Building Ceramic Metamaterials from Nanoparticles: A combined Modelling, Tomography and In-situ Loading Study.

Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Cranfield Defence and Security


Materials characterization is crucial for the quantification and prediction of their physical, chemical and mechanical properties: Molecular simulation has provided experiment with unique insight and prediction for over 60 years. However, new (nano)materials are being synthesized with ever increasing structural complexity and it may soon prove impossible to generate models that are sufficiently realistic to describe them adequately.Molecular simulations proceed by using the symmetry of the system, together with the coordinates of the basis atoms to generate a crystallographic array, periodic in three dimensions. Here, we pioneer a new systematic approach to prescribe the structure of a nanomaterial. Specifically, a simulation code will enable the systematic generation of a nanostructure by exploiting the space symmetry of the nanomaterial and positioning nanoparticles, rather than atoms, at basis positions; molecular dynamics will be used to enable the nanobuilding blocks to formulate the walls of the nanomaterial. In parallel, experiment (bottom up) will be used to synthesise nanoparticles including their self-assembly into order-connected and disordered-connected superstructures. Top down approaches to fabricate nanoscale architectures will be achieved by focused field-emission electron beams, which will drill nanoarchitectures into single crystals with sub 10nm resolution.Central to the experimental work will be the verification and validation of the modelling process. One key-technology, which can resolve areas deep within the nanostructure, is nanotomography. Here tomographic techniques in the transmission electron microscope (TEM) will be used to map the 3D elemental distribution and 3D morphology (faceting distribution) such that quantitative parameters, including connectivity and surface area can be extracted. This 3D metrology data will be compared directly to the modelling predictions. Tomographic techniques will be used to characterise the metamaterials in three-dimensions and will not only provide unprecedented insight into the structural architectures deep within the nanomaterials, but also provide essential validation for the atomistic models.Equipped with (validated) structural models, mechanical properties, such as Youngs modulus, elastic constants will be calculated and stress-strain curves simulated together with chemical properties, including surface reactivity (catalysis, sensor) and ionic transport (fuel cells, rechargeable batteries). Nanomechanical testing: Innovative in-situ nanoscale mechanical deformation tests with local force determination using Sheffield's In-Situ TEM NanoLAB facility will be used to measure the mechanical properties. This will provide fundamental insight into the engineering rules at the nanoscale and validate the mechanical property simulations.Compression and tensile testing in the specimen chamber of a TEM we will extract key-parameters on mechanical elastic and plastic properties, which will be compared with modelling predictions. Mechanical tests provide a stringent test of the model because they will necessarily be influenced by the structure on all three hierarchical levels of complexity - polymorphic structure, micro-structure (grain-boundaries, dislocations, point defects) and nanostructure.Once the simulated properties have been validated, they will be used predictively: Correlation tables will be constructed to explore how the nano(structure) influences the properties.We propose that the flawless nature in synergy with the architecture of entirely near-surface nanomaterials will proffer unique mechanical and chemical properties. For the bulk analogue, defects - such as impurities, inclusions, dislocations and twin boundary generation mechanisms provide vehicles for fracture and plastic collapse. Conversely, a nanomaterial, with no such defective microstructure and restrictive dislocation mechanics, will sustain remarkable loadings.


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Maphanga RR (2011) Amorphization and recrystallization study of lithium insertion into manganese dioxide. in Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP

Description Mechanical strength of nanomaterials can be orders of magnitude higher compared to the parent bulk materials - traversing the nanoscale has enabled the ultimate strength of a material to be realised.

Chemical activity of nanomaterials are profoundly different compared to the parent bulk material enabling tuneable reactivity via manipulation of size and shape (metamaterial) of the nanomaterial in addition to the elemental composition of the material.

Understanding of how nanoparticles can be used as therapeutic agents (nanomedicine). For example, the research showed that the therapeutic activity of a nanoparticle is related to its size and shape (metamaterial) and environment (biological fluid) in which it resides.

Toxicity of nanomaterials was also found to be critically dependent upon the size and shape of the nanomaterial.
Exploitation Route Changes in chemical activity of nanoparticles compared to the parent bulk material has encouraged research into the exploitation of nanoparticles as potential therapeutic agents. In addition, such exploitation raises concerns over the toxicity of nanomaterials and therefore such toxicity studies are being undertaken in parallel.
The unique mechanical strength of nanomaterials and especially nanoporous materials can be exploited in areas where materials with high mechanical strength coupled with lightweight design are required. Example sectors may include: aerospace and defence, construction, and transport industries.
The changes in chemical (re)activity of nanomaterials compared to the parent (bulk) material will be of interest to the chemical industry (catalysis).
Sectors Chemicals





including Industrial Biotechology



Description Library of Model Atomistic Structures Characterization of materials is crucial for the quantification and prediction of their physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. However, advanced functional (nano)materials are becoming so complex, significant time can be spent generating models with potential repetition of efforts between research groups. In this project we have generated a variety of model oxide nanostructures including nanoparticles, nanorods, nanosheets and nanoporous materials. In addition, the models include complex microstructures such as intrinsic and extrinsic point defects, dislocations and grain-boundaries. The models are available as atom coordinates. The models can be interrogated by others to calculate a variety of physical, chemical and mechanical properties such as: band gap, chemical reactivity, ionic conductivity, mechanical strength and deformation mechanisms. Experimentalists might use the models to simulate, for example, HRTEM, XRD, NMR to compare with measured data. Images of the atomistic models impact areas of education for example to furnish diagrams for books, lecture notes and other publications.
First Year Of Impact 2012
Sector Education
Impact Types Cultural

Title Atomistic models of nanomaterials 
Description Characterization of materials is crucial for the quantification and prediction of their physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. However, advanced functional (nano)materials are becoming so complex, significant time can be spent generating models with potential repetition of efforts between research groups. In this project we have generated a variety of model oxide structures including nanoparticles, nanorods, nanosheets and nanoporous materials. In addition, the models include complex microstructures such as intrinsic and extrinsic point defects, dislocations and grain-boundaries. The models are held as atom coordinates. Typically the models comprise 500-500,000 atoms (unit cell). 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2011 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The models have been used to calculate a variety of physical, chemical and mechanical properties such as: band gap, chemical reactivity, ionic conductivity, mechanical strength and deformation.