Invert - A Centre for Imaging Science
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Bath
Department Name: Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Invert - a Centre for Imaging Science will take a national and international lead in developing applications of tomographic imaging and inversion problems arising from investigations of the natural world.The vision is to establish a group conducting fundamental research that has societal impact / in particular in climate-change modelling and in automatic diagnosis in medicine. The unique speciality of Invert will be the fusion of models with tomographic images. This will facilitate a step change in the way that tomographic images are used, i.e. images will be used directly with physics and physiological models without the intermediate step of human interpretation. The goal is to 'reverse engineer' from the images to reveal the underlying processes in physics and physiology.Invert will also act as a focal point to unify the UK's tomographic imaging community and promote the reputation of the UK's tomography research at an international level. The computational and intellectual facilities of the centre will be accessible to external academics and researchers. The facility will also enable business to access core expertise in the form of consultancy and research projects.
People |
Cathryn Mitchell (Principal Investigator) |

Alfonsi L
Bipolar climatology of GPS ionospheric scintillation at solar minimum
in Radio Science

Benton C
Further observations of GPS satellite oscillator anomalies mimicking ionospheric phase scintillation
in GPS Solutions

Benton C
Method to measure the Stokes parameters of GPS signals STOKES PARAMETERS OF GPS SIGNALS
in Radio Science

Bust G
Four-dimensional GPS imaging of space weather storms
in Space Weather

Bust G
History, current state, and future directions of ionospheric imaging
in Reviews of Geophysics

Chartier A
Ionospheric imaging in Africa IONOSPHERIC IMAGING IN AFRICA
in Radio Science

De Franceschi G
Dynamics of high-latitude patches and associated small-scale irregularities during the October and November 2003 storms
in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

Hobbs S
System Design for Geosynchronous Synthetic Aperture Radar Missions
in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing

Materassi M
Wavelet analysis of GPS amplitude scintillation: A case study
in Radio Science

Meggs R
A study into the errors in vertical total electron content mapping using GPS data
in Radio Science
Description | Technology transfer to companies. |
First Year Of Impact | 2010 |
Sector | Electronics |
Impact Types | Economic Policy & public services |
Description | SEIGG |
Geographic Reach | Multiple continents/international |
Policy Influence Type | Membership of a guideline committee |
Impact | Protection from Space Weather |