SPINCURRENT: Domain Walls and Spin-Polarised Currents
Lead Research Organisation:
Lancaster University
Department Name: Physics
This project is part of ESF FoNE collaborative research project which aims to address topics relating to ferromagnetic domain walls (DWs) if the studies of spin-current-induced magnetization reversal, manipulation of spins with current, and ferromagnetic semiconductor (FS) nanostructures. Specifically, aims in this project are:- To gain understanding of how a domain wall is moved by a spin-polarised current flowing through it, e.g. by spin-transfer torques and momentum transfer forces;- To exploit this understanding to find candidate materials and sample geometries that would make this effect suitable for technological exploitation;- To gain understanding of how a domain wall in a nm-scale structure scatters spin-polarised carriers passing through it, and assessing the usefulness of these effects for applications. We will study these phenomena in both conventional magnetic metals and ferromagnetic semiconductors. Our vision is to deliver a world-class scientific programme that gains a thorough understanding, from both experimental and theoretical viewpoints, of the physical processes that are involved in the interactions between magnetic domain walls and spin-polarised currents, which underpin important technological applications.
People |
Vladimir Falko (Principal Investigator) |
Abergel D
Visibility of graphene flakes on a dielectric substrate
in Applied Physics Letters
Kuzmenko I
Canted magnetization texture in ferromagnetic tunnel junctions
in Physical Review B
Makhonin M
Long nuclear spin polarization decay times controlled by optical pumping in individual quantum dots
in Physical Review B
Russell A
Bistability of optically induced nuclear spin orientation in quantum dots
in Physical Review B
Russell A
Power dependence of the photocurrent lineshape in a semiconductor quantum dot
in Applied Physics Letters
Tsyplyatyev O
Thermally excited spin current and giant magnetothermopower in metals with embedded ferromagnetic nanoclusters
in Physical Review B