PRO-BES / Pioneering Real-time Observations with BioElectrochemical Systems

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Sch of Natural & Environmental Sciences


The PRO-BES project (Pioneering Real-time Observations with BioElectrochemical Systems) will undertake simultaneous field trials of real-time water quality biosensors in wastewater treatment works spread across the UK. The biosensors incorporate Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs), a type of BES technology, which feature an electrode on which bacteria generate small amounts of electricity relative to their consumption of organic pollution in the wastewater.

The project progresses an innovative collaboration between Newcastle University and University of South Wales, and is supported by end-users Welsh Water, Northumbrian Water and Chivas Brothers where the field trials will take place. Building upon prior BBSRC funding, the biosensor will advance from a laboratory proof-of-concept beyond prototype stage towards a fully realised commercial device ready for deployment and scaled-up manufacture. An understanding will be gained of how biofilm microbial communities respond to key operational factors (temperature, flow rate, external resistance) and how changes in biofilm dynamics/activity affect response of the sensor.

BES biofilms will be grown using diverse wastewaters from water companies in Wales and North-East England and whisky distilling wastewater in Scotland. Analyses of the biosensors across these trials will enable fundamental understanding of the microbiology and bioelectrochemistry of these devices in addition to providing valuable insights for future research, development and optimisation.

Technical Summary

The PRO-BES project (Pioneering Real-time Observations with BioElectrochemical Systems) will undertake simultaneous field trials of real-time water quality biosensors in wastewater treatment works spread across the UK. The project progresses an innovative collaboration between Newcastle University and University of South Wales, and is supported by end-users Welsh Water, Northumbrian Water and Chivas Brothers.

Building upon prior BBSRC funding, a laboratory proof-of-concept biosensor will be fully realised as a pre-commercial device ready for deployment and scaled-up manufacture. The biosensors incorporate tubular Bioelectrochemical Systems in which wastewater is flowed through a chamber containing a carbon anode on which a microbial biofilm is grown from wastewater. The electrogenic biofilm is capable of generating a voltage by oxidation of organic matter coupled to the reduction of oxygen to water at a platinised cathode (separated by an ion exchange membrane). The electricity generated is correlated with the Biochemical Oxygen Matter (BOM; or related organic load parameters e.g. BOD5, COD, TOC), whereas the presence of toxic compounds can be simultaneously detected by inhibition of the biofilm activity.

The biosensor consists of a sensing array of BES (to maximise dynamic range) and further includes online pH, conductivity, temperature sondes. The BES sensor demonstration system can be controlled to test under different flow rates, temperatures, and angle of orientation (venting of gases vs sludge accumulation). This maximises the research benefit by combining the controlled nature of experimental design with the variability of a real-world wastewater feed. An understanding will be gained of how biofilm microbial communities respond to key operational factors (temperature, flow rate, external resistance) and how changes in biofilm dynamics/activity affect response of the sensor, giving valuable insights for future research, development and optimisation.

Planned Impact

The BES biosensor in the PRO-BES project will enable companies dealing with wastewater to modernise their existing water quality monitoring systems. The project will achieve impact by advancing development of a laboratory novelty towards a system that has been field tested for real-world application, taking the sensor to TRL 8+ as a prerequisite for commercial investment. Replicate biosensors will be tested in multiple locations across the UK by Newcastle University and University of South Wales providing valuable data regarding biofilm development in diverse wastewater environments.

Organic load monitoring is not only a benefit to Water companies treating municipal wastewater but also Food processing (Livestock, Seafood, Dairy, Bakery, Meat, Potato, Oil), Drinks processing (Soft drink, Brewery, Distillery), Oilfield and Refinery, Detergent, Pesticide, Textile, Rubber, Paper and Pharmaceutical industries.

Currently >1% of Europe's electrical consumption is used for wastewater treatment, of which aeration represents 55.6% of water company's usage. Water companies can therefore receive multiple benefits from real-time, online monitoring as they presently continuously aerate due to lack of process information. Monitoring incoming wastewater influents enables generation of a high-resolution historical record (c.f. monthly spot samples), and with this data treatment processes can be controlled and optimised. This brings about operational efficiencies so that treatment regimes can be tailored to loads and therefore cost savings (from lower aeration costs) and faster, pro-active reactions to incidents are enabled. Alarms and thresholds can be set to alert responsible parties to respond to pollution events immediately. This reduces the productivity burden of sending personnel to sites to perform checks end-users have informed us about, and allows workforces to be directed based on treatment demands. Trade effluents from smaller industries (such as those mentioned above) which feed into municipal treatment plants can be monitored for consent prior to exposure to the biological treatment systems. Monitoring discharged effluents can track treatment efficacy (and feedback to process control), indicate compliance with regulatory standards and therefore enable companies to avoid costly fines for consent breaches (£27m in 2016/17).

This also therefore brings about environmental benefit to the receiving water bodies which treated waters are discharged into. Pollution incidents can be identified in real-time without relying upon regulator monitoring or waiting for significant negative environmental consequences to arise, preventing severe environmental damage and with concomitant benefits to the public. Regulatory bodies such as the Environment Agency in the UK (and equivalent organisations in other international countries) could install sensors at strategic points within river systems to enable pollution source tracking and improve enforcement. This would allow these regulatory agencies to be more efficient in their work, and would provide the benefit of improving receiving water quality. As this is a concern of the EU Water Framework Directive which sets standards for receiving water quality, EU member states employing online sensors could therefore avoid sanctions for non-compliance owing to their more rapid and accurate response to emerging threats to water quality. In the long-term, real-time, online monitoring could lead to evidence-based policy change and become a requirement either in addition or superseding existing monthly offline spot sampling routines.

There is further societal impact for all users of water downstream of facilities or locations where online monitors are installed. Water can be used confidently in the knowledge that pollution incidents can be identified before harmful pollutants can accumulate. Water quality will improve due to the more frequent and accessible monitoring of the standard of water.


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Description New responses of MFC sensor to temperature.

Understanding of impact of storm events on the sensor.

Improved multi-parameter calibration of sensor using ML approaches.

TRL6/7 sensors are now deployed on several wastewater treatment plants around the country and generating data in real time. The data are viewable on a cloud-based server and we are in discussion with potential partners to develop the sensor to TRL8/9.
Exploitation Route Commercial development of sensor

TRL6/7 sensors are now deployed on several wastewater treatment plants around the country and generating data in real time. The data are viewable on a cloud-based server and we are in discussion with potential partners to develop the sensor to TRL8/9.

The sensors could also be used for real-time process control for wastewater treatment plants to increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink




including Industrial Biotechology

Description Engagement with new industry partners. Very early stages of project, and impacted by covid, so not yet extensive. TRL6/7 sensors are now deployed on several wastewater treatment plants around the country and generating data in real time. The data are viewable on a cloud-based server and we are in discussion with potential partners to develop the sensor to TRL8/9.
First Year Of Impact 2021
Sector Agriculture, Food and Drink,Environment
Description Northern Accelerator (ERDF funded project for business development)
Amount £10,000 (GBP)
Organisation European Commission 
Department European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 02/2021 
End 09/2021
Title Microbial Fuel Cell Data: Recalibration & Effect of Resistance & Substrate 
Description Data obtained from operation and calibration of batch-mode and multi-stage, flow-mode Microbial Fuel Cells (voltage datalogging, medium replacements, BOD calibrations) fed with GGA, glucose, glutamic acid media and real wastewater. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact New Industry collaboration and funded projects 
Description Collaboration with Welsh Water 
Organisation Welsh Water
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Introduction of microbial fuel cell based sensors for water quality monitoring
Collaborator Contribution Access to field sites for sensor testing and financial contribution to a new BBSRC IPA which is due to start in spring 2020.
Impact None yet
Start Year 2019
Description Engagement with potential end user from the food and beverage sector (Chivas Brothers) 
Organisation Chivas Brothers ltd.
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Communicated potential for real time sensing of high BOD wastestreams characteristic of food and beverage industry efflunents.
Collaborator Contribution Provided detailed information on material and waste flows including organic content in the whisky distilling industry and highlighted potential markets for an online BOD sensor.
Impact None
Start Year 2016
Description Engagement with potential end user from the water sector (Northumbrian Water) 
Organisation Northumbrian Water
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Communicated the potential for real time monitoring of BOD and toxicity with potential for enhanced consent compliance and improved process control
Collaborator Contribution Provided opportunities to present work at the Sensors in the Water Industry Group (SWIG). Provided information on the regulatory landscape for BOD monitoring and information on the potential market for such sensors. The have also provided samples and have offered site access and other support for future development.
Impact None yet
Start Year 2017
Description Water Industry Collaborator 
Organisation Welsh Water
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Advanced the BOD sensor initially developed in this project
Collaborator Contribution Collaborator on a BBSRC research IPA project providing financial contribution and a test site for field testing of the sensor
Impact None yet, project at initial stages
Start Year 2020
Description Working with Reece Innovation for industrialization of BES technologies 
Organisation Reece Innovation Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Research and testing of BES systems
Collaborator Contribution Design of data monitoring and reporting hardware and software
Impact None yet
Start Year 2019
Description A water quality monitoring method. The method comprises: receiving BioElectrochemical System, BES, sensor data indicating an output from at least one BES sensor exposed to a water sample; and receiving data indicating at least one environmental parameter, at least one piece of configuration data for the BES sensor or at least one parameter for a system in which the BES sensor is implemented. The received data is processed according to a calibration algorithm to generate a parameter indicative of organic compound concentration for the water sample. A water quality monitoring device to implement the method may comprise a BES sensor and a processor to implement the calibration algorithm, and optionally one or more further sensors. 
IP Reference WO2023007183 
Protection Patent / Patent application
Year Protection Granted 2023
Licensed No
Impact None yet
Description On-line Video 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Video explaining concepts and application of microbial fuel cell-based sensors for industry and general public (;
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2020
Description Presentation to Sensors in the Water Industry/KTN joint meeting November 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Meeting on a range of water quality sensor technologies to sensor technology providers, industry end-users and KTN personnel
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Work featured on BBSRC Impact Showcase 2021 
Form Of Engagement Activity Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Not known
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021