Adaptive mesh simulation of different scale flood inundation

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Civil Engineering and Geosciences


Flood disasters, including coastal flooding and river inundation are a major threat to human life and assets. In the UK, a combination of climate change and increasing socio-economic vulnerability mean that the risk of flooding is expected to increase significantly during the 21st century unless the current policies for flood management and investment levels can be modified.The Flood Risk Management Research Consortium (FRMRC) has been funded by EPSRC and other government departments and agencies to improve understanding of the cause of flooding and to develop tools for flood risk management. The development and assessment of flood simulation tools has been one of the consortium's research topics. This proposal extends the work in FRMRC by proposing to assess and improve a computer model of flood flows that can adapt to local topography and obstruction, efficiently generating accurate solution even where the flow is very complex. This will mean that, for the first time, very accurate simulation can be applied at a range of different scales (from small to very large), including broad scale interactions of flood flow. This proposed project is consistent with the FRMRC research aims, yet is original in that this is the first time the adaptive model will be applied to simulate large-scale real world flood scenarios. The model will take advantages of modern numerical techniques including adaptive mesh methodologies for efficiency and accuracy, a local time step approach for efficiency, a simplified diffusion wave method for efficiency, and fully 2D shallow flow solution for accuracy. It will result in a robust, efficient and accurate numerical tool for flood simulation at different scales for a wide range of applications. Particularly, the model will allow simulation of very large scale flood inundation (e.g. the whole Thames Estuary area) whilst also resolving the effect of local flows at flood defences. This task is currently beyond most of the existing numerical tools as the scale of the floodplain is very large and the topographic features are complicated, including urban structures.The proposed project, involving further developing an existing adaptive quadtree grid based shallow flow model for flood simulation in different scales by including some model numerical techniques, will be completed in 3 years. The first two years of the project will focus on further developing and accessing the computer model. Problems related to scale effects, accuracy of approximations, etc. will be properly addressed. The efficiency, accuracy and robustness of the model will be confirmed by comparing with existing computer models for flood simulation recommended by FRMRC. In the last year, the improved computer model will be applied to predict future flood inundation scenarios in the whole Thames Estuary area due to extreme tidal conditions with different return periods, including broad scale interaction of flooding waves.The computer model resulted from this project can be used by engineers and researchers to predict flood risk in different situations and provide a reliable basis for improved flood risk assessment. Therefore this research will directly benefit engineering consultants and insurance business involving assessment and management of flood risk. The Environment Agency and local authorities will benefit in that larger scale flood simulation and related risk analysis resulting from this work will provide further information for better flood risk management and alleviation. This will in turn benefit the general public in terms of flood risk reduction and improved communication of flood risk.


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Kesserwani G (2010) A discontinuous Galerkin algorithm for the two-dimensional shallow water equations in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

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Kesserwani G (2009) Well-balancing issues related to the RKDG2 scheme for the shallow water equations in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

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Kesserwani G (2012) Dynamically adaptive grid based discontinuous Galerkin shallow water model in Advances in Water Resources

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Kesserwani G (2010) A conservative high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for the shallow water equations with arbitrary topography in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

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Liang Q (2010) Flood Simulation Using a Well-Balanced Shallow Flow Model in Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

Description This project aims 'to evaluate and apply an adaptive quadtree grid based 2D model to simulate flood inundation of a range of scales'. It has turned out to be a very successful project and the research has moved far beyond the research boundary as it was originally proposed and defined. The key achievements from the project may be summarised into two aspects:

1. Model development
Novel numerical methods have been developed for handling complex domain topography, wetting and drying and bed friction terms. The new methods are easy to implement and do not affect computational efficiency. Their validity can be mathematically proved and so stable simulations are guaranteed. The new techniques were published by Liang and Marche (2009) in Advances in Water Resources, 32: 873-884. The paper has been among the top three most cited papers published by this highly respected journal in the last 5 years. The methods have been successfully tested for real-world inundation and dam break simulations.

A new adaptive grid system has been developed, which possesses all of the advantages of the traditional quadtree grids but provides a much simplified tool for a general user without specific computational background. Published by Liang (2012) in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 69: 442-458, the inundation model based on the new grids can be up to 18 times more efficient than its fixed grid counterpart.

The new computational methods have also been extended to solve other governing equations for modelling solute transport, geomorphological change and tsunami.

Major contributions have been made to improve the Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin (RKDG) method. The RKDG method was introduced in late 1980s. Being a more accurate numerical scheme, the method has been extended to solve the fully dynamic governing equations for inundation modelling in recent years. However, most of the existing RKDG models can be only used for reproducing highly idealised test cases. By incorporating the aforementioned new computational techniques developed originally for a finite volume method, the RKDG method has been improved and tested for real-world applications. This has led to one of the first RKDG models of this kind. Also our work pioneers the adaptive grid based RKDG models.

2. Issues related to practical inundation modelling
Research effort has also been made to investigate a few issues related to practical inundation modelling, leading to the following general conclusions:
1) Diffusion-wave models are much less stable and could be actually computationally much more demanding than fully dynamic models;
2) Due to the great uncertainty associated with data, the benefit of implementing higher-order numerical scheme cannot be justified for real-world modelling practice;
3) depending on applications, implementing local time-stepping may save 1.5 ~ 2 times of computational cost.

As a summary, new developments in computational methods have resolved a number of challenging issues in flood inundation modelling, which include representing complex domain topography, handling moving wet-dry interface, stable calculation of bed friction terms and reducing computational cost for large-scale simulations. The resulting modelling tool is therefore more accurate, stable and computationally efficient, and represents the state-of-the-art in flood simulations.

The research project has directly led to 19 refereed papers in international leading journals and 9 conference articles/presentations.
Exploitation Route A number of users of the research outputs resulting from the current project have been identified in the previous section. The work has led to substantial academic impacts, which will certainly propagate through a longer timeframe. Apart from the academic route, we have also been trying to expose the new flood modelling tools to:

1. Local governments and public sectors
Efforts have also been made to further improve the hydrodynamic modelling systems for real-time flood forecasting, working with Met Office. Other possible government users are also being identified and explored, (e.g. the Environmental Agency).

2. Commercial users
There is a great potential that industrial partners may be interested in adopting the new models for their consultancy work. For example, discussion has been made with JBA on how to explore opportunities of jointly supervising student projects using our models. This may lead to potential opportunity of knowledge exchange. A project funded by the Northumbrian Water Limited to model the flow pass an urban drainage screen chamber has been completed, using the 2D hydrodynamic models resulting from the current project. Other potential industrial users of the products may include Atkins, HR Wallingford, Halcrow, etc.

3. Researchers
The models resulting from the project have since been further developed and used by researchers in several other research projects funded by the research councils and other funders. Through research collaborations, the models have also been used in flood modelling and management by researchers from Kyoto University in Japan, Hohai University, Dalian University of Technology and Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), China.

4. Through publications, key findings and new approaches from the project have been taken up by researchers worldwide to improve their flood models. Several papers results from the project have been well-cited.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Food and Drink

Communities and Social Services/Policy


Creative Economy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)





Description The research outputs from the projects, e.g. the new numerical methods and resulting models, have been widely recognised and used and led to national and international impacts: 1. Academic research related Through collaborating with Prof Jim Hall (now in University of Oxford), the resulting inundation models have been integrated to risk and uncertainty analysis frameworks and applied to investigate the flood risk in Thames Valley through the FRMRC2 project and in Norfolk coast of the southern North Sea in UK through the Tyndall Centre funded project for Climate Change Research. The new adaptive grid based inundation model has been applied by the China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) to a number of national scale research projects, including flood risk mapping in Shanxi Province, China. Together with colleague Dr Paul Quinn at Newcastle University, the inundation models have been further improved for catchment-scale hydrodynamic modelling in Belford to facilitate natural flood management. The adaptive grid technique has been adopted by the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) to improve their tsunami wave modelling system and the new adaptive grid based hydrodynamic model is being tested by the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI) at Kyoto University for national tsunami modelling in Japan. The new modelling approaches have gained wide recognition and been adopted by a number of international research groups to improve their own models or facilitate applications. For example, Professor Reinhard Hinkelmann and his team from the Technische Universität Berlin have adopted our new methods for handling complex topography and wetting and drying to improve their hydrodynamic modelling system. 2. Education The 2D inundation models resulting from the project have also been continuously used by Newcastle MEng, MSc and PhD students in their dissertations and theses. 3. New RCUK research projects The new models developed through the current project have been applied and further developed in 5 RCUK research awards, including the EPSRC funded Flood MEMORY project (EP/K013513/1) and the NERC funded SINATRA project (NE/K008781/1). 4. The model resulting from this project was also used to optimise the design of Sewage Screening Chamber through a project funded by Northumbrian Water Limited.
First Year Of Impact 2009
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Agriculture, Food and Drink,Communities and Social Services/Policy,Education,Environment
Impact Types Societal


Description EPSRC IDEAS Factory Sandpits in flooding
Amount £1,765,290 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/K013513/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2013 
End 05/2016
Description Susceptibility of catchments to INTense RAinfall and flooding (SINATRA) (NERC Flooding from Intense Rainfall Programme)
Amount £846,013 (GBP)
Funding ID NE/K008781/1 
Organisation Natural Environment Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2013 
End 05/2019
Title Dynamically Adaptive Shock-capturing Hydrodynamic model (DASH) 
Description This model solved the two-dimensional shallow water equations using shock-capturing finite volume or finite element RKDG methods and was implemented on dynamically adaptive grids for improved model performance. DASH has been applied to simulate numerous flood inundation tests and has been used and further developed in following research projects and by research collaborators in Japan and China. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2012 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The model has been used by colleagues in the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, Japan to support national-scale tsunami risk modelling and management. The China Ministry of Water Resources directed Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research has also been using the model to carry out national-scale flood risk assessment. 
Description Tsunami modelling using dynamically adaptive grids 
Organisation University of Kyoto
Department Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI)
Country Japan 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution 1) Provide modelling software and skills to carry out tsunami simulations in Japan; 2) send project team members and PhD students to visit the partner.
Collaborator Contribution 1) Provide data for simulating the 2011 Eastern Japan Tsunami and other laboratory-scale tsunami events; 2) disseminate the adaptive grid hydrodynamic model to wider research communities and government agencies in Japan.
Impact 1) Amouzgar R, Liang Q, Clarke PJ, Yasuda T, Mase H (2016) Computationally Efficient Tsunami Modelling on Graphics Processing Units (GPU). International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, 26(2): 154-160. 2) Liang Q, Hou J, Amouzgar R (2015) Simulation of Tsunami Propagation Using Adaptive Cartesian Grids. Coastal Engineering Journal, 57(4): 1550016 (30 pages). 3) Yasuda T, Mase H, Mori N, Liang Q (2013) Tsunami simulation model formulated by a finite volume method using a dynamically adaptive grid system. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering), 69(2): I1-I5. (In Japanese). 4) Xiong Y, Liang Q, Amouzgar R, Cox DT, Mori N, Wang G, Zheng J (2016) High-Performance Simulation of Tsunami Inundation and Impact on Building Structures. Proceedings of the 26th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. Rhodes (Rodos), Greece, June 26-July 2, 2016. 5) Liang Q, Yamada F, Tsujimoto G, Zheng J (2013) Combined Physical and Numerical Modeling Study of Surge Impact on Structures. Proceedings of the 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. 30 June - 5 July 2013, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. 6) Liang Q, Mase H, Yasuda T (2012) DART - A Dynamically Adaptive High-Resolution Tsunami Model. Proceeding of the International Conference on Disaster Management 2012 (Annual International Conference of the International Institute for Infrastructure, Renewal and Reconstruction (IIIRR)), 24th - 26th August 2012, Kumamoto, Japan.
Start Year 2011