New Research Processes and Business Models for the Creative Industries

Lead Research Organisation: University of Nottingham
Department Name: School of Computer Science


The UK is world-renowned for its creative industries in areas as diverse as music, animation, and the performing and visual arts. However, the emergence of a new generation of social, pervasive and affective ICT promises to transform the creative landscape, raising major new challenges for both the creative industries and ICT research. This cluster therefore seeks to answer two closely related questions: what key challenges face the creative industries due to the emergence of a new generation of social, pervasive and affective ICT? and conversely, what long term challenges must be tackled by ICT research in order to support future creative industries?In answering these questions we also recognise that the creative industries have a distinctive character that challenges traditional models of research and business innovation. Specifically, the creative industries revolve around dynamic and often unorthodox coalitions, whereby numerous small and micro-businesses come together for the duration of a single project, then disband and form new partnerships for the next project. Unlike larger companies, it can be extremely challenging to engage such dynamic creative networks in traditional long-term term EPSRC-funded research projects. Our cluster therefore also addresses a third question: how can we better engage small creative companies in research and knowledge transfer, and especially how can we establish new interdisciplinary approaches across ICT, the arts and humanities and the social sciences that support 'practice-led' approaches to research?In order to tackle these questions, our cluster brings together practitioners from the creative industries with researchers from varied traditions that span ICT, the arts and humanities, the social sciences, and business studies. Together these partners will engage in a year-long programme of activities that include:- a series of workshops (open events, ateliers and sandpits) to build new a community of researchers and users, explore research agendas and processes, and generate seed proposals. At the time of writing, our community stands at twenty-one partners and we expect this to increase considerably over the year.- four practice projects that will explore new ways of working by engaging in and studying focused short-term practical activities addressing different sectors of the creative industries including music, pervasive media and animation;- two troubadour studies that reflect on different approaches to research and knowledge transfer across a wide range of past and ongoing projects; - funding a focused team of researchers to distil the results of these activities into a research framework for the creative industries that combines a forward-looking research agenda with guidelines for new models of collaboration.The outputs of these activities will be: the formation of a new interdisciplinary community of researchers and creative users that is ready to undertake future research projects; a set of seed proposals ready to be developed into full-blown proposals for EPSRC, TSB and other research funders as part the Digital Economy programme; and a coherent agenda for long-term ICT research in the creative industries.
Description Creator was a cross-research council research cluster within the Digital Economies research programme. Its outcomes were:

Defining a long-term resarch agenda for the creative industries to underpin future collaborations between the ICT research base and creative practitioners

Initiating new inter-disciplinary collaborations among researchers across ICT, Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, and Business Studies

Proposing and demonstrating new ways of engaging creative end-users, leading to new models of research which can successfully combine focused, practice-led, creative activity with the need to address long-term research goals

Exploring new forms of knowledge transfer and innovative business models reflecting the highly dynamic and distributed nature of the creative industries within the UK
Exploitation Route Findings were carried forward into two of the three DE hits, four CDTs and numerous other follow-on projects.
Sectors Creative Economy



Museums and Collections

Description Creator was a digital economy clutter to bring together a network of academic partners and creative industry partners to enable them to establish a common research agenda. The activities initiated by Creator - and the findings from these - led to the establishment of many major activities as part of the DE portfolio including the Horizon and SIDE Digital Economy Hubs as well as Doctoral Training Centres at Nottingham, Bath, Southampton and Queen Mary.
First Year Of Impact 2008
Sector Creative Economy,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections
Impact Types Cultural



Description Birkbeck College 
Organisation Birkbeck, University of London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description Blast Theory 
Organisation Blast Theory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
Start Year 2008
Description Decoda 
Organisation Clean Air For London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
Start Year 2008
Description Goldsmiths College 
Organisation Goldsmiths, University of London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description Newcastle University 
Organisation Newcastle University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description Pervasive Media Studio 
Organisation Pervasive Media Studio
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
Start Year 2008
Description Proboscis 
Organisation Proboscis
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
Start Year 2008
Description Queen Mary, University of London 
Organisation Queen Mary University of London
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description Studio AmaK 
Organisation Studio AmaK
Country France 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
Start Year 2008
Description Universiteit Hasselt 
Organisation University of Hasselt
Country Belgium 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description University of Bath 
Organisation University of Bath
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description University of Cambridge 
Organisation University of Cambridge
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description University of Exeter 
Organisation University of Exeter
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description University of Glasgow 
Organisation University of Glasgow
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description University of Reading 
Organisation University of Reading
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description University of Southampton 
Organisation University of Southampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description University of Technology Sydney 
Organisation University of Technology Sydney
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008
Description University of Teesside 
Organisation Teesside University
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
Start Year 2008