THE ONTOGENESIS NETWORK - A network of excellence to foster the creation, ontogeny and evolution of biological, bioinformatics and medical ontologies
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Manchester
Department Name: Computer Science
See Oxford form
People |
Robert Stevens (Principal Investigator) |

Brewster C
Issues in learning an ontology from text.
in BMC bioinformatics

Ciccarese P
CiTO + SWAN: The web semantics of bibliographic records, citations, evidence and discourse relationships
in Semantic Web

Fernandez-Breis J
A Quality Evaluation Framework for Bio-Ontologies
in Nature Precedings

Fernandez-Breis J
A Quality Evaluation Framework for Bio-Ontologies
in Nature Precedings

Randall D
Distributed ontology building as practical work
in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

Schober D
Practical experiences in concurrent, collaborative ontology building using Collaborative Protégé
in Nature Precedings

Schober D
Practical experiences in concurrent, collaborative ontology building using Collaborative Protégé
in Nature Precedings

Shotton D
CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology.
in Journal of biomedical semantics