All Hands Meeting Network (AHM-Net)

Lead Research Organisation: University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Sch of Informatics


By organising three All Hands Meetings (AHMs) the All Hands Meeting Network (AHM-net) will serve a very broad community of e-Science researchers, computational researchers and researchers in a wide range of disciplines who apply the methods and technologies they invent together. The AHMs will provide a crucial venue for information exchange, community building, best practice dissemination and collaboration formation. They will remain a unique venue for communication between researchers, infrastructure providers and funders. They will continue to foster new researchers, new working groups, existing task forces and the network of centres and projects. The extension of AHMs to more international engagement and collaboration with computational and HPC communities will continue their rise in importance and visibility. They will expand its role as a knowledge transfer event stimulating two-way communication between academia and industry. As a focus for international interaction the AHMs will showcase UK achievements and alert the UK researchers to the latest breakthroughs worldwide. As such AHM-net is crucial for the well being of UK e-Science, which itself is essential as an element of the wider UK research programmes proposed by all of the Research Councils. The term e-Science was coined by Sir John Taylor, DGRC, in 2000 to denote an activity that has been important in research for decades. It drew attention to the need to treat this as a discipline, which should be developed to the benefit of all researchers. It is often conducted by interdisciplinary teams from computing science and any discipline, which requires new methods. They may not call themselves e-Scientists nor have funding with an e-Science label, but they do engage in AHMs. They may be the ICT thought leaders in their discipline.


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Walker DW (2011) Selected papers from the 2010 e-Science All Hands Meeting. in Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences

Description Three annual meetings were arranged with attendances in the range 400 to 600 researchers. These meetings are a unique opportunity for presenting and developing the research activities from e-Infrastructure provision to scientific discovery exploiting new collaborative, distributed and interdisciplinary opportunities. They also encourage cross-fertilisation across the full spectrum of research disciplines, supported by all of the research councils and charities. Typically 15% of the attendees were from overseas and 10% were from industry.
Exploitation Route The community and its dynamic interactions has carried forward into the digital economy and data science. The UK has much greater potential in these areas as a result of the UK's eScience programme and the annual e-Science AHMs were a major stimulus to its development.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Description This project was responsible for running the annual meeting of e-Scientists in the UK and for setting up a mechanism for their continuation beyond the end of the project. It built and reinforced a community that has gone on to apply e-Science experience and skills in many fields from social science and healthcare to environmental sciences and engineering.
First Year Of Impact 2012
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Healthcare
Impact Types Cultural

