CoCoChem - A Network to Develop the Coherent Control of Chemistry

Lead Research Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department Name: School of Chemistry


Photochemistry uses light to initiate chemical change. This can often lead to products different from those obtained using usual chemical reagents and heat. Unfortunately, photochemistry is no easier to control than thermal chemistry and often a mixture of producs are obtained. Coherent control aims to use the electric field generated by a laser to direct a chemical reaction. This can be done by using a specially shaped pulse of laser light. How to shape the pulse is a technically difficult problem. How this pulse brings about the control is a theoretically difficult problem. The proposed research is to set up a network of researchers to discuss and solve these problems.


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Description Lasers can be used to observe chemical reactions as they happen. In addition they have the potential to influence the outcome of a reaction. This network supported the UK groups involved in these state-of-art experiments and theoretical calculations by aiding interaction.
Exploitation Route Many members of the network are still active and communicate their findings to other scientists. Laser control has become a useful tool in helping to explore the possible behaviour of molecules in a light field.
Sectors Chemicals


Description No findings - network to strengthen academic ties between UK groups in laser control.