The expression, modification and enhancement of protein therapeutics

Lead Research Organisation: Aston University
Department Name: Sch of Life and Health Sciences


Site directed modification by both homogeneous glycosylation and pegylation has hitherto been unavailable in drug development and offers a major innovative advance to patients and carers alike. Such control of protein modifications by this consortium will for the first time bring the opportunity for clear structural control to produce the maximum therapeutic effect required. The consortium will use the additional funding provided by a successful application to develop better therapeutic glycoproteins. The expression of aglycosyl proteins in high yielding yeast systems will provide the protein backbone from which novel synthetic glycoproteins will be constructed. Synthetic glycans will be used to improve glycosylation and enhance pharmacokinetic properties. The application of a novel targeted pegylation technology will improve uniformity of pegylation as well as improve protein potency.


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Description We were able to produce a human protein in yeast cells and provide it in a form that could be modified by the company partners so that the protein could be used as a drug.
Exploitation Route The findings are relevant to the production of a range of biopharamaceuticals as described in a recent review:
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The findings were used within Glycoform Ltd for business development. Glycoform co-funded a BBSRC CASE studentship as a consequence of the outputs of this grant.
First Year Of Impact 2009
Sector Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology
Impact Types Societal


Title Protein Expression System 
Description During the project we developed improved protein expression systems for human erythropoietin and selected mutants. 
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Licensed No
Impact Not applicable