans and progress. Positive industry feedback about progress.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2019
Description Keynote Presentation on "The effects of water chemistry and feeding on physiology and aquaculture" 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact Keynote Presentation
at the 25th Anniversary of the Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences (WIAS) - "WIAS Annual Conference (WAC 2020)"
February 13th and 14th 2020
in the De Werelt Conference Centre in Lunteren, The Netherlands.

Attended by ~200 delegates, mainly postgraduate students, postdocs, undergraduates, academics, and animal husbandry technicians. Sessions included talks and posters by the students, and debate, tours of animal research facilities (for aquaculture and agriculture).
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Talk on "How water chemistry and feeding profoundly influence fish physiology" - followed by Q/A and discussion with aquaculture industry representatives 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Event Risk Management for the Scottish Salmon Company
11 Feb 2020
"Recirculation Aquaculture Systems"
Venue: Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), Oban.

A keynote talk followed by question/answer session with both the salmon producers and the aquaculture insurance company partners, regarding ways in which the industry can improve fish health and welfare, mitigate against adverse health outcomes, and improve the efficiency and sustainability of fish production. This has been followed up by several communications wishing to explore further ways of either funding future research, or directly influencing aquaculture practices.

Audience included representatives from:
The Scottish Salmon Company
Sunderland Marine Insurance UK
Dryden Aqua (water treatment company)
Nova Q (microbiological water treatment company)
Blue Unit (Danish water chemistry analytical company)
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020