Constraint Satisfaction for Configuration: Logical Fundamentals,Algorithms, and Complexity

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Computer Science


The project deals with configuration problems. Flexibility and efficiency in the customization of products and services --rather than series production-- has become a key factor of competitiveness in the post-industrial economy. Configuration development is an excellent application area for artificial intelligence methods and for constraint satisfaction, in particular.Developing a product configuration system is a challenging task in many ways. Product configuration tools should be designed to encode the complex knowledge from domain experts, such as the characteristics of the different components involved in thecustomization and the restriction on how these components can be combined with each other. However, this might be very difficult in general, because customization is a generative process, where both the number of the involved components and the types of components themselves may be unknown at the beginning.The second challenge in building automatic configurators concerns the efficiency of the algorithms supporting the customization. In fact, product configuration in real scenarios is likely to involve several components and hundreds of associated variables, whosevalues have to be dynamically determined based on the customer's needs. For instance, telephone switching systems often consisting of several hundreds of racks, thousands of frames, and dozens of thousands modules. Given the huge size of the problems to betreated, a major requirement is to integrate efficient algorithms to both building the configuration that best matches with the customer's desires and checking whether a given configuration satisfies the technological requirements from the industry.In order to achieve significant progress, we will first study existing approaches and compare them formally and request feedback from the industrial advisory board. We propose to investigate a formalism suited to the cope with the above mentioned challenges, called the extensible constraint satisfaction problem (ECSP). Wewill study the expressive power and the complexity of decision and computational problems related to this formalism. We also propose to investigate the complexity issues in the presence of value-generating constraints, which is a well-known type ofconstraints used in database theory, but has not been investigated in the context of CSPs so far. Once the framework for extensible CSPs has been layed out, our plan is to investigate decomposition techniques, to find tractable subclasses of ECSPs. Finally, we will implement and test a configurator system, based on our framework,and using our decomposition algorithms. The project is organised into four main work packages. WP1 systematically studies the relevant problems to configuration, both by formally comparing existing approaches in the literature and by receiving feedback from the industrial advisory board. WP2 focuseson the extensible constraint satisfaction problems (ECSPs). Particular focus will be given to complexity analysis of the relevant decision and computational problems. WP3 consists of a comprehensive study of decomposition methods suitable to ECSPs toidentify tractable subclasses. In WP4, we will implement and test a proof-of-concept prototype of configuration system, based on ECSP and on the decomposition methods developed in WP3.The scientific project staff will consist of one post-doc, and one doctoral student. The student is expected to intensively co-operate with the post-doc.We plan to publish the results in top artificial intelligence journals and at leading international conferences.
Description Summary of project findings Technical Product Configuration deals with products that are built from components with adjustable properties. The computational problem consists of selecting a suitable set of components with the right attribute values and connecting them so as to obtain the desired product. Typically this problem is formulated as a (variant of) the constraint satisfaction problem. In this project we have significantly advanced the field of Technical Product Configuration by solving previously open questions and by designing and implementing new algorithms. Our results were published at top conferences (IJCAI, ECAI) and in top journals. In particular, one paper was published in the prestigious Journal of the ACM (JACM) which is seen by many as the top journal of Computer Science. Another journal paper was published in the AI Journal, which is one of the two top journals in the field of artificial intelligenc. The main findings are: 1. As technical product configuration problems often are large in scale it is crucial to develop scalable algorithms. On the other hand, the problem is clearly intractable in general. Hence, we have tackled this issue by using structural problem decomposition methods such as tree and hypertree decompositions in order to identify tractable islands in the theoretical configuration formalisms. This line of our research has resulted in publications at the conferences ICALP'09, MFCS'10, STACS'11, and SAT'12 as well as one article in the Journal of the ACM. 2. Next we have worked on representing domain knowledge for technical product configuration. Existing formalisms either require the user to finitely bound the number of components to be used manually (potentially very cumbersome) or cannot rule out infinite configurations from the solution space. In our new formalism we derive the desired finite bounds from the domain knowledge whenever it is possible and suggest smallest amendments to the domain knowledge otherwise. This work has resulted in publications at LoCoCo'11 and ECAI'12 and is currently submitted for journal publication. We have also developed a proof-of-concept implemenation in answer set programming. 3. In the course of the project we have also settled a long standing question on problem compilation in CSP. In 1974 Montanari has introduced the notion of a minimal binary constraint network: In such a network any tuple in the constraint relation can be extended to a solution. The open question was to determine the complexity of extracting one solution from such a minimal network. The proof that this problem is still NP hard resulted in a best paper award at CP'12 as well as a publication in the AI journal. 4. Next we have also worked on the Partner Units Problem, a particularly challenging industrial configuration problem. Here our work on dedicated algorithms as well as encodings in general purpose configuration frameworks has paved the way to an industrial strength implementation and resulted in papers at CPAIOR'11, IJCAI'11 and ICTAI'12. 5. Finally, we have contributed to an initiative of internationally renowned configuration experts aiming at the unification of software and product configuration. This work has resulted in a survey paper at ConfWS'12.
Exploitation Route Apart from the uses mentioned under "Exploitation Route", I currently don't see further non-academic uses. Industry has shown significant interest in the results of our work. Among the interested companies are Siemens Austria, Configit, SAP, Configworks and Tacton. In particular there is great interest in our work on the Partner Units Problem, our new configuration formalism plus implemenation as well as the unification of software and product configuration. Existing constraint solver technology unfortunately does not yet incorporate structural problem decomposition methods into the solving process. However, we expect our results to have significant impact in this area once this changes. It is also worth mentioning that we have run one large-scale and two small-scale workshops on configuration with participants from industry and academia fostering the exchange of ideas and the discussion of future challenges. These workshops have clearly helped advance the state of the art in industrial product configuration.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)

Description The findings have been used by SIEMENS to improve automated configuration tools.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)
Impact Types Economic