Guided activation as a model for transcription factor networks determining cell fate

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: School of Medical Sciences


The hundreds of different cell types in our body contain the same genetic instructions but produce different proteins because they express different genes. Gene expression is controlled by a class of proteins, called transcription factors (TFs). Therefore, TFs determine the differences in cell types and, when malfunctioning, cause a wide range of disease states. TFs recognize precise sequences in the genome to find their target genes. It is well established that TFs access their target genes much more efficiently when they operate in groups, but we still do not understand how these clusters of TFs, once bound to their target sequences in the genome, activate gene expression. We will address this fundamental question in biology through state-of- the-art experimental technologies and computational methods. Collectively, these results will provide new insight into how cell states are established, with direct relevance for efficient cell reprogramming and the generation of specific cell types.

Technical Summary

Accurate gene expression is fundamental to life. Gene expression is controlled by transcription factors (TFs) binding to regulatory elements in the genome, (enhancers). It is well established that groups of TFs cooperate to facilitate each other's access to enhancers. However, a fundamental question is how these clusters of TFs, once anchored to their target enhancers, recruit co-activators to regulate RNA polymerase II and activate gene transcription. Are the multiple TFs bound to enhancers equivalent in recruiting co-activators, and therefore interchangeable? Or do they contribute different functions? Our preliminary work indicates that tissue-specific TFs harness the activation skills of ubiquitous activators at specific enhancers. The key developmental regulators MEIS are essential for development of many organs (limb, face, eye, heart), and can function as oncogenes. We propose that widespread, low affinity binding of MEIS TFs across the genome provides chromatin with activation potential in many different cell types. Collaborative binding of MEIS TFs with tissue-specific TFs increases MEIS binding affinity and residence time at selected locations, and in turn its ability to locally recruit coactivators. This process allows selective gene expression and determines cell fate. We will combine high-throughput and single locus-based approaches in tractable in vitro systems (human embryonic stem cells) with state-of-the-art computational approaches to study the dynamic recruitment of multiple TFs at cell type-specific enhancers and define their individual contributions to gene expression. This project will clarify how cell-type specific enhancers are selected and activated and how specific cells states are established, addressing a fundamental question in biology and paving the way for efficient cell reprogramming and the generation of specific cell types.

Planned Impact

Understanding how transcription factors (TFs) cooperate to activate cell-type-specific transcription will improve our understanding of how cell states are achieved and identify general rules that control gene expression. Therefore, results obtained in this project will be of interest and benefit to genome biologists and developmental biologists. By investigating how regulatory chromatin landscapes underlying cell-type-specific gene expression programs are established, our work has the potential to uncover more efficient ways to harness cell reprogramming and generate high fidelity production of specific cell types, which will be of immediate relevance to stem cell researchers, as well as biotechnology companies developing stem cell-based therapies. TALE TFs are involved in cancer and mutations in genes encoding TALE cause a number of congenital conditions. A better understanding of how TALE TFs operate will help to identify additional causes of cancer and congenital disease and expand clinical diagnostic capacity, which have an important impact on society in terms of improvements to health and well-being. The interdisciplinary nature of this study will provide opportunities to train junior researchers, including undergraduate and postgraduate research students rotating in the lab, as well as postdoctoral researchers, in systems-based approaches and advanced bioinformatics. Acquiring these highly in-demand skills will contribute to the economic competitiveness of the UK. The fast advancement of genomic research is increasingly being translated to genomic medicine, which raises profound ethical, legal, and social issues related to the use (and potential abuse) of personal genomic information. Engaging with the public is therefore vital in opening and maintaining a dialogue between scientists and the public and facilitate the changes in society that must accompany scientific and technological developments.


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Description During embryogenesis, multiple cell types are generated in a precise temporal order. Early in its development the human embryo is made of three layers, ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. Each of these layers will make a precise subset of all the organs in the body. This process can be studied using human embryonic stem cells (hESC).
We have inactivated the function of MEIS1 and MEIS2 (MEIS) in hESCs and found that without MEIS, hESC are unable to make cardiomyocytes, the cell units of the heart. MEIS genes produce a type of protein called transcription factor, which instructs which genes must be on in the cell, and therefore which proteins the cell will contain. This process essentially establishes cell fate. Without MEIS, cells remain in a more primitive, less differentiated mesoderm state; thus, MEIS act as positive switch for cardiac differentiation. Experiments are in progress to understand the mechanism used by MEIS to operate changes in gene expression.
Exploitation Route Results obtained in this project will be of interest and benefit to developmental biology, stem cell research, as well as oncology and medical genetics (MEIS genes are activated in cancer and their mutation causes congenital conditions characterised by craniofacial and heart defects and intellectual disability). Understanding how transcription factors cooperate to activate cell-type-specific transcription will improve our understanding of how cell states are achieved and identify general rules that control gene expression.
Sectors Education

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Evolutionary ancient transcription factors: master keys to unlock lineage differentiation?
Amount £735,926 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/X016684/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2023 
End 08/2026
Title ChIP-seq and RNA-seq from mouse branchial arches 
Description The ArrayExpress accession numbers for the data sets are: E-MTAB-8608 - ChIP-seq for Pbx on mouse second and posterior branchial arches at E11.5 E-MTAB-8607- ChIP-seq for Hoxa3 on mouse posterior branchial arches at E11.5 E-MTAB-7766: ChIP-seq for Hoxa2 on mouse second branchial arch (BA2) at embryonic day (E) 11.5 E-MTAB-8606 ChIP-seq for Hoxa2 on mouse posterior branchial arches at E11.5 E-MTAB-7767: Meis ChIP-seq on mouse first branchial arch (BA1) and posterior branchial arches connected to outflow tract of the heart (PBA/OFT) at embryonic day (E) 11.5 E- E-MTAB-7966: H3K27Ac_BA1_ChIP-seq, mouse E-MTAB-7963 RNA-seq analysis of the first branchial arch of the mouse embryos at E10.5 and E11.5 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The datasets have been released in January 2020 
Description Hox and TALE 
Organisation University of Massachusetts
Department University of Massachusetts Medical School
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is an ongoing collaboration between my group and the group of Professor Charles Sagerstrom. My group helped in the generation and analysis of ChIP-seq datasets
Collaborator Contribution The Sagerstrom group helped with experiments in zebrafish, including the generation of mutants and transient transgenics to evaluate the activity of regulatory regions in the genome
Impact 1. Ladam F, Stanney W, Donaldson IJ, Yildiz O, Bobola N, Sagerström CG (2018). TALE factors use two distinct functional modes to control an essential zebrafish gene expression program. Elife doi: 10.7554/eLife.36144. 2. Losa M, Latorre V, Andrabi M, Ladam F, Sagerstrom C, Novoa A, Zarrineh P, Bridoux L, Hanley N, Mallo M, Bobola N*. A tissue-specific, Gata6-driven transcriptional program instructs remodeling of the mature arterial tree (2017). Elife doi: 10.7554/eLife.31362. 3. Amin S, Donaldson IJ, Zannino DA, Hensman J, Rattray M, Losa M, Spitz F, Ladam F, Sagerström C, Bobola N* (2015). Hoxa2 selectively enhances Meis binding to change a branchial arch ground state. Dev Cell 32:265-77.
Start Year 2014
Description Role of PBX as pioneer transcription factor 
Organisation University of California, San Francisco
Department School of Medicine (UCSF)
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I was visiting Scholar within the Program in Craniofacial Biology in the laboratory of Prof. Licia Selleri from March to May 2018. We started experiments on the colony of PBX mutant mice and initiated our collaborative project. I met with several Faculty members and gave seminars at UCSF and also UMass (Boston).
Collaborator Contribution Prof. Selleri enabled me to collect materials from PBX combined mutants by covering the costs of the mutant PBX strains and providing help from her group members. These material is currently being analysed.
Impact There are no outcomes available from this collaboration yet.
Start Year 2018
Description Role of binding site-flanking DNA conformation in genome-wide recognition by development-associated transcription factors 
Organisation Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
Country India 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution My group hosted a PhD student from JNU (Delhi) in February 2020 and contributed to the online symposium 'Transcriptional dynamics in developmental biology" 20-21 August 2020. My group organised an online symposium on 'Genome regulation in development and disease' with 300 participants on 26th February 2021.
Collaborator Contribution Our partner organised the online symposium 'Transcriptional dynamics in developmental biology" 20-21 August 2020.
Impact Online symposium 'Transcriptional dynamics in developmental biology' 20-21 August 2020. Online symposium on 'Genome regulation in development and disease' 26th February 2021. This collaboration is multi-disciplinary and involves computer science/bioinformatics and developmental biology
Start Year 2019
Title Motif2site 
Description We developed a novel post-processing Bioconductor package called Motif2Site to detect transcription factor binding sites from user provided motif sets. Motif2Site could substantially increased the accuracy of the detected binding sites, relative to existing state-of-the-art methods. Motif2Site enables high confidence functional transcription factor binding sites prediction, as well the investigation of the co-binding properties of transcription factors in cis-regulatory elements. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2022 
Impact The tool has been published only four months ago 
Title Uncovering tissue-specific binding features from differential deep learning 
Description Deep learning models of MEIS differential binding in mouse branchial arches, and MEF2D differential binding in three mouse tissues (cortical neurons, retina, myotubes). Users can use the code to train architectures described in the ppublication using their own files. Instructions are provided in a Jupyter notebook within the archive. 
Type Of Technology Webtool/Application 
Year Produced 2020 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact The manuscript describing the tools has been cited 14 times. We have used the tools to generate results, described in an independent manuscript: "HOX paralogs selectively convert binding of ubiquitous transcription factors into tissue-specific patterns of enhancer activation" doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1009162 
Description International symposium 'Genome regulation in development and disease' 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact We organised the workshop with the support of UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) with the aim of enhancing educational linkages between India and the UK. We have reached about 300 participants, many of which were postgraduate students at India and UK based institutions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Pupil research placement 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact We organised a placement for A-level pupils. This was supposed to take place in June 2020 but was cancelled because campus was closed.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Transcriptional dynamics in developmental biology 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact A two day India-UK bilateral symposium on transcriptional dynamics and regulation with research seminars and lectures largely aimed to researchers, postgraduate and undergraduate students.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020