EPSRC Access to Materials Research Equipment - 3D ESEM

Lead Research Organisation: Queen Mary University of London
Department Name: School of Engineering & Materials Scienc


Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is a key technique underpinning a wide range of research in Materials Science as well as being heavily exploited in branches of Physics, Chemistry and Biological Sciences. Recent advances in SEM technology have included the integration of several complementary techniques into a single instrument providing enormous flexibility and a high degree of automation. Recent advances include operation in gaseous and liquid specimen environments (ESEM) brought about by improved vacuum control and detector technology. However, further novel in situ analysis of a greater range of materials, particularly extendable using non-vacuum conditions, represents the future synergistic direction of SEM led research. This proposal addresses the specific criteria for Specialised Scanning Electron Microscopy with relevance to Focussed Ion Beam techniques within the call. A total of 20% of spare capacity, equivalent to one working day a week, will be made available to external users.
Description This grant, under the Access to Materials Research Equipment scheme, allowed limited time on the multi-environment focused-ion beam scanning electron microscope based at Queen Mary University of London. Many projects were conducted ranging from routine characterisation of materials, preparation of site specific cross-sections for transmission electron microscopy, dynamic of swelling in clays under environmental imaging conditions, manipulation of carbon nano-pipes in partial vacuum and detection of carbon nano-particles in cross-sections of cells at cryo-genic temperature. However, the major achievement of the programme was the translation of techniques developed for physical sciences to solve problems in biological materials. The extension of the 3D imaging, FIB-SEM tomography, techniques to relatively large volumes of organic materials has opened new avenues for research in cell and tissue organisation.
Exploitation Route The outcomes of this project in extending 3D imaging techniques will be useful to the investigation of a wide range of materials systems. The spatial arrangement of structures with features in the range of 10nm - 100nm can be resolved over volumes of a million cubic micrometres. This 'volume electron microscopy' technique has already been used to reveal complex tissue architectures and understand stages in tissue development in both plant and animal tissues. Correlative techniques between different microscopy methods have also been demonstrated, allowing specific features identified by light microscopy or X-ray tomography to be explored at high resolution in the electron microscope. Such techniques could also be used to characterise nano-composite materials or nano-structured devices for a range of possible applications form drug delivery systems to energy harvesting devices.
Sectors Aerospace/ Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)





Manufacturing/ including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The outcomes of this project in extending 3D imaging techniques will be useful to the investigation of a wide range of materials systems. The spatial arrangement of structures with features in the range of 10nm - 100nm can be resolved over volumes of a million cubic micrometres. This 'volume electron microscopy' technique has already been used to reveal complex tissue architectures and understand stages in tissue development in both plant and animal tissues. Correlative techniques between different microscopy methods have also been demonstrated, allowing specific features identified by light microscopy or X-ray tomography to be explored at high resolution in the electron microscope. Such techniques could also be used to characterise nano-composite materials or nano-structured devices for a range of possible applications form drug delivery systems to energy harvesting devices.