Predictive Modelling of Combustion-Induced Mechanical Property Degradation of Flame-Retardant Structural Composites

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Mechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng


This proposal involves mathematical modelling of the burning and degradation of mechanical properties of flame retadant glass fibre reinforced plastic laminates. At Bolton, novel flame - retardant laminates have been developed and patented during an earlier EPSRC project. These laminates contain novel flame retardant chemicals and inherently flame retardant cellulosic fibres as additives in the resin matrix or as additional fabric layer. Some laminates also contain polymer layered silicate nanocomposites with or without conventional flame retardants. The laminates show improved flame reatrdant and residual mechanical properties after fire/heat exposure compared to unmodified laminates. This proposal is a joint attempt by 'Fire and Heat Resistant Materials' group at Bolton Institute and 'Fire Engineering Research Group' at University of Manchester to numerically predict their burning and mechanical behaviour under a fire condition. The Bolton team will focus on the burning aspect and the Manchester team the burning induced degradation of mechanical properties. Results from the Bolton team will provide input of material damage and temperature information to the Manchester team so that the outcome of this project will be an integrated predictive model for combining both burning and burning-induced mechanical behaviour. A limited amount of mechanical tests at elevated temperatures will be carried out to provide data for validation of the numerical models developed.
Description - understanding of combined mass and heat transfer process of FRP under heating
- micro modelling of thermal and mechanical properties of FRP at elevated temperatures
Exploitation Route to quantify fire/heat damage to FRP so as to develop heat/fire resistant materials and structures
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Description Hexcel Composites Ltd 
Organisation Hexcel Composites Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution fundamental research and characterisation of material properties
Collaborator Contribution supply of experimental specimens
Impact N/A
Start Year 2007