Meet The Mathematicians Outreach Events
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Manchester
Department Name: Mathematics
Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.
Title | Meet the Mathematician Talk Videos |
Description | Legacy videos of talks by world-leading mathematicians to sixth-form-age students at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquim 2009-2012 |
Type Of Art | Film/Video/Animation |
Year Produced | 2012 |
Impact | 440 subscribers, 200k hits (to November 2014, including mirror on Nottingham Science), with around 2000 hits per months. |
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Description | The purpose of the whole grant was to engage sixth-form-age students in mathematical research beyond the A-level syllabus by bringing them to conferences to experience specialist talks relating to the research being announced at the conference, targeted at the age group. This ran at the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium in 2009 (Nottingham), 2010 (Edinburgh - as part of the Edinburgh Science Festival), 2011 (Birmingham) and 2012 (UCL). |
Exploitation Route | This successful model will hopefully be continued in coming years. It is a well designed and robust public engagement vehicle. We are also looking into the idea of initiating an online video competition for school students on topics within mathematics. |
Sectors | Education Other |
URL | |
Description | This series of outreach events brought sixth form and other pupils into a university conference environment to see that mathematics is a living subject. It was aimed to stimulate interest in the mathematical sciences, and their applications, by bright students and their teachers. |
First Year Of Impact | 2009 |
Sector | Education |
Impact Types | Cultural Societal |