Novel real-time disease surveillance and fungicide resistance monitoring tools to foster a smart and sustainable crop protection platform in Brazil

Lead Research Organisation: National Institute of Agricultural Botany
Department Name: Centre for Research


Resistance to chemical agents used to control pests, weeds and pathogens is a threat to effective crop protection and therefore to food security. Tighter regulations and a slowing pipeline of new products have also reduced the range of available chemical classes. This has led to a greater dependence on fewer fungicides and mode of actions, increasing the selection for further cases of resistance. The limited availability of effective crop protection products, coupled with lack of genetic resistance in major crop varieties, is making key pathogens increasingly difficult to control. In order to prolong the effective life of current and new crop protection products, evolution-smart integrated pest management strategies are needed. Strategies based on different dose rates, alternations and mixtures of fungicides have been advocated to reduce the selection of resistance. However, debate continues as to which strategies are most effective and there is a need for more empirical data on the fundamental evolutionary processes underlying the selection of resistance.

Three key fungicide classes: azoles, QoIs and SDHIs: are currently used for the control of many plant pathogens. This project will focus on three major diseases in Brazil: wheat blast (Pyricularia graminis-tritici), Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) and the banana Sigatoka disease complex (Mycosphaerella fijiensis and M. musicola). Resistance to one or more fungicide groups has been detected in all four pathogens, but the occurrence of resistance within Brazil or the molecular mechanisms conferring resistance are not yet known in all cases. In addition, onset of disease epidemics is poorly understood and, therefore, appropriate anti-resistance strategies and optimal disease control cannot be achieved. In order to rationalise fungicide inputs (e.g. product choice, dose rate, spray frequency and timing, and mixing/alternation of fungicides), and to test anti-resistance strategies aiming to reduce disease inoculum (for example effect of crop free periods of soybean) and delay evolution and spread of resistance against current and new fungicides, high throughput monitoring tools, enabling quantitative measurement of pathogen levels and detection of fungicide resistant alleles, in combination with disease forecasting, are needed.

We will develop real-time disease surveillance, using automated spore trapping with pathogen DNA detection.The status and molecular mechanisms of fungicide resistance in Brazilian pathogen isolates will be assessed, and further resistance evolution predicted through experimental evolution and functional characterisation of resistant alleles. We will then develop molecular diagnostics for rapid, high-throughput monitoring of fungicide resistance. An online portal to share tools, results and recommendations with farmers, agrochemical industry and other stake holders will be created. Improved disease forecasting and optimised disease management strategies would benefit growers (lower production costs), consumers (food safety, residue reduction) and the environment (reduced pesticide applications), by avoiding unnecessary (no epidemic forecast) or ineffective (high levels of resistance) fungicide applications, and prolonging the effectiveness of fungicides for when they are needed.

Planned Impact

This proposal is a submission under BBSRC-FAPESP stage 2 awards for antimicrobial resistance. Resistance to chemical agents used to control pests, weeds and pathogens is a threat to effective crop protection and therefore to food security. Tighter regulations and a slowing pipeline of new products have also reduced the range of available chemical classes. This has led to a greater dependence on fewer fungicides and mode of actions, increasing the selection for further cases of resistance. The limited availability of effective crop protection products, coupled with lack of genetic resistance in major crop varieties, is making key pathogens increasingly difficult to control. In order to prolong the effective life of current and new crop protection products, evolution-smart integrated pest management strategies are needed. Strategies based on different dose rates, alternations and mixtures of fungicides have been advocated to reduce the selection of resistance. However, debate continues as to which strategies are most effective and there is a need for more empirical data on the fundamental evolutionary processes underlying the selection of resistance.
Three key fungicide classes: azoles, QoIs and SDHIs: are currently used for the control of many plant pathogens. This project will focus on three major diseases in Brazil: wheat blast (Pyricularia graminis-tritici), Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) and the banana Sigatoka disease complex (Mycosphaerella fijiensis and M. musicola). Resistance to one or more fungicide groups has been detected in all four pathogens, but the occurrence of resistance within Brazil or the molecular mechanisms conferring resistance are not yet known in all cases. In order to rationalise fungicide inputs (e.g. product choice, dose rate, spray number and timing, and mixing/alternation of fungicides), and to test anti-resistance strategies aiming to delay evolution and spread of resistance against current and new fungicides, high throughput monitoring tools, enabling quantitative measurement of pathogen levels and detection of fungicide resistant alleles, in combination with disease forecasting, are needed. We will develop real-time disease surveillance, using automated spore trapping with pathogen DNA detection. We will assess the status and molecular mechanisms of fungicide resistance in pathogen isolates, and predict further resistance evolution through experimental evolution and functional characterisation of resistant alleles. We will then develop molecular diagnostics for rapid, high-throughput monitoring of fungicide resistance. We will develop an online portal to share results and recommendations with farmers and the agrochem industry.
Improved disease forecasting and optimised disease management strategies would benefit growers (lower production costs), consumers (food safety, residue reduction) and the environment (reduced pesticide applications), by avoiding unnecessary (no epidemic forecast) or ineffective (high levels of resistance) fungicide applications, and prolonging the effectiveness of fungicides for when they are needed.
The research outcomes (data, assays and tools) can also be used in follow-up research on other fungicides and other pathogens. Automated spore detection can be used to quantify spore levels of other diseases in Brazil, for example citrus black spot (Phyllosticta citricarpa). The sdh yeast expression system can be used for other fungal pathogens, to establish which mutations are causing resistance and enable targeted monitoring for resistant alleles. Experimental evolution approaches can also be extended to new fungicide classes to anticipate future resistance risks. These additional species and alleles can then be added to surveillance programmes. This shift to pro-active from re-active resistance testing will enable resistance management to be implemented before it is too late, safeguarding the continued availability of necessary crop protection tools.


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Description A novel DNA extraction method has been developed for aerosol samples from the high volumetric cyclone spore trap. This new method reduces the amount of PCR inhibitory compounds and we were able to quantify the amount of Asian soybean rust spores in spore tape samples collected in the past (2014-2016). We have studied the impact of azole target protein sterol 14a demethylase (CYP51) alterations on azole resistance in wheat blast using heterologous expression in yeast. A new yeast transformation system based on CRISPR-CAS9 has been developed by the Swansea University to assess the impact of target alterations in binding to succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor fungicides that have developed in plant pathogens (e.g., SdhC I86F in Asian soybean rust). The fungicide resistance status of pathogen populations causing wheat blast (Pyricularia graminis-tritici), Asian Soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) and Banana sigatoka diseases (Mycosphaerella fijiensis (Mf) and M. musicola (Mm)) in Brazil has been established. A high proportion of strains within wheat blast populations sampled at different locations showed multi-fungicide insentivity to azole, quinone outside inhibitor (QoI) and succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicides. The cytochrome b mutation G143A confers high levels of resistance to QoIs whereas non-target site resistance nechanisms confer insensitivity to azole and SDHI fungicides. For Asian soy bean rust different mutations in the succinate dehydrogenase subunit C (SdhC) have been reported in Brazil. Cytochrome b G143A also conferred resistance to QoI fungicides in populations of Mn and Mf. New mutations (Y136F, A381G, Y461N/C and Y463D) were found in cyp51 in Mn populations sampled at different locations in Brazil. Albeit with some delay, a network of cyclone spore samplers has been operating in Brazil (training was provided) and the latest results show that the new DNA extraction method in combination with SNP detectection Pyrosequencing assays to detect fungicide resistant alleles has produced excellent results for wheat blast and the Banana sigatoka diseases. This tool will be used and explored for other diseases as well.
Exploitation Route Several research initiatives are still ongoing within Brazil between UNESP and other research institutes. In addition a PhD student from UNESP visited NIAB for 6 months during September 2021 till March 2022 studying cyclone spore trap samples for presence of wheat blast and Asian soybean rust and dection of fungicide resistant alleles using novel SNP detection Pyrosequencing assays (spore trap sampling and planned visit was delayed because of Covid). Further research has also shown that increased efflux pump activity contribute to azole and SDHI insensitivity in wheat blast isolates. More papers and new grant applications are being prepared or will be explored between UNESP and NIAB.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink




Democracy and Justice

Description Published papers and work on cyclone spore traps have attracted interest in Brazil by growers and the AgroChem Industry. Further presentations and follow up papers will attract more even more stakeholders with in interest AMR and in a more sustainable production of produce.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Chemicals,Education,Environment
Impact Types Policy & public services

Description Molecular characterization of Plasmopara viticola and Phakopsora meliosmae-myrianthae with different levels of sensitivity to QoI and DMI fungicides in Brazil 
Organisation Universidade de São Paulo
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution My team supervised Dr. Ricardo Feleciano dos Santos who came to my lab as applicant for a Research Internship Abroad (BEPE) by FAPESP. Ricardo used molecular including sequencing of cytb and cyp51 genes, quantification of cytb G143A in populations and expression analysis of cyp51 in individual strains.
Collaborator Contribution Ricardo provided DNA samples from isolates and spore trap samples. We provided training in sequence analysis and use of molecular tools, including real-time PCR and SNP detection Pyrosequencing.
Impact Collaboration led to several papers. Results obtained with the molecular studies will help to rationalise a fungiciode-resistance management program for the main grapevine diseases in Brazil
Start Year 2019
Description Molecular characterization of Plasmopara viticola and Phakopsora meliosmae-myrianthae with different levels of sensitivity to QoI and DMI fungicides in Brazil 
Organisation Universidade de São Paulo
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution My team supervised Dr. Ricardo Feleciano dos Santos who came to my lab as applicant for a Research Internship Abroad (BEPE) by FAPESP. Ricardo used molecular including sequencing of cytb and cyp51 genes, quantification of cytb G143A in populations and expression analysis of cyp51 in individual strains.
Collaborator Contribution Ricardo provided DNA samples from isolates and spore trap samples. We provided training in sequence analysis and use of molecular tools, including real-time PCR and SNP detection Pyrosequencing.
Impact Collaboration led to several papers. Results obtained with the molecular studies will help to rationalise a fungiciode-resistance management program for the main grapevine diseases in Brazil
Start Year 2019
Description The use of novel high volume cyclone samplers to monitor airborne inoculum of key plant diseases and foster smart crop protection in Brazil. 
Organisation Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation
Country Brazil 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution The Rothamsted Research team will develop DNA-based diagnostics to quantify airborne inoculum levels of 1) Asian soybean rust (ASR; Phakopsora pachyrhizi), (2) wheat blast and (3) white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum), a devastating disease for soybeans and common beans. For each of these diseases, the amount of pathogen DNA present in daily collected air samples will be measured via species-specific quantitative real-time PCR assays over a one year period (samples will be sent by Embrapa). Results will be combined with weather data (e.g. rainfall, wind speed/direction and temperature) and field disease survey data (e.g. Embrapa field monitoring network) to improve disease forecasting. Knowledge gained from this project will provide information on pathogen distribution and dispersal, and support management strategies such as timing of fungicides (preventative spraying) and introduction of soybean free cropping periods.
Collaborator Contribution In order to obtain a better understanding of the initiation of epidemics of three key diseases in Brazil, air samples will be collected using a newly developed high volume air cyclone sampler at three different geographically distinct sites across Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul (Embrapa Trigo), Parana (Embrapa Soja) and Goias (Embrapa Arroz and Feijoa) with different climates. The three diseases to be studied, soybean rust, wheat blast and white mold, are not only of great social and economic importance to Brazilian agriculture but also have a major global impact. Embrapa scientist will run the spore traps and send samples to Rothamsted for pathogen detection. Results will be combined with weather data (e.g. rainfall, wind speed/direction and temperature) and field disease survey data (e.g. Embrapa field monitoring network) to improve disease forecasting. Knowledge gained from this project will provide information on pathogen distribution and dispersal, and support management strategies such as timing of fungicides (preventative spraying) and introduction of soybean free cropping periods.
Impact DNA samples exchanged.
Start Year 2018