Structure-based rational design of oligonucleotide-mediated chemical ribonucleases

Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Manchester Pharmacy School


Non-scientific Summary:The highly specific action of synthetic, robust catalytic molecules that can cleave and process nucleic acids not only underlies the essence of cellular life and the translation of the genetic message of an individual into their physical make-up, but also provides a substantial portion of the tools of modern chemical biology. The development of novel man-made chemical compounds imitating the active centre of some natural enzymes that are capable of damaging messenger RNA provides a basis for generating new useful tools of modern chemical biology, perhaps even drugs, affecting specific messenger RNAs and viral genetic material. Recently a considerable effort has been made in the creation of chemical ribonucleases, catalytic molecules capable of damaging RNA molecules irreversibly at desired positions. These compounds can potentially be applicable to a range of problems in biomedical areas and public healthcare and also in various areas of life sciences and chemical biology. However, the problem of unsatisfactory biological performance of metal-free chemical ribonucleases remains unsolved. Recently, in the frame of our collaborative work with a Russian research group, a new type of chemical nuclease, showing very unusual biological properties, was discovered. These novel compounds were constructed by chemical fusion of short, synthetic protein-like molecules with synthetic DNA fragments. The most remarkable feature of these novel catalytic molecules was that the short DNA fragment enormously enhanced the biological activity of a previously inactive protein-like molecule. Our preliminary study showed that the merger of these two chemical entities seems to produce a new, hybrid type of molecule that can synergistically combine the individual properties of the two components to yield a new and unusual biological ability. The DNA-like component seems to induce an `active` structure of the protein-like fragment and hence significantly enhance its catalytic performance. However, the basic, fundamental processes behind this unusual discovery have never been studied. The great challenge is therefore to provide an understanding at the molecular level of how these functionally significant entities (i.e. the short synthetic protein-like molecule and the short DNA fragment) interact with each other and mutually change their functions. The aim of this proposal is therefore to determine the structural rules and molecular mechanisms which govern biological activity of these novel synthetic catalysts and control whether these molecules can recognize and specifically cleave another molecule. Success in this area will provide us with a chemical means to develop novel tools for chemical biology, such as catalysts with increased activity, altered specificity and improved storage properties compared to natural enzymes. We already have obtained experimental evidence that the molecules we are designing can provide specific and efficient cleavage, but now we need to understand the fine molecular mechanisms managing these processes. To achieve this we have to put this research onto a solid experimental basis through high resolution structural studies and a high-level computational approach.


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Description The development of novel biocatalytic supramolecular structures mimicking the active centre of natural ribonucleases and capable of cleaving RNA targets can provide a basis for generating new useful biological tools and powerful therapeutics, affecting specific messenger RNAs and viral genomic RNAs. In spite of impressive advances made toward the development of sequence-specific artificial ribonucleases, the problem of insufficient efficiency of the existing metal-independent chemical ribonucleases, their poor selectivity and low catalytic turnover remains unmet. Recently, a new type of peptidyl-oligonucleotide chemical nucleases (PCNs), showing very unusual catalytic and structural properties, has been discovered. These novel oligonucleotide-mediated chemical nucleases were constructed by chemical conjugation of short, catalytically inactive oligopeptides containing alternating basic and hydrophobic amino acids with an oligonucleotide component, which are poorly or non-complementary to RNA target regions. The most remarkable feature of these novel biocatalysts was that the covalently attached oligonucleotide units induced catalytic activity of a previously inactive peptide and modulated its cleavage specificity towards RNA. However, the lack of knowledge of the structural aspects behind this discovery hinders the development of a new generation of peptidyl-oligonucleotide conjugates. Also, very little is known about the modes of interactions between peptidyl-oligonucleotide chemical ribonucleases and target RNA sequences, which create the additional barrier for improved design of new structural variants of PCN with an appropriate balance between sequence-specificity and high catalytic turnover.

The aim of this research, therefore, was to investigate the structural aspects of this class of catalytic artificial ribonucleases using 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy as well as their modes of interactions with the complementary and non-complementary RNA sequences using fluorescence, UV-visible spectroscopy, and Tm profile studies.

To achieve this, the selected model conjugates were synthesised and their identity confirmed using HPLC, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopies. The challenge here was to investigate how these functionally significant entities (peptide and oligonucleotide) interact with each other within the conjugate and cross-modulate their activities. The analysis of NOESY of the selected model systems allowed the identification of inter-proton interactions within these structures and provide the information about mutual orientations of the fragments and interactions between the individual components. These structural studies provided sufficient evidence that both oligonucleotide and peptide cross-modulate each other's conformations leading to the formation of a new entity with unique structural properties.

The final stage of this research was aimed to study the key modes of interactions between PCNs and different RNA sequences. To achieve this, binding experiments between the selected PCNs (non-fluorescent and fluorescently-labelled) and FAM-labelled RNA targets were carried out to follow the fluorescence and UV-visible response upon interaction. The oligonucleotide was shown to play the dominant role in the interactions between the selected conjugates and the complementary target in the presence of a high level of counter cations, which were sufficient to prevent repulsion between the complementary strands. The peptide component seems to become the key player in these interactions, when the concentrations of counter cations are insufficient or negligible. It was also demonstrated that the studied model conjugates are capable of forming strong complexes with non-complementary RNA sequences at low concentrations of counter cations or in their absence, presumably due to electrostatic interactions between the negatively charged sugar-phosphate backbones of the RNA and the positively charged arginines of the conjugates. This mode of binding, which is mainly mediated by the peptide moiety via electrostatic interactions with the RNA strand, seems to represent the only possibility for interactions between the non-complementary RNA and the conjugate in water.

The 3D structure of the hybrid complex between the model conjugate and the RNA target was resolved using NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling. The oligonucleotide double-stranded region of the hybrid molecule was in agreement with the right-handed DNA with a contribution from both A and B forms. It was confirmed that the interactions between the conjugate and RNA target was driven by two major binding modes, which involve electrostatic interactions and Watson-Crick base-pairing. On the other hand, interactions between the conjugate and the non-complementary RNA sequence were qualitatively confirmed to be driven via electrostatic interactions only and mediated by the oligopeptide fragment.
Exploitation Route One of the major pharmaceutical challenges today is the development of more powerful, highly selective therapies against abnormal gene expression in disease states, which would allow lower chemotherapeutic doses and thus more tolerable side effects. The key research findings of this research project suggested some new strategic directions in the development of novel therapeutics, which may inspire discovery of novel therapeutic approaches and thus allow expanding the therapeutic window in drug discovery process. The main focus of the research funded by EPSRC was the development of highly specific, synthetic enzymes capable of damaging nucleic acids. The use of these catalytic systems can potentially affect the essence of cellular life and the translation of the genetic information of an individual into their physical make-up. These engineered chemical enzymes imitating the active centre of natural enzymes and capable of damaging messenger RNA provide a basis for generating new useful tools of modern chemical biology, perhaps even drugs affecting specific messenger RNAs and viral genetic material.

These chemical nucleases consisting of multiple catalytic elements may offer a gene-specific approach to chemotherapy where a disease that involves the production of a harmful protein could be treated by antisense interference with a disease-relevant mRNA. Therefore, the possible routes of exploitation of the project outcomes include basic science research (current exploitation) as well as potential bio-medical and clinical applications (future exploitation).
Sectors Chemicals


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description BBSRC DTP Studentship (2012-2016); PI: E.V. Bichenkova
Amount £61,000 (GBP)
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2012 
End 03/2016
Description BBSRC Industrial CASE Studentship Award (BB/K012622/1). PI: E.V. Bichenkova (2013-2017)
Amount £96,000 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/K012622/1 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2013 
End 09/2017
Description BBSRC studentship to support postgraduate research project of Mengisteab B. Gebrezgiabher.
Amount £40,840 (GBP)
Funding ID BB/D526588-1 BBSRC DTA 2006 
Organisation Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2006 
End 09/2009
Description The Collaborative Research Framework Agreement with SOLVAY (Work Program 2).
Amount £105,704 (GBP)
Organisation Solvay 
Sector Private
Country Global
Start 09/2011 
End 03/2015
Description Collaboration with Conformetrix Ltd (currently C4X Discovery) 
Organisation C4X Discovery Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Collaboration with Conformetrix Ltd (currently C4X Discovery) ) led to BBSRC Industrial CASE Studentship Award (E.V. Bichenkova (PI) and H. Aojula (co-applicant) with Conformetrix Ltd) to support 4-year studentship at the interface of academia and industry. £96,604 (2013-2017)
Collaborator Contribution Collaboration with Conformetrix Ltd (currently C4X Discovery) ) led to BBSRC Industrial CASE Studentship Award (E.V. Bichenkova (PI) and H. Aojula (co-applicant) with Conformetrix Ltd) to support 4-year studentship at the interface of academia and industry. £96,604 (2013-2017)
Impact 'Complete 3D description of dynamic behaviour of enzyme mimics: role of various structural elements in catalysis and interactions with bio-target.' BBSRC Industrial CASE Studentship Award (BB/K012622/1). E.V. Bichenkova (PI) and H. Aojula (co-applicant) with Conformetrix Ltd. to support 4-year studentship at the interface of academia and industry. £96,604 (2013-2017)
Start Year 2013
Description Collaboration with Research Group of Prof. Vlassov 
Organisation Novosibirsk State University
Department Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine
Country Russian Federation 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Participation in the International Grant Award-2014 'New generation of RNA-targeting agents based on oligonucleotide derivatives: a platform for generation of novel therapeutics; Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine , Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Grant REF: 14-44-00068. Scientific contribution: medicinal and analytical chemistry, spectroscopy (NMR, fluorescence & UV and mass spectrometry) structural biology and biophysics.
Collaborator Contribution Principal Applicant in the International Grant Award-2014 'New generation of RNA-targeting agents based on oligonucleotide derivatives: a platform for generation of novel therapeutics; Federal State Institution of Science Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine , Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Grant REF: 14-44-00068. Scientific contribution: biochemistry, molecular biology and chemistry of nucleic acids.
Impact 1. M. A. Zenkova, D. V. Pyshnyi, W. A. Zalloum, M. B. Gebrezgiabher and E. V. Bichenkova. 'New Approaches for the Development of Nucleic Acid-based Therapeutics: Challenges and Opportunities in RNA Targeting.' International Drug Discovery. (2011) 2011, 1-5. 2. N.G. Beloglazova, M. M. Fabani, N. N. Polushin, V. V. Sil'nikov, V.V. Vlassov, E.V. Bichenkova and M. A. Zenkova. 'Site-Selective Artificial Ribonucleases: Oligonucleotide Conjugates Containing Multiple Imidazole Residues in the Catalytic Domain'. Journal of Nucleic Acids. (2011) doi:10.4061/2011/748632 3. Miles S.M., Gebrezgiabher M. B., Pyshnyi D. V., Mironova N. L., Zenkova M. A., Vlassov V. V. and Bichenkova E. V. (2009). 'Structural Aspects of oligonucleotide-mediated artificial ribonucleases'. Presented at Conversation 16 on Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. Suny, Albany: Adenine Press, NY, USA. Published in J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 2009, 26, 847. 4. Miles S.M., Gebrezgiabher M.B, Zalloum W.A, Pyshnyi D.V., Mironova N.L., Zenkova M.A., Vlassov V.V and Bichenkova E.V. (2009). 'Oligonucleotide-based chemical nucleases: opportunities and challenges in RNA targeting'. Presented at 13 European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules. Palmero, Italy: IOS Press NL. 13th ECSBM, Palermo, Book of Abstracts, p. 32. Mengisteab B. Gebrezgiabher, Steven M. Miles, Dmitrii V. Pyshnyi, Nadezhda L. Mironova, Marina A. Zenkova, Valentin V. Vlassov, Elena V. Bichenkova, 'Structural Aspects of novel Artificial Ribonucleases by 2D NMR spectroscopy'. J. Biomol. NMR (2008), 41 (2), 209.
Start Year 2006
Description Collaboration with the research group of Prof. Marina V. Zenkova, Novosibirsk, Russia 
Organisation Novosibirsk State University
Department Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine
Country Russian Federation 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Our research outcomes in the area of structure-based rational design of oligonucleotide-mediated chemical ribonucleases (previously funded by EPSRC) triggered a new collaborative initiative with the research group of Prof. Marina V. Zenkova Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Novosibirsk, Russia). Recently we received BBSRC DTP studentship award for 3.5-years to initiate the project 'Enzyme-free, spontaneous recombination of RNAs'. A new PhD student, Catherine Watson, has been selected by the Faculty panel (The University of Manchester) and started her postgraduate research & training program in September 2012.
Collaborator Contribution The research group of Prof. Marina A. Zenkova (Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Novosibirsk, Russia) provides an expertise in biochemistry, molecular biology and artificial ribonucleases.
Impact Structural aspects of non-enzymatic recombination in viral RNAs' by Catherine Watson, Richard A. Bryce, Elena V. Bichenkova. Presented at Symposium 'The 10th Nucleic Acids Forum' in July 2014 at the RSC Chemistry Centre, Burlington House, London'. (Poster presentation by Catherine Watson). Now Nano Summer Conference - June 9-11th 2014 - Cranage Hall, Cheshire - 15 minute Presentation - 'Developing a new generation of peptidyl-oligonucleotide conjugates with desired biocatalytic activities'. Aled Williams, Yaroslav Staroseletz, Laurent Jeannin, Marina A. Zenkova, Harmesh Aojula and Elena V. Bichenkova; Aled Williams, Yaroslav Staroseletz, Laurent Jeannin, Marina A. Zenkova, Harmesh Aojula and Elena V. Bichenkova; University of Manchester Postgraduate Summer Research Showcase - June 24th 2014 - UoM - Poster Presentation - 'Developing a new generation of peptidyl-oligonucleotide conjugates with desired biocatalytic properties against biologically relevant RNA' Aled Williams, Yaroslav Staroseletz, Laurent Jeannin, Marina A. Zenkova, Harmesh Aojula and Elena V. Bichenkova; Nucleic Acids Group Research Conference (RSC) - July 4th 2014 - Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London - Poster Presentation - 'Developing a new generation of peptidyl-oligonucleotide conjugates with desired biocatalytic properties against biologically relevant RNA.' 1. M. A. Zenkova, D. V. Pyshnyi, W. A. Zalloum, M. B. Gebrezgiabher and E. V. Bichenkova. 'New Approaches for the Development of Nucleic Acid-based Therapeutics: Challenges and Opportunities in RNA Targeting.' International Drug Discovery. (2011) 2011, 1-5. N.G. Beloglazova, M. M. Fabani, N. N. Polushin, V. V. Sil'nikov, V.V. Vlassov, E.V. Bichenkova and M. A. Zenkova. 'Site-Selective Artificial Ribonucleases: Oligonucleotide Conjugates Containing Multiple Imidazole Residues in the Catalytic Domain'. Journal of Nucleic Acids. (2011) doi:10.4061/2011/748632 Miles S.M., Gebrezgiabher M. B., Pyshnyi D. V., Mironova N. L., Zenkova M. A., Vlassov V. V. and Bichenkova E. V. (2009). 'Structural Aspects of oligonucleotide-mediated artificial ribonucleases'. Presented at Conversation 16 on Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. Suny, Albany: Adenine Press, NY, USA. Published in J. Biomol. Struct. Dyn. 2009, 26, 847. Miles S.M., Gebrezgiabher M.B, Zalloum W.A, Pyshnyi D.V., Mironova N.L., Zenkova M.A., Vlassov V.V and Bichenkova E.V. (2009). 'Oligonucleotide-based chemical nucleases: opportunities and challenges in RNA targeting'. Presented at 13 European Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules. Palmero, Italy: IOS Press NL. 13th ECSBM, Palermo, Book of Abstracts, p. 32. Mengisteab B. Gebrezgiabher, Steven M. Miles, Dmitrii V. Pyshnyi, Nadezhda L. Mironova, Marina A. Zenkova, Valentin V. Vlassov, Elena V. Bichenkova, 'Structural Aspects of novel Artificial Ribonucleases by 2D NMR spectroscopy'. J. Biomol. NMR (2008), 41 (2), 209.
Start Year 2006
Description The Collaborative Research Framework Agreement with SOLVAY 
Organisation Solvay
Country Global 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution SOLVAY is an early partner interested in the synthesis and production of the nucleic acid-peptide catalytic structures, developed in our research funded by EPSRC. The success in the research funded by EPSRC was significant to promote collaborations with this commercial partner and lead to the Collaborative Research Framework Agreement between the University of Manchester and SOLVAY. Funding body: SOLVAY. Bichenkova: £105,704 (as a part of a £1.3M research program together with Drs A. Miller, A. Saiani, C. Merry, J. Gough, R. Goodacre, L. Majewski and Prof. Mike Turner). Oct 2011 - March 2015. Our success in the research previously funded by EPSRC (2006-2009) has triggered the collaborations with Solvay, an early commercial partner, and lead to the Collaborative Research Framework Agreement between the University of Manchester and SOLVAY. Funding body: SOLVAY. Bichenkova: £105,704 (as a part of a £1.3M research program together with Drs A. Miller, A. Saiani, C. Merry, J. Gough, R. Goodacre, L. Majewski and Prof. Mike Turner). Oct 2011 - March 2015. This work programme provides full financial support for one PhD student for 3.5 years (Aled Williams; started from October 2011).
Collaborator Contribution Solvay contributes in financial support of this research project (£105,704 (as a part of a £1.3M research program together with Drs A. Miller, A. Saiani, C. Merry, J. Gough, R. Goodacre, L. Majewski and Prof. Mike Turner) and provides expertise in peptide chemistry.
Impact Now Nano Summer Conference - June 9-11th 2014 - Cranage Hall, Cheshire - 15 minute Presentation - 'Developing a new generation of peptidyl-oligonucleotide conjugates with desired biocatalytic activities'. Aled Williams, Yaroslav Staroseletz, Laurent Jeannin, Marina A. Zenkova, Harmesh Aojula and Elena V. Bichenkova; Aled Williams, Yaroslav Staroseletz, Laurent Jeannin, Marina A. Zenkova, Harmesh Aojula and Elena V. Bichenkova; University of Manchester Postgraduate Summer Research Showcase - June 24th 2014 - UoM - Poster Presentation - 'Developing a new generation of peptidyl-oligonucleotide conjugates with desired biocatalytic properties against biologically relevant RNA.' Aled Williams, Yaroslav Staroseletz, Laurent Jeannin, Marina A. Zenkova, Harmesh Aojula and Elena V. Bichenkova; Nucleic Acids Group Research Conference (RSC) - July 4th 2014 - Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, London - Poster Presentation - 'Developing a new generation of peptidyl-oligonucleotide conjugates with desired biocatalytic properties against biologically relevant RNA.'
Start Year 2011
Description Member of the Executive Organising Committee of the International Conference 'Conversation on Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics'. 
Form Of Engagement Activity A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The research success in the area of structure-based rational design of oligonucleotide-mediated chemical ribonucleases (funded by EPSRC) has been recognised by the Executive Organising Committee of the International Conference 'Conversation on Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics', State Univ. of New York, Albany, NY, US. As a result of this recognition, in Feb 2010 I was invited to become a member of the executive Organising Committee of this International conference. . Awarding Body - The Executive Organising Committee, Name of Scheme - International Conference 'Conversation on Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics', State Univ. of New York, Albany, NY, USA

International Conference 'Conversation on Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics' initiated a number of fruitful collaborations between various scientific communities.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2010