Guided access to High-speed Contact Atomic Force Microscopy and Photonic Force Microscopy at the Nanoscience and Quantum Information Centre
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Bristol
Department Name: Physics
The University of Bristol is offering guided access to High-speed Contact Atomic Force Microscopy and to Photonic Force Microscopy.This Proposal is to provide 'free' access to two highly specialised microscopy techniques that are being developed to support the study and manipulation of nanoscale structures. Housed in a new 'state of the art' interdisciplinary facility and provided with expert technical support, visiting researchers will be guided by two of the pioneers responsible for creating and developing these technologies.Our proposal includes costs for the operation of the equipment, technical support, administrative support, consumables, laboratory space, office space and promotion of the service as well covering travel and accommodation costs for visitors.The Bristol offer will be responsive to demand, where we will provide nominal access to each technology for 25% of the time (50% in total), which will be flexed to reflect the actual demand.Visitors will work in Bristol's new Nanoscience and Quantum Information Centre and they will be integrated into the interdisciplinary Nanoscience community utilising this purpose designed facility.

Klapetek P
Error mapping of high-speed AFM systems
in Measurement Science and Technology