The Second British-French Workshop on Mathematical Techniques for Wave Problems

Lead Research Organisation: The University of Manchester
Department Name: Mathematics


Both the French and British academic communities have a long and successful history of research in applied mathematics and in particular, in phenomenological and theoretical aspects of wave mechanics. In the last forty or so years however the two countries' interests have diverged somewhat, with the French scientists tending to the more pure end of this field whilst the British applied mathematicians have developed a variety of new application areas. As a consequence, the working relationship between the two groups is not as strong as it should be. In recent years the French scientists, aware that they need to interact more with engineers and scientists outside the mathematics domain, have made strenuous efforts to bridge this gap via closer ties with their British counterparts. We in the UK have much to gain from this interaction.One development to stimulate closer French-British ties was the organization of a successful two day meeting held at the Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA), Paris, in June 2004, entitled 'French-British meeting on Mathematical Techniques in Diffraction Theory'. One of the key recommendations after this meeting was to hold a follow-on meeting in the UK two years after the first one. We now propose to hold this meeting in Manchester in June 2006. The focus of the meeting will be on 'mathematical techniques for wave problems', and will seek to discuss activity ranging from functional analysis, through perturbation methods and transform techniques, to hybrid and advanced numerical approaches, with special emphasis on application areas. Talks will be organized into three main subject areas: Multiple Scattering and Homogenization, Problems in Ducts and Waveguides, and Methods for Wave Propagation. The aim of the meeting will be to bring together French and British workers in order to exchange ideas and encourage collaboration. A number of interactions were initiated from the first meeting in 2004 and a second workshop will strengthen this collaboration and encourage further ties. In particular time will be set aside to discuss the establishment of formal links for postgraduate students and young researchers.


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Description The conference has stimulated relations between applied mathematical scientists in France and UK engaged in research on waves.
Exploitation Route The work has been carried on with other meetings, both large and small, and with interactions and collaborations arising from the event in 2006.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


including Industrial Biotechology


Description Yes, see section on Collaborations and Partnerships.
First Year Of Impact 2006
Sector Other
Impact Types Societal


Description The 2nd British-French Workshop on Mathematical Techniques for Wave Problems: Mathmondes 
Organisation ENSTA ParisTech (École Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées)
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The Group at the University of Manchester have worked strenuously to foster links between the respective applied mathematics research communities in waves in the UK and France.
Collaborator Contribution With the University of Manchester, the group at ENSTA and others in France have assisted in establishing regular collaborative meetings and workshops.
Impact Various multidisciplinary activities, including members involved with Mathmondes helping form the Groupe de Recherche on 'Wave Propagation in Complex Media for Quantitative and Non-Destructive Evaluation'.