Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Biosciences Institute


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Technical Summary

How bacteria regulate their shape and material properties of their cell wall is a major outstanding problem with substantial relevance to biomedicine and biotechnology. The elongasome is responsible for processive peptidoglycan (PG) synthesis around the cell circumference driving morphogenesis and envelope expansion in a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative rod-shaped bacteria. Despite the major role of the elongasome in determining cell wall properties, how cells regulate elongasome processivity (the length of elongasome synthesis events) and thereby set the length of new elongasome-synthesized glycan strands remains unknown.

In preliminary experiments, we applied single molecule tracking to determine the processivity of the elongasome. We found that elongasome processivity in B. subtilis is likely determined by molecular tug-of-war caused by multiple PG synthases pulling in opposite directions on a single MreB filament. We further found evidence that elongasome processivity modulates B. subtilis cell size, and initial evidence that E. coli elongasome dynamics are regulated by synthase tug-of-war as well.

Based on these results, we hypothesize that elongasome tug-of-war is a conserved key regulator of elongasome processivity, cell wall material properties and cell fitness. We propose a research programme to determine:

- The molecular principles of elongasome bidirectional motility and processivity in B. subtilis

- How elongasome processivity affects B. subtilis cell shape and cell wall properties

- Whether elongasome tug-of-war is a broadly conserved cell wall regulatory process by analysing E. coli elongasome processivity, cell shape and cell envelope properties

- The potential biomedical and biotechnological applications by analysing the consequences of elongasome tug-of-war-linked cell wall properties on susceptibility towards bacteriolytic antibiotics, and lysis during industrially relevant fermentation conditions


10 25 50
Description Imbalance between cell biomass production and envelope biosynthesis underpins the bactericidal activity of cell wall -targeting antibiotics
Amount £112,000 (GBP)
Organisation Medical Research Council (MRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2023 
End 08/2027
Description How do membrane potential and efflux pumps interact to affect bacterial physiology, antibiotic susceptibility and solvent tolerance? 
Organisation University of Birmingham
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is a new interdisciplinary collaboration with Prof Jessica Blair (University of Birmingham, Institute of Microbiology and Infection) and Dr Tim Overton (University of Birmingham, School of Chemical Engineering). At this early stage, we were involved in collecting key preliminary data for a collaborative BBSRC grant proposal that is currently under evaluation.
Collaborator Contribution The research partners provided further preliminary data for the grant proposal.
Impact The collaboration has resulted in a multi-disciplinary grant proposal that us currently under evaluation.
Start Year 2023
Description Hydrogen and carbon dioxide biochemistry in the bacterial energy-transducing membrane 
Organisation Max Planck Society
Department Max Planck Institute of Biophysics
Country Germany 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution This is a new collaboration with Prof Frank Sargent (Newcastle University) and Dr Bonnie Murphy (Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Germany) funded by a BBSRC responsive mode grant BB/Y004302/1 due to start in 2024. At this early stage, we were involved in collecting key preliminary data for the grant proposal, which was building upon knowledge and techniques established in the framework of grant BB/S00257X/1, and using equipment funded by grant BB/T017570/1.
Collaborator Contribution The research partners Prof Frank Sargent (Newcastle University) and Dr Bonnie Murphy (Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Germany) provided further preliminary data for the successful grant proposal.
Impact Funded BBSRC grant BB/S00257X/1
Start Year 2023
Description Hydrogen and carbon dioxide biochemistry in the bacterial energy-transducing membrane 
Organisation Newcastle University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is a new collaboration with Prof Frank Sargent (Newcastle University) and Dr Bonnie Murphy (Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Germany) funded by a BBSRC responsive mode grant BB/Y004302/1 due to start in 2024. At this early stage, we were involved in collecting key preliminary data for the grant proposal, which was building upon knowledge and techniques established in the framework of grant BB/S00257X/1, and using equipment funded by grant BB/T017570/1.
Collaborator Contribution The research partners Prof Frank Sargent (Newcastle University) and Dr Bonnie Murphy (Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Germany) provided further preliminary data for the successful grant proposal.
Impact Funded BBSRC grant BB/S00257X/1
Start Year 2023
Description Transmembrane potential regulates lipid packing and protein binding 
Organisation Durham University
Department Department of Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is a new cross-disciplinary collaboration with Profs Kislon Voichovsky and Margarita Staykova (Durham University, Department of Physics). At this early stage, we were involved in collecting key preliminary data for a BBSRC collaborative grant that is currently under evaluation.
Collaborator Contribution The research partners provided further preliminary data for the successful grant proposal.
Impact This is a multidisciplinary research project bringing in vivo membrane biophysics and soft matter physics.
Start Year 2023