Fourier-domain full-field optical coherence tomography using imaging fibre bundles

Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Sch of Engineering


Tomography is a term used to refer to imaging techniques that produce a 3-dimensional map of a structure. Typically, it refers to medical imaging techniques resulting in images of organs and tissue structures within the human body, often with the aim of locating tumours or other malformations of the tissue. Tomographic techniques that produce maps of deeply buried structures include magnetic resonance imaging, positron emission tomography, ultrasound and X-ray, but none of these can resolve detail with dimensions less than about 100 micrometres (roughly the same diameter as a human hair).Optical coherence tomography OCT is a technique that allows sub-surface structure to be imaged with much higher resolution than any of the other available methods. In the highest resolution systems, individual cells, a few micrometres in diameter, can be seen. OCT uses visible or infra-red light, which is strongly scattered by tissue, and does not penetrate far into the body. Information can only be obtained from a surface layer about 2 mm deep. Although this appears initially to be a disadvantage, the information obtained using OCT is extremely useful. A majority of cancers begin in the surface, or epithelial, tissues of the body. These include the skin and internal surfaces of the gastro-intestinal tract. By using flexible optical fibre endoscopes internal surfaces, as well as the skin, are accessible to OCT probes, which can detect minor tissue changes indicative of pre-cancerous conditions.Most OCT probes currently being developed carry light to the measurement region using a single optical fibre. A lens achieves focusing to a diameter of a few micrometres in the tissue. At boundaries between different tissue types, light is reflected back towards the probe, and re-coupled into the optical fibre, from where it mixes on a detector with a reference beam. If the paths travelled by the two beams match, and the reflection from tissue is strong, a large signal is seen by the detector. Thus by scanning the reference beam path length, boundaries within the tissue are detected as signal bursts corresponding to various depths.If 3D information is required, measurements must be made at many positions across the sample surface. This is often achieved by scanning the beam rapidly with a small moving mirror. However, it is difficult to construct scanning systems for use inside the body, as these must be miniaturised to fit inside an endoscope, and electrical power must be delivered to the endoscope tip to drive the scanner. We propose a new technique that uses a component called a coherent fibre bundle. This can be several metres long, comprising many thousand fibres arranged in a regular array a few millimetres in diameter. A pattern of light focused onto one end is transmitted unchanged to the other end. This allows the use of each individual fibre as a separate OCT system at an array of positions across the sample surface, with a digital camera used to view the image. Because the fibre bundle is extremely flexible, it can be used endoscopically. Mechanical scanning is now required only in the part of the system external to the body, reducing the complexity of the probe.We intend to investigate techniques for constructing OCT systems based on optical fibre bundles. Light from the source will be used to illuminate either a row of fibres, or each fibre in rapid succession, and the performance achieved using the two techniques will be compared. Processing techniques exist to extract simultaneous information from the full sample depth. A broad spectrum source is used, and a diffraction grating separates the interference fringe frequencies produced by many narrow, discrete wavelength bands within this broad spectrum. Alternatively, the information from each wavelength can be separated in time, by rapidly sweeping narrowband light from a laser across a broad spectral range. Mathematical processing extracts the depth-dependent structural data.
Description We constructed an SS-OCT system at 1330 nm centre wavelength and developed OCT systems based on flexible optical-fibre bundles, as an alternative to probe-tip scanning for spatial multiplexing of OCT sample beams, eliminating a need for active beam-scanning components at the tip of the probe closest to the sample. We constructed bundle-based OCT topologies appropriate for both 1D and 2D scanning, investigating raster-scan and circular-scan arrangements and using telecentric lens arrangements with appropriate numerical aperture values to minimise system losses. We obtained images in a forward-viewing arrangement, and also demonstrated that a miniature conical mirror incorporated in the probe tip enables a compact, passive OCT probe to be constructed for profiling the interior surface of quasi-cylindrical objects.

We obtained optical coherence tomography images, using our systems, from a variety of laboratory samples. Wound fibre bundles typically have a core spacing of several micrometres, which allowed us to obtain a spatial resolution similar to that seen in the more usual OCT systems employing active probe-tip scanning. Signal-to-noise (SNR), however, was reduced compared to non-bundle systems, for reasons outlined below, and while we were able to use our systems for profiling applications, the SNR performance was very limited in turbid samples.

We investigated the properties of optical-fibre bundles for beam delivery in optical coherence tomography, discovering that multi-moding and cross-talk issues arising from the large acceptance angles and close packing of commercial bundle fibres caused degradation of the signal-to-noise in bundle-based systems. We made measurements of the degree of cross-talk and multi-moding under various conditions, for the particular bundles that we used, in an attempt to estimate the significance of these problems for OCT measurements. This allowed us to suggest changes that could be made to the characteristics of the optical-fibre bundles that would make them more suitable for use in OCT, improving the SNR and allowing such systems to be employed for imaging of layered or turbid samples.
Exploitation Route We found that the limitation on OCT images obtained using commercially-available optical-fibre bundles is the reduced performance caused by multi-moding and cross-talk. The development of customised fibre bundles with better characteristics, at wavelengths of interest for OCT, would improve the take-up of bundles for OCT applications.
The biggest advantage of bundle-based OCT is removal of scanning components from the probe tip. This is most advantageous (a) where space is very restricted, as the inclusion of miniature MEMS probe-tip scanning components is complex and expensive, or (b) where a passive probe is preferred, e.g. in environments containing explosive gases. We suggest that further development of bundle-based probes might centre upon these areas.
High depth resolution can be obtained in bundle-based systems, but lateral resolution is limited by bundle packing density. It seems unlikely that bundle-based probes will ever match the lateral resolution obtained from the highest-resolution tip-scanned systems. Perhaps bundle-based OCT technology should therefore concentrate on applications where high lateral resolution is less critical, such as surface profiling and layer-thickness monitoring.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink





including Industrial Biotechology

Description No industrial impact as yet. The research has been used by other optical researchers and medical practitioners aiming to enter the OCT field. Interest in our research outcomes has been shown by workers in the oil and gas industries, as the work is potentially useful for monitoring the internal surfaces of pipelines for erosion and damage. Funding has been received from the Royal Society, resulting from this project, to develop a prototype instrument for tube inspection applications. However, this is still at an early stage and has not yet migrated into industrial use.
Sector Education,Healthcare
Description Healthcare
Amount £682,941 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/M010473/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2015 
End 09/2018
Description Paul Instrument Fund
Amount £74,980 (GBP)
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2013 
End 09/2015
Description Platform Grant
Amount £1,363,268 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/N002520/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2015 
End 09/2020
Description Standard research grant
Amount £474,331 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/L014637/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 05/2014 
End 09/2017
Description Technology Strategy Board
Amount £800,000 (GBP)
Funding ID 100892 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom