Adventurous Research in Chemstry at Oxford
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Oxford
Department Name: Oxford Chemistry
Chemistry is an outward-looking, vibrant and adventurous discipline. These projects are specifically designed to support new, pioneering research within the 'Spirit of Adventure'. If successful / and there is absolutely no guarantee that they will be successful / we will find answers to the vexing questions:1) How can we develop new sensors and devices to study individual molecules, especially biologically-important molecules? 2) How small can a metal be, and still be a metal? 3) How does nature make magnets and catalysts that we cannot make in the laboratory?

Boleininger A
Whispering gallery modes in standard optical fibres for fibre profiling measurements and sensing of unlabelled chemical species.
in Sensors (Basel, Switzerland)

Cahill ST
Studies on the inhibition of AmpC and other ß-lactamases by cyclic boronates.
in Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects

Edwards PP
The possibility of a liquid superconductor.
in Chemphyschem : a European journal of chemical physics and physical chemistry

Lo C
Stark shift and field ionization of arsenic donors in 28Si-silicon-on-insulator structures
in Applied Physics Letters

Lodge MT
Multielement NMR studies of the liquid-liquid phase separation and the metal-to-nonmetal transition in fluid lithium- and sodium-ammonia solutions.
in The journal of physical chemistry. B

S Willitsch
Combination of Coulomb Crystal and Quadrupole velocity selector for the study of reactions at sub-Kelvin temperatures
in n/a in Final Report Data

Willitsch S
Cold Reactive Collisions between laser-cooled ions and velocity-selected neutral molecules.
in Physical review letters

Zurek E
A molecular perspective on lithium-ammonia solutions.
in Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)
Description | One particular advance of note was the subsequent proposal (see references; following this early work in the Adventurous Project ) of the possibility of a high-temperature superconductor existing wholly in the liquid state. We believe that this opens up a potentially revolutionary advance in the science AND technology of superconducting materials and devices Similarly , this funding enabled us to establish a most fruitful collaboration with Nobel Laureate Roald Hoffmann and his colleague Eva Zurek at Cornell (see references) |
Exploitation Route | Transportation of sustainable electricity from distant sites through a liquid, high-temperature superconductor |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Electronics Energy Environment |
Description | The work has reopened a dialogue as to the precise nature of the behavior of venerable so-called 'excess electrons in fluids'; Specifically, renewed interest in Birch reductionsin synthetic organic chemistry, approaches used in widespread applications in medicinal and pharmaceutical science. For example, the world-renowned Group of Professor AGM Barrett FRS (Imperial) and ourselves are now investigating approaches to new-generation, high-performance reducing agents in synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry. Peter Edwards was invited by Professor Barrett to give the 2015 Hoffman Lecture at Imperial on these very same exciting issues |
First Year Of Impact | 2013 |
Sector | Chemicals,Education,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Impact Types | Societal Economic |