Polynomially scaling spin dynamics simulation algorithms and their application in NMR and Spin Chemistry.
Lead Research Organisation:
Durham University
Department Name: Chemistry
Magnetic resonance, which includes Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR), comprises an enormously powerful and versatile range of spectroscopic techniques for exploring the structures, motions and reactivity of molecules. In many of these applications, the spectra cannot satisfactorily be interpreted without performing computer simulations of the response of the spin system to the sequence of radiofrequency and/or microwave pulses that are required to obtain the data. If the system of interest contains fewer than about 10 spins, this is usually reasonably straightforward and many efficient algorithms exist. However, difficulties arise for larger spin systems because the time and storage required scales exponentially with the number of spins. For systems with over 20 spins, the Liouvillian matrix required to evaluate the time-dependence of the density operator is so large that no computer is currently able to store it, let alone diagonalise it. Our preliminary work indicates that a highly efficient algorithm can be obtained that scales polynomially in the number of spins, allowing accurate simulations to be performed for many more than 20 strongly coupled spins. This is achieved by reducing the dimension of the Liouville matrix by intelligently excluding unimportant and unpopulated states, for example high orders of multiple quantum coherence or entanglements of spins that are remote from one another in the coupling network.We wish to extend and improve this method, which is still in its infancy, and to develop applications to two specific simulation problems in magnetic resonance. The algorithm will be adapted for the direct fitting of protein structures to experimental NMR data / something that has not so far been possible. In doing so, we hope to establish a new paradigm for NMR structure determination, wherein the atomic coordinates are directly related to the experimental spectra by a chain of well-defined ab initio simulation algorithms. The second major application will be in the field of Spin Chemistry (broadly defined as the magnetic effects of nuclear and electron spins on the chemistry of paramagnetic molecules). Quantitative interpretation of the data produced by such experiments routinely requires simulation of the coherent evolution of short-lived radical pairs comprising many coupled electron and nuclear spins subject to weak static and/or radiofrequency magnetic fields. Applications will include the elucidation of the biophysical origin of the magnetic compass of migratory birds and determination of the diffusive trajectories of radicals responsible for the magnetic field-sensitivity of the rates and yields of chemical reactions in solution.
People |
Ilya Kuprov (Principal Investigator) | |
Peter Hore (Co-Investigator) |

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Project Reference | Relationship | Related To | Start | End | Award Value |
EP/F065205/1 | 30/09/2008 | 29/09/2009 | £386,768 | ||
EP/F065205/2 | Transfer | EP/F065205/1 | 30/09/2009 | 29/09/2011 | £0 |
Description | All objectives of the project have been achieved, with 11 research papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals and four more papers presently making their way through the academic peer review process. The theory of the Liouville state space restriction is now finished, published (http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3624564), and implemented into a publicly available open-source simulation library (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2010.11.008). Community response was enthusiastic, with the early results including the simulation of dynamic nuclear polarization processes (http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c2cp23233b), identification of large decoherence-free subspaces in commercially available molecules (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2011.06.001) and a more efficient implementation of optimal control theory for magnetic resonance processes (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2011.07.023). The direct structure refinement approach (wherein the atomic coordinates are iterated directly against magnetic resonance data) has been developed, implemented and tested on tyrosyl radicals in ribonucleotide reductase proteins (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmr.2012.01.003). Our paper on the subject is presently under review in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Routines have been developed to optimize Liouville-space simulations of magnetic field effects on chemical reactions with radical pair intermediates. The guiding principles behind state-space reduction in Spin Chemistry calculations have been analyzed in detail and examples have been published (http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.3398146). The Spinach library has been used for a quantitative interpretation of the magnetic field dependence of electron transfer reactions in cryptochrome/photolyase family proteins as a demonstration that cryptochromes could form the basis of the magnetic compass sensor of migratory birds (http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1118959109). The ability efficiently to simulate the effects of a variety of spin relaxation mechanisms on the spin dynamics of these complex radical pairs proved to be a crucial step in understanding the factors that may allow cryptochromes to respond to magnetic fields as weak as that of the Earth. |
Exploitation Route | The algorithms have been released as an open-source simulation library (called Spinach, available at http://spindynamics.org). The library has so far been downloaded over 1,000 times and is presently in active use by other researchers in the area. |
Sectors | Chemicals Education |
URL | http://spindynamics.org |
Description | The software package that came out of this project is currently the most versatile and sophisticated quantum spin dynamics simulation package in existence. See http://spindynamics.org for further information. |
First Year Of Impact | 2007 |
Sector | Chemicals,Education |
Impact Types | Cultural Societal Economic |
Title | Spin dynamics simulation package |
Description | The algorithms resulting from this project have been implemented into the open source simulation package, called Spinach, maintained by Kuprov group (http://spindynamics.org). |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2012 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | See the published papers |
URL | http://spindynamics.org |