University College London 2021 Flexible Talent Mobility Account

Lead Research Organisation: University College London
Department Name: Cell and Developmental Biology


Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.


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Description The FTMA3 award was used to support 4 new collaborations between postdoctoral scientists and research technicians at UCL and their counterparts in UK and international industry. Transfer of researchers, know-how and innovation was in both directions: Academia to industry and industry to academia. A total of 7 staff exchanges took place over cumulative periods of approximately three-months total duration (full-time working or part-time equivalent). Companies were of micro, small and large scale in a number of industry sectors. There was a significant knowledge transfer and development of expertise for the Innovation Placement award holder, UCL and the collaborating companies. The impacts associated with the award include the further development of new commercialisable technical products, the training of early career scientists for commercial awareness and knowledge. In addition, a number of new research and innovation collaborations were either established or established links reinforced.
First Year Of Impact 2022
Sector Chemicals,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Healthcare,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Description Innovation Placement - Dr Sofia Oikonomidou with UCL School of Pharmacy 
Organisation Biosensors Beyond Borders Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Sharing of expertise in new methods of designing and manufacturing (3D printing) of micro needles for transdermal drug delivery through training of UCL technical staff and scientists . Enabled early prototyping and validation protocol development of company (BBB) micro needle devices.
Collaborator Contribution UCL School of Pharmacy was able to bring in new expertise in bioengineering for transdermal drug delivery using microneedles.
Impact A successful 3-month Innovation Placement.
Start Year 2022
Description Innovation Placement - Ms Ioanna Kourouzidou with Ltd 
Organisation Bit.Bio
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Provided a Research Technician from academia as a Visiting Research Assistant to the company to phenotypically characterise three commercial cell products and to generate high resolution images for marketing and technical support to both the Cell Phenotyping and Commercial teams of the company.
Collaborator Contribution There was a specific goal to expose an early career academic scientist to the processes of characterisation of muscle and neural cells using imaging and flow cytometry in a commercial environment within a wider team of scientists, The company provided exposure to the realities of stem cell-based research in the commercial environment and kick-started experiments for the academic partner lab. The UCL partner was also able to obtain relevant cells and cell lines from the host company for later use at UCL.
Impact A successful 3-month Innovation Placement.
Start Year 2023
Description Innovation Placement - Ms Shehrazade Dahimene with Metrion Bioscience Ltd 
Organisation Metrion Biosciences
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Providing a research technician with specific skills in patch clamp electrophysiology to support the collaboration.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Dahimene was able to experience the full cycle of candidate drug compound evaluation in a commercial contract research environment. The company introduced the optimisation of transfection and eletrophysiological recordings of the channel by testing different concentrations of the reference agonist, assessment of the client compound using different concentrations and recording conditions and meetings the clients and report present and writing.
Impact A successful 3-month Innovation Placement.
Start Year 2023