Analysis, Predictive Modelling and In Vitro Validation of Gene Expression During 2-aminoethylphosphonate Metabolism in Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Ulster
Department Name: Sch of Biomedical Sciences


This research project is a collaborative effort between a microbiologist and a control systems engineer who have a shared interest in examining the ways in which mathematical models can be used to predict gene expression in bacterial systems. This proposal will enable the applicants to develop expertise at the interface of their disciplines leading to new insight in the mechanisms of complex biological systems. This is expected to initiate a long-term collaborative research program beyond this project, focused on developments in the treatment and manipulation of biological systems for industrial and medical applications. For this investigation, we are using a relatively simple system, namely the metabolic route for biodegradation of an analogue of the amino acid beta-alanine, called 2-aminoethylphosphonate. This compound has a covalent carbon to phosphorus (C-P) bond that makes it very resistant to enzymatic attack. However, in the soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti 1021 there is a novel pathway that allows this microorganism to use 2AEP as a source of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus for growth. The pathway is unusual in that it generates an antiviral compound, phosphonoacetate, as an intermediate in metabolism: this is a new phenomenon, which has not been observed in bacteria until now and we wish to know more about the way in which the genes of the pathway are expressed in response to different environmental conditions. We wish to find out whether or not the five genes involved in the metabolism of 2AEP are differentially expressed in bacterial cultures that are actively growing on 2AEP. In order to do this, we will use a technique called reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) which will allow us to measure, with reference to standards of known amounts of DNA, the levels of gene expression in several samples of cells removed from cultures during growth on 2AEP. The data we will produce during this work will be of the highest quality and will therefore serve as a benchmark study in terms of both reliability and rigour of data, and should be of significant interest to systems biology researchers.A principal aim of his work is to develop modelling techniques which enable the true biochemical pathway of cellular processes to be uncovered. A major aspect of this project is therefore devoted to investigating methods for bringing together knowledge and analysis of the biochemistry with mathematical analysis. This will enable the development of a comprehensive system model, which we will then use to make predictions of the dynamics of gene expression in response to different 2AEP substrate concentrations and nutrient limitations. Validation of the feasibility of the proposed model is extremely important and following rigorous simulation tests, further targeted gene expression analysis will be carried out on bacterial cultures fed with small amounts of 2AEP in order to test the in silico predictions. The biological implications of the model will be studied in terms of understanding of the responses of soil microbes to nutrient influx; determining the cellular control mechanisms; and robustness of the system to environmental noise. The research will be of interest to scientists interested in metabolism of organophosphonate compounds, which are widely used in medicine, agriculture and industry. The techniques developed will also be of wider interest to others in the field of modelling biochemical pathways dynamics. The techniques could be of use in predicting gene expression behaviour in similar systems, including perhaps those related to pathogenesis of certain bacteria and this could provide a starting point for the development of new antimicrobials. The investigators will benefit significantly from the work, with the reciprocal scientific interchange broadening their understanding of the ways by which systems biology experiments may be fed into and used to design predictive models of metabolism.


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Description Genes encoding 2AEP biodegradation are are transcribed together and expressed above a basal level only when 2AEP is present as a C,N&P source in the culture medium. Expression of the lysR transcriptional regulator upstream of the genes encoding 2AEP metabolism is highest when 2AEP is present as C,N&P source, remaining basal in the other conditions tested. With 2AEP as sole P source, expression levels of a gene encoding a membrane protein were approximately twice the basal level, showing induction of transcription under this condition. A larger increase in expression was observed when 2AEP was supplied as C,N&P source. This protein may transport 2AEP into the cell, or remove excess Pi produced during 2AEP metabolism.
The second aim of the project was to examine modelling of gene expression data to gain insight into whether the commonly held biological hypotheses as to the function of the pathway were valid and to explore a range of biochemical factors not easily measurable in vitro, such as 2AEP transport and the role of the LysR regulator. Full medium grown cells were washed, placed in medium with 10 mM 2AEP as sole C,N&P source and sampled over 72h, providing a series of data points showing dynamic changes in gene expression. Biologist and modeler learned to collaborate effectively in exploring the literature to understand the possible mechanisms, and interactions of, species within the pathway and to interpret this into mathematical language. This process led first to improved understanding of the function of the LysR transcriptional regulator which forms a biological 'switch', hypersensitive to changes in 2AEP levels.
The data allowed the system to be explored in modular fashion, separating transport; gene expression; and translation. In our resting cell experiments, metabolic rate diverged significantly from the rate of gene expression, with translation efficiency being the only possible explanation. Data extrapolated from this model could not be used to predict gene expression and metabolic rate in the general case, but we could model changes in transcriptional efficiency, which together with initial gene expression, appears to control 2AEP metabolism rate in cells. This is an under-explored area of systems biology and should be of interest to researchers interested in the expression dynamics of starved cell populations, as starvation conditions are largely what cells encounter in nature.
2AEP transport in this system cannot be explained by Michaelis-Menten kinetics as hypothesised, possibly as a result of the low metabolic activity in resting cells. Two possible explanations; i) that the Michaelis-Menten parameters depend on the cells' metabolic activity, or ii) that the number of transporter proteins is not constant. The model does not give a conclusive answer but raises future experimental possibilities.
Exploitation Route This research should be of interest to scientists interested in metabolism of natural organophosphonate compounds; our demonstration of biogenesis of phosphonoacetate has established a useful new paradigm. Further description of development of the model used, the function of the LysR type regulator, and insight into transcriptional efficiency and transport will be of significant interest to researchers at the life sciences interface. Participation in this discipline hop has enabled both investigators to open up new avenues of novel, high impact research. Ternan lab routinely uses rt-Q-PCR, allowing molecular dissection of virulence factor expression in C. difficile, with collaborative links with the NP Minton lab in Nottingham. Systems biology investigations of C. difficile using comparative proteomic, functional genomic and transcriptomic analyses to identifiy fragile systems likely to be of therapeutic use are now well established at Ulster.
Dr McAfee has unified skills developed in modeling cell systems with prior strengths in modeling of material processing to explore the interrelationship of processing, properties and biological response in development of implantable biomaterial devices. Collaborations with material scientists/engineers and biologists in Queen's University Belfast, Trinity College Dublin, Manchester, Leicester, Cambridge and the Robert Mathys Foundation as well as industrial interest from Smith and Nephew and Boston Scientific in the areas of modeling and optimization of Calcium Phosphate bone graft substitutes and bioresorbable polymer medical devices have resulted. An EPSRC proposal is under review and a further proposal for EU FP7 is being developed. The work has enormous potential to rapidly accelerate the development of effective medical devices with significant impact on surgical success.
Sectors Manufacturing

including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Participation in this discipline hop has enabled both investigators to open up new avenues of novel, high impact research. Ternan lab has since used skills developed during the term of the award to develop new areas of systems biology research and to lever substantial additional funding that has led to high quality publications in the area of proteomics and transcriptomics. Dr McAfee has unified skills developed in modeling cell systems with prior strengths in modeling of material processing to explore the interrelationship of processing, properties and biological response in development of implantable biomaterial devices. Collaborations with material scientists/engineers and biologists in Queen's University Belfast, Trinity College Dublin, Manchester, Leicester, Cambridge and the Robert Mathys Foundation as well as industrial interest from Smith and Nephew and Boston Scientific in the areas of modeling and optimization of Calcium Phosphate bone graft substitutes and bioresorbable polymer medical devices have resulted. .
First Year Of Impact 2010
Sector Education,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology