Analysis of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Mathematical Institute


Partial differential equations (PDEs) are equations that relate the partial derivatives, usually with respect to space and time coordinates, of unknown quantities. They are ubiquitous in almost all applications of mathematics, where they provide a natural mathematical description of phenomena in the physical, natural and social sciences, often arising from fundamental conservation laws such as for mass, momentum and energy. Significant application areas include geophysics, the bio-sciences, engineering, materials science, physics and chemistry, economics and finance. Length-scales of natural phenomena modelled by PDEs range from sub-atomic to astronomical, and time-scales may range from nanoseconds to millennia. The behaviour of every material object can be modelled either by PDEs, usually at various different length- or time-scales, or by other equations for which similar techniques of analysis and computation apply. A striking example of such an object is Planet Earth itself.Linear PDEs are ones for which linear combinations of solutions are also solutions. For example, the linear wave equation models electromagnetic waves, which can be decomposed into sums of elementary waves of different frequencies, each of these elementary waves also being solutions. However, most of the PDEs that accurately model nature are nonlinear and, in general, there is no way of writing their solutions explicitly. Indeed, whether the equations have solutions, what their properties are, and how they may be computed numerically are difficult questions that can be approached only by methods of mathematical analysis. These involve, among other things, precisely specifying what is meant by a solution and the classes of functions in which solutions are sought, and establishing ways in which approximate solutions can be constructed which can be rigorously shown to converge to actual solutions. The analysis of nonlinear PDEs is thus a crucial ingredient in the understanding of the world about us.As recognized by the recent International Review of Mathematics, the analysis of nonlinear PDEs is an area of mathematics in which the UK, despite some notable experts, lags significantly behind our scientific competitors, both in quantity and overall quality. This has a serious detrimental effect on mathematics as a whole, on the scientific and other disciplines which depend on an understanding of PDEs, and on the knowledge-based economy, which in particular makes increasing use of simulations of PDEs instead of more costly or impractical alternatives such as laboratory testing.The proposal responds to the national need in this crucial research area through the formation of a forward-looking world-class research centre in Oxford, in order to provide a sharper focus for fundamental research in the field in the UK and raise the potential of its successful and durable impact within and outside mathematics. The centre will involve the whole UK research community having interests in nonlinear PDEs, for example through the formation of a national steering committee that will organize nationwide activities such as conferences and workshops.Oxford is an ideal location for such a research centre on account of an existing nucleus of high quality researchers in the field, and very strong research groups both in related areas of mathematics and across the range of disciplines that depend on the understanding of nonlinear PDEs. In addition, two-way knowledge transfer with industry will be achieved using the expertise and facilities of the internationally renowned mathematical modelling group based in OCIAM which, through successful Study Groups with Industry, has a track-record of forging strong links to numerous branches of science, industry, engineering and commerce. The university is committed to the formation of the centre and will provide a significant financial contribution, in particular upgrading one of the EPSRC-funded lectureships to a Chair


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Chen G (2013) Weakly Nonlinear Geometric Optics for Hyperbolic Systems of Conservation Laws in Communications in Partial Differential Equations

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Chen G (2009) Weak continuity of the Gauss-Codazzi-Ricci system for isometric embedding in Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society

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Chen G (2015) Weak continuity and compactness for nonlinear partial differential equations in Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B

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Chen G (2009) Uniqueness of transonic shock solutions in a duct for steady potential flow in Journal of Differential Equations

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Berrone S (2007) Two-sided a posteriori error bounds for incompressible quasi-Newtonian flows in IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis

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Feldman M (2016) Transonic flows with shocks past curved wedges for the full euler equations in Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems

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Chen G (2020) Traces and extensions of bounded divergence-measure fields on rough open sets in Indiana University Mathematics Journal

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Kreisbeck C (2015) Thin-film limits of functionals on A-free vector fields in Indiana University Mathematics Journal

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Melcher C (2010) Thin-Film Limits for Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equations in SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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Fang B (2016) The uniqueness of transonic shocks in supersonic flow past a 2-D wedge in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

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Duzaar F (2007) The existence of regular boundary points for non-linear elliptic systems in Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal)

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Chen G (2015) Subsonic-Sonic Limit of Approximate Solutions to Multidimensional Steady Euler Equations in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

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Ortner C (2011) Stress-based atomistic/continuum coupling: a new variant of the quasicontinuum approximation in International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering

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Chen G (2020) Stability of Multidimensional Thermoelastic Contact Discontinuities in Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis

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Knezevic D (2008) Spectral Galerkin approximation of Fokker-Planck equations with unbounded drift in ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

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Schwab C (2008) Sparse finite element approximation of high-dimensional transport-dominated diffusion problems in ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

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Breit D (2012) Solenoidal Lipschitz truncation and applications in fluid mechanics in Journal of Differential Equations

Description This was a broad grant designed to help consolidate research on nonlinear partial differential equations in the UK. In particular the Oxford Centre for Nonlinear PDE was founded as a result of the grant and is now a leading international centre. As regards specific research advances, these were in various areas of applications of PDE, for example to fluid and solid mechnaics, liquid crystals, electromagnetism, and relativity.
Exploitation Route Through publications and consultation with current and former members of OxPDE.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine






Description Advanced Investigator Grant
Amount € 2,006,998 (EUR)
Funding ID 291053 
Organisation European Research Council (ERC) 
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 03/2012 
End 03/2017