A Fundamental Study of the Novel Poppet Valve 2-Stroke Auto-ignition Combustion Engine (2-ACE)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Brighton
Department Name: Sch of Computing, Engineering & Maths


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Description New approaches to modelling autoignition processes in internal combustion engines have been developed
Exploitation Route The findings of the project allowed the research community to extend the theoretical tools used for the analysis of autoignition processes in internal combustion engines. The same tools could be used for the analysis of other droplet heating and evaporation, beyond the applications in internal combustion engines.
Sectors Education



Description The project was focused on the development of new advanced technique for the analysis of autoignition in HCCI engines. The results of this project are not expected to have direct impact beyond academic community. However, indirect impact of this project can be anticipated. This impact could be based on the development of more accurate models for autoignition, leading to more accurate models of combustion processes in internal combustion engines. It is very difficult to quantify this impact.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Chemicals,Education,Energy,Transport
Impact Types Economic

Description Ricardo 
Organisation Research Councils UK (RCUK)
Department Ricardo Consulting Engineer
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We developed a model which can be potentially used in automotive applications
Collaborator Contribution Ricardo consulted us regarding the relevance of the models to automotive applications
Impact See our publications
Start Year 2008