Maximizing survival when hungry: neural mechanisms for computing behavioural priorities

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sussex
Department Name: Sch of Life Sciences


Hunger is a potent internal drive that can significantly change an animal's behavioural priorities. For example, hungry animals favour actions that increase the chance of finding food, but this comes with an elevated risk of predation. Moreover, the expression of non-essential behaviours (e.g. reproduction) is down-regulated as an energy-conserving strategy. Remarkably, hunger can also substantially change the way an animal responds to environmental cues; when well-fed, an ambiguous stimulus might be perceived as a threat but with increased hunger this may be ignored or even considered as a possible food cue. How does an animal integrate all this information and reach a consensus decision about which action - from its full behavioural repertoire - to select, and thus maximize its survival?

These computations must be solved by key interactions between the brain circuits that control each distinct behaviour. However, to understand these interactions is challenging; it requires an extensive knowledge of each circuit and a means to monitor all of them across the brain at the same time. In the mammalian nervous system, this is not possible but simpler animals must solve the exact same problems using less complex nervous systems that are highly-accessible for interrogation.

Here, we will use a remarkably well-understood invertebrate system, Lymnaea, whose six principal behaviours (feeding, locomotion, reproduction, withdrawal, respiration, heart control) have been extensively characterized down to the level of the individual identified neurons that control them. As such, this provides the opportunity to monitor the key survival-linked decision-making events 'online' as the system processes information about both its internal hunger state and cues arising from the environment.

To achieve this, we will exploit the latest advances in behaviour and brain recording approaches. Specifically, behaviours will be monitored using new machine-learning algorithms that can track animal body-parts, postures and units of behaviour (eg. feeding events) automatically. We will assay brain activity using a novel fluorescence imaging microscope developed in-lab to monitor neurons across the nervous system down to single cell level. We will also exploit commercial solutions that allow 100s-1000s of neurons to be recorded simultaneously over long-time periods.

We will first establish how this animal encodes information about its hunger-state across all the behaviour-generating neural circuits in the brain and then determine how these circuits interact to decide which action to select. Subsequently, we will examine how neural circuits are re-tuned such that the same input can drive completely different behaviours when hungry versus when fed; this remarkable shift in the perceived meaning of an input is a highly-adaptive mechanism for adjusting risk to suit an animal's current situation, but the neural basis for it is poorly understood. Using real-world natural predator cues, we will also test how animals compute a decision when faced with two conflicting threats: predation versus starvation. This will provide insight into the fundamental neural mechanisms controlling an animal's most immediate survival-linked decisions.

This topic has increasing significance as animals start to face major alterations to their habitat and food availability due to climate change and urbanization. This proposal aligns directly with the BBSRC responsive mode priorities '3Rs' by using a non-'protected' invertebrate species, 'Food, Nutrition and Health' through identifying integral cellular and network mechanisms involved in metabolic regulation and 'Data driven Biology' through our deep-learning behaviour-tracking approaches and novel whole-CNS neuronal activity readout strategies. The outputs from this work, which aim to provide a fundamental understanding of survival-linked decision-making, also have relevance to 'Systems Approaches to the Biosciences'.

Technical Summary

Hunger is a potent motivator, fundamentally changing an animal's behaviour to satisfy its nutritional demands. For example, when food-deprived, animals down-regulate non-essential behaviours and favour actions for localizing and consuming food, accepting an increased risk of predation or other types of harm. As part of any action selection process, perceptual decisions about the value of competing inputs must also be made. This large-scale reprioritization of an animal's full behavioural repertoire requires the coordination of multiple distinct neural circuits across the brain but how this is achieved remains unclear.

Examining the neural basis of action selection demands readout of whole-CNS activity, but also neuron-level analysis of the networks involved in each behaviour. In complex mammalian brains this is not realistic, but simpler animals solve the same problems, using accessible nervous systems that make a full interrogation of decision-making events possible.

Here, we will exploit Lymnaea, a powerful experimental system for circuit analysis, whose six principal behaviours have been extensively characterized down to the level of individual identified neurons. Applying the latest advances in deep-learning posture-tracking, multi-electrode recording and whole-CNS imaging we will determine how behavioural prioritization is computed according to motivational state and adaptively modulated to maximize survival. In particular, we will elucidate how distinct circuits encode hunger-state and how these circuits interact to reach a consensus decision about which behaviours to select. We will also determine how perception is altered, such that a single type of input can activate distinct behaviours according to changes in hunger state. Finally, we will elucidate how threat-conflict is resolved at the neuronal level, examining the decision-making events that allow animals to select appropriate actions when faced with threats from both predation and starvation.

Planned Impact

Academic Community. Our research will focus on how the CNS selects appropriate actions from an animal's full behavioural repertoire to maximize survival. It will inform neuroscientists working on similar control circuits in other systems but also benefit the wider academic research community where knowledge of mechanistic principles of neural circuit regulation are important. Findings will be published in high-profile peer-reviewed journals (eg. Nature, Neuron, Nature Neurosci, Nature Comms, Science Advances) as we do currently, and disseminated at international meetings. Together, these benefits will enhance the knowledge economy starting in 1-5 years, with relevance for worldwide academic advancement. Additionally, the research plan will use new, innovative technical approaches - deep-learning behaviour tracking, new applications of commercial solutions for readout of neuronal populations, and in-lab developed methods for whole-brain imaging. These will be beneficial for driving advances in methodology and understanding in many fields of neuroscience-related research; potential recipients include other academic research institutes, both nationally and globally. The work will also deliver and train highly-skilled researchers (PDRA, PhD students, MSc students, UGs) with expertise in data organization, analysis, oral communication, and formal scientific writing skills, relevant to many employment sectors and thus further the knowledge economy. We will also foster interdisciplinary connections through local talks in other university departments (eg. School of Physics and Engineering, Sussex Innovation Centre). The timecourse of this benefit will start from 2-3+ years

Commercial Private Sector and Economy. The findings will reveal the highly-parsimonious neuronal strategies that Lymnaea uses to integrate information, resolve conflicts and make real-world survival-linked decisions. This may inform efficient design principles relevant to AI architecture, robotics and engineering. We already have close collaborations with computational and AI labs and links with industry (for example, Google) which could potentially be used to help realize such impact. The application of new technologies may also have relevance for Industry Partners. Another component of our research impact will be the application of powerful technologies for neuronal population readout. TB and KS have collaborated in the development of a novel 2-photon mesoscope based on a unique optical principal ('divergent beam optics'). The promise of this platform in enabling whole-CNS imaging on a very limited budget (~£1000) will be developed further through this project and is a possible focus of engagement with science microscopy companies (eg. Scientifica, based near Brighton), looking to develop better imaging platforms, thus potentially supporting growth of commercial private sector companies with international reach. The timecourse of this benefit will start from 3+ years.

Wider Public. We anticipate that the ideas emerging from this work will have impact for society (years 2+). We will highlight the challenges for animals in the natural world to make key survival-linked decisions, and their increasing importance as environments and food availability are influenced by climate change and urbanization. The 3Rs message will also be promoted; beneficiaries include organizations working to protect animals (eg. the RSPCA). Communicating ideas about the regulation of food-intake, a strong theme in our research, will allow us to emphasize the importance of healthy eating, a message with possible future impact through enhancing quality of life and health. These are accessible ideas and we will publicise them, along with general interest research findings, through the Sussex Press Office, open lectures and demonstrations (eg. Brighton Science Festival), open days, open-labs, school visits and sixth-form work experience. Benefits will start from the beginning of the grant.


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Description This project, using the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis, ends in June 2024. To date, it has been extremely successful, and we are already close to achieving all objectives, in spite of delays related to COVID-19 and animal breeding issues. The principal objective was to explore how a simple nervous system could compute appropriate behaviours to maximize survival when faced with changing resources (food) and threat from predation. Key developments (listed with Objectives) are as follows:
1. We characterized what behaviours are favoured when an animal's motivational state (fed versus hungry) changes. We exploited the latest animal-tracking and AI-based solutions to explore this behavioural reprioritization, measuring a range of parameters including feeding, locomotion, turning and exploration. In parallel, we characterized the core brain circuits that set and express different behaviours. Our recording of the CNS used state-of-the-art methods to extract information about circuit activity. To search for key target control neurons in the brain, we also developed a new method based on synchrotron-enabled x-ray imaging allowing us to gain an unprecedented 3d view of the organization of the nervous system. We also characterized the pharmacology (the chemical pathways) in key control circuits and used this knowledge to switch behavioural expression providing a sanity check for our proposed control mechanism. Together our findings offer a comprehensive description of how behaviours are prioritized with changing states, allowing an animal to maximize survival with limited energetic and decision-making resources. (Objectives 1a, 1b).
2. We established how conflicts of threat from hunger versus predation (using natural predator cues and indicators of potential attack) markedly influence action selection. We characterized the switch in the behaviour-generating networks and features of the control circuits that are responsible. In brief, we reveal that fed animals respond defensively to cues indicating natural predators while food-deprived animals reprioritize behaviours to maximize food-finding, accepting the substantially increased risk of this action. We are now in the final stages of mapping the underlying control circuits that both integrate these multiple threats and set the level of acceptable risk, enabling animals to food-search to maximize survival. (Objectives 2b).
3. As a starting point in identifying the control systems that encode changes in perceived food value, we examined how the core circuit responsible is shaped by positive recent associations and characterized by a mutual inhibition motif (Science Advances, 2023). This circuit both sets perceptual state and acts as the master controller for gating new learning. We propose that this mechanism alerts animals to learning-rich periods, lowering the threshold for new memory acquisition. (Objective 2a)
4. Our strong progress was underpinned by our development of significant new methodologies. These include a new collaborative partnership (Diamond Light Source and UCL) allowing us to map the Lymnaea CNS in unprecedented detail, the use of AI to automate the behavioural tracking, and voltage-sensitive dye imaging - a long sought-after strategy for neural activity readout - which is likely to be a game-changer for characterizing multi-circuit control in this and similar model systems.
Exploitation Route - Understanding of circuit control mechanisms is likely to be relevant to a wide variety of different systems.
- Our novel methodologies, particularly around AI-driven automated behavioural readouts, voltage-sensitive dye imaging and synchrotron-enabled X-ray tomography mapping of the CNS, are all likely to be of significant interest to the research community. We plan to publish these as key methods papers, alongside those describing our research findings.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description What is emerging from our work is the way that simple control systems in the brain can significantly shape behaviour and reprioritize its expression. We think that these ideas are intimately linked to systems enabling animal survival in the face of environmental changes, for example associated with urbanization and climate change. These are ideas that emerge from our public engagement events where we discuss specific research aims with the public, for example, and thus have some societal benefits and raise awareness of environmental issues. The control systems at play in the brain are also strikingly shaped by specific chemical control pathways; understanding the pharmacology of the reward and threat-encoded pathways may have relevance for the pharmaceutical industry, although it is early days yet and the grant has not yet finished.
First Year Of Impact 2023
Impact Types Societal

Title Synchrotron X-ray tomography for novel characterization of nervous system structure and correlation to function 
Description We have established a strategy to utilize synchrotron-x-ray tomography to reveal neural architecture that informs our functional characterization of the same circuits. We have developed approaches for this that are applicable to both mammalian circuits and invertebrate (Lymnaea) nervous systems. In the former case, our approach allows us to link functional imaging data with focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy, using the x-ray approach to correlate the target regions in both. In the latter case, we are able to map the 3d organization of every neuron in the CNS, as a basis for targeted characterization. This has revealed new understanding of the circuitry which underpins our key research aims in the grants. To enable this collaborative venture I led and won two awards from Diamond Light Source for these projects. The collaborative team includes Arnd Roth and Anna Simon at UCL, who have developed expertise in tissue processing for tomography work. 
Type Of Material Technology assay or reagent 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This provides a method to link functional and structural characterization of the nervous system. It is likely to have broad applicability for researchers working on similar questions. 
Title Research data for 'A circuit mechanism linking past and future learning through shifts in perception' 
Description Data for paper published in Science Advances A spreadsheet separated into tabs that contain all datasets for each related figure and supplementary figure. The datasets include behavioural measures of learning and the perception of training, and measures of neuronal activity based on electrophysiological recordings. The tabs with datasets they contain are as follows: TAB 1 relating to: Fig. 1. Previous strong learning enhances subsequent weak learning. Also Fig. S1, Fig. S2 and Fig. S3. TAB 2 relating to: Fig. 2. Previous learning alters the perception of future training by shifting the network state. Also Fig. S4, Fig. S5, Fig. S6, Fig. S7 and Fig. S8. TAB 3 relating to: Fig. 3. Learning-induced shift recorded in command-like interneurons controlling antagonistic behaviours. TAB 4 relating to: Fig. 4. Characterization of perceptual control circuit that mediates competitive interactions between ingestion and egestion. Also Fig. S9. TAB 5 relating to: Fig. 5. Pharmacological manipulation of perceptual control circuit substitutes for strong training and facilitates new memory acquisition in vivo. Also Fig. S10. TAB 6 relating to: Fig. 6. Memory-linked shifts in perception generalize to an alternative training paradigm. Abstract Long-term memory formation is energetically costly. Neural mechanisms that guide an animal to identify fruitful associations therefore have significant survival benefits. Here we elucidate a circuit mechanism in Lymnaea which enables past memory to shape new memory formation through changes in perception. Specifically, strong classical conditioning drives a positive shift in perception which facilitates the robust learning of a subsequent and otherwise ineffective weak association. Circuit dissection approaches reveal the neural control network responsible, characterized by a mutual inhibition motif. This both sets perceptual state and acts as the master controller for gating new learning. Pharmacological circuit manipulation in vivo fully substitutes for strong-paradigm learning, shifting the network into a more receptive state to enable subsequent weak-paradigm learning. Thus, perceptual change provides a conduit to link past and future memory storage. We propose that this mechanism alerts animals to learning-rich periods, lowering the threshold for new memory acquisition. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2023 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Description New Partnership with Diamond Light Source and Research team at UCL 
Organisation Diamond Light Source
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We have established a strategy to utilize synchrotron-x-ray tomography to reveal neural architecture that informs our functional characterization of the same circuits. We have developed approaches for this that are applicable to both mammalian circuits and invertebrate (Lymnaea) nervous systems. In the former case, our approach allows us to link functional imaging data with focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy, using the x-ray approach to correlate the target regions in both. In the latter case, we are able to map the 3d organization of every neuron in the CNS, as a basis for targeted characterization. This has revealed new understanding of the circuitry which underpins our key research aims in the grant. To enable this collaborative venture I led and won two awards from Diamond Light Source for these projects. The collaborative team includes researchers at UCL, who have developed expertise in tissue processing for tomography work.
Collaborator Contribution Diamond light source provide the facility and training for the X-ray imaging. The collaborative team at UCL (Arnd Roth and Anna Simon) provide expertise in tissue processing for tomography work.
Impact 1. Mammalian circuits. This provides detailed 3d mapping of brain tissue so that regions of interest from fluorescence imaging can be identified in embedded tissue blocks, enabling targeted 3d-electron microscopy. This is a powerful approach for correlative light-EM and is informing our functional vesicle readout approach. 2. Lymnaea brain. Novel insight into CNS organization, revealing location of all neurons in brain; this directly informs our functional characterization and to date has helped us identify a new neuron type that plays a key role in sensory integration.
Start Year 2023
Description New Partnership with Diamond Light Source and Research team at UCL 
Organisation University College London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have established a strategy to utilize synchrotron-x-ray tomography to reveal neural architecture that informs our functional characterization of the same circuits. We have developed approaches for this that are applicable to both mammalian circuits and invertebrate (Lymnaea) nervous systems. In the former case, our approach allows us to link functional imaging data with focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy, using the x-ray approach to correlate the target regions in both. In the latter case, we are able to map the 3d organization of every neuron in the CNS, as a basis for targeted characterization. This has revealed new understanding of the circuitry which underpins our key research aims in the grant. To enable this collaborative venture I led and won two awards from Diamond Light Source for these projects. The collaborative team includes researchers at UCL, who have developed expertise in tissue processing for tomography work.
Collaborator Contribution Diamond light source provide the facility and training for the X-ray imaging. The collaborative team at UCL (Arnd Roth and Anna Simon) provide expertise in tissue processing for tomography work.
Impact 1. Mammalian circuits. This provides detailed 3d mapping of brain tissue so that regions of interest from fluorescence imaging can be identified in embedded tissue blocks, enabling targeted 3d-electron microscopy. This is a powerful approach for correlative light-EM and is informing our functional vesicle readout approach. 2. Lymnaea brain. Novel insight into CNS organization, revealing location of all neurons in brain; this directly informs our functional characterization and to date has helped us identify a new neuron type that plays a key role in sensory integration.
Start Year 2023
Description British Neuroscience Association Talk (2021) and Poster (2023) communication 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Talk (2021) and poster (2023) presentation of perceptual research at British Neuroscience Association meetings
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021,2023
Description Interviews with media: Quanta Magazine, Wired Magazine 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Interviews with major science magazines discussing our work on perceptual control mechanisms in the brain. The intention was to share our research findings and inform recipients about key principles of brain function. These magazines have broad international reach and are likely to have been seen by 1000s of people. The articles sparked questions and discussion in comments.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Public Engagement Neuroscience Fair 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Event led by postdoc engaging with sixth-formers and general public as well as university students and faculty. It focused on neuronal aspects of feeding control.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022
Description Public engagement activity at Brain Science Fair 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact This was the Brighton Science Fair, which ran in April 2023. It was associated with the British Neuroscience Association meeting which also ran in Brighton at the same time. We had a stall, including engaging simple experiments and interactive events that directly underpin aspect of our research areas. It was advertised at local schools and footfall at the event was significant (~300 people) including many children with families. We received very positive comments and triggered engaging discussions.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2023
Description Talk at student Open Day 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Neuroscience talk/open for non-scientists with an interest in future undergraduate studies. Talk included neuroscience research and information on specific of neuroscience degrees at Sussex. Good interests and questions on careers in neuroscience.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2021
Description Talk with public 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Talk with parents of prospective students about neuroscience, careers, research.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2022