Feedback control of translation termination in yeast

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Chemical Engineering


At the cellular level, all life is dependent upon using the genetic information stored in DNA to make proteins. These proteins, through their action as catalysts, conduct the biochemical reactions in the cell. In order to make proteins, genetic information at the DNA level is first copied into a second, chain-like molecule, called mRNA. Finally, the genetic information now encoded within the mRNA is then read, or 'translated', into protein by a complex biochemical assembly called a ribosome.The process of translation is itself extremely complex, but essentially can be divided into three phases; initiation, where the ribosome joins the mRNA to start translation; elongation, where the mRNA genetic information is read to make the protein; and termination, when the ribosome leaves the mRNA. It is this last stage that forms the focus of this research. It is crucial that translation is terminated efficiently. If the ribosome stops too early, an incomplete protein is made, which will be non-functional. Crucially, such 'premature' stop events can be caused by mutations, such as some of the DNA defects underlying diseases like cystic fibrosis. In many cystic fibrosis patients, the DNA mutation in the cystic fibrosis gene, when copied into mRNA and translated by the ribosome, causes a short, non-functional protein to be made. The absence of the full-length product produces the symptoms of the disease. Understanding the way in which DNA mutations direct the manufacture of truncated proteins requires a fundamental knowledge of the termination stage of translation, and of the way that the ribosome responds to mutations in the genetic information. The complexity of process demands that new tools are developed to investigate the biochemistry that underpins the process. One such set of tools, mathematical and computational modelling, can be used to generate a quantitative description of translation and the termination step. Once modelled, translation can be studied using computer simulations, in parallel with laboratory experimental investigations. Modelling of biochemical processes is an emerging field that offers exciting prospects for understanding the complexity of cellular control circuits. In this proposal, biologists will work collaboratively with control/system engineers to model the translation process, including the termination step. The termination process of the model organism baker's yeast will be studied, due to the similarity of the process in yeast and human cells. In addition, there exist a series of yeast mutants that highlight feedback control of the translation termination step. Study of these mutants, and of how the feedback loop is controlled, provides an exciting opportunity to investigate many of the parameters that control protein synthesis and that regulate the length of all proteins in the cell. This understanding can, in the longer term, be applied to the study of the effects of human genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis.
Description Translation is a basic biological process by which proteins are synthesized. Surprisingly this process incorporates t internal feedback control regulation (similar to that developed by engineers to regulate industrial processes), and the fascinating thing is that this occurs naturally. One aspect which can severely comprise translation and protein synthesis is premature termination: this is responsible for nasty medical conditions like cystic fibrosis.
In this project we have combined experiments and modelling to (i) Reveal the effects of premature stop codons (ii) Elucidate the effect of intrinsic feedback control in translation and (iii) Understand the interplay between these factors.

Our studies are the first consolidated experimental and modelling efforts to dissect an internal feedback control mechanism in the widespread process of translation. It provides a platform for investigating other feedback regulatory mechanisms in translation and also for engineering feedback regulation of translation through synthetic biology.

Since proteins are the basic building blocks of cells, our studies are relevant to a broad range of basic and applied biological contexts and applications.
Exploitation Route (i) The basic methodology we have used can be employed to investigate other feedback control mechanisms in translation.
Since translation is a very widespread process involved in the synthesis of most proteins, this is of potentially very broad relevance in basic biology and applied biological processes
(ii) The effects of premature stop codons and their deleterious effects can be better understood using our approach
(iii) Our studies provides and engineering platform for devising artificial feedback regulatory mechanisms controlling translation in cells, for example via synthetic biology. This can set the stage for new ways of manipulating engineering and controlling synthesis of various kinds of proteins, at the translation stage. This could be of relevance in biotechnology and biomedical areas. Finally, it can provide new tools to understand basic biology

This work was the basis of a follow up grant awarded by the BBSRC, BB/I020454/1 to develop a systems toolkit to dissect translational control systems
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The findings are currently being used in academic settings to understand regulatory effects of translation, which in trun is responsible for all protein synthesis This being a very new area, we expect the immediate applications in synthetic biology and susbequently biotechnology It has been the basis for a work on dissecting translational control systems, for which we were awarded a grant BB/I020454/1
Sector Other
Impact Types Cultural