Carbon-rich Ligands: An approach using hydroruthenation chemistry

Lead Research Organisation: Durham University
Department Name: Chemistry


The chemistry of complexes featuring all-carbon (Cx) or carbon-rich (CxHy, x>y) ligands is a source of immense contemporary interest in the organometallic community. To date the great majority of these studies have been concerned with linear polycarbon ligands and the linear polyenediyl ligands (CH)n. While many of these studies are directed towards establishing viable synthetic routes to these unusual metal stablised organic fragments, and in determining their molecular and electronic structures, there are also many enthusiastic discussions of the potential applications of such materials.More recently hyperbranched and dendritic organometallic complexes with metal centres linked by branched conjugated ligands have begun to attract attention as a consequence of their optical, magnetic and catalytic properties. The vast majority of these systems feature branched ligands derived from 1,3,5-trisubsituted benzene cores, and metal acetylide, vinylidene or vinyl based linkages.Given this interest in both carbon-rich organometallic complexes and organometallic hyper-branched systems it is rather surprising that organometallic complexes featuring branched all-carbon or carbon-rich ligands are less common.We propose to combine Professor Hill's experience in alkyne hydrometallation with Dr Low's knowledge of cross-conjugated alkynes and carbon-rich ligand chemistry to develop a new synthetic pathway to organometallic complexes featuring branched carbon-rich ligands.In order to develop this programme we propose to utilise the EPSRC's provision for Overseas Travel Grants to permit Dr Low to visit Professor Hill's laboratory at the Australian National University's Research School of Chemistry (RSC). Whilst at the RSC, PJL will gain first hand experience in the hydroruthenation chemistry used by Hill in many of his elegant investigations. It is anticipated that at the conclusion of this relatively short (3 month) visit that the new Low-Hill colloboration, based upon the exploration of this novel area of chemistry, will be well established.


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Description Leadership Fellowship
Amount £1,103,718 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/H005595/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2009 
End 06/2013