Building Ceramic Metamaterials from Nanoparticles: A combined Modelling, Tomography and In-situ Loading Study.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Materials Science and Engineering


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Description Key-findings for Research Fish EP/H001298/1:

(i) Electron beam irradiation is introduced as a useful probe to estimate surface stability in nanoscale oxide ceramics. Oxygen extraction and mobilisation is followed by cation hopping processes visible by live in-situ TEM. Single atom sensitivity of atomic movements could be established from aberration corrected HRTEM phase contrast images. Experimental results are interpreted with help of molecular modelling and surface dipole considerations. (as reported in AdvFunctMat2011)

(ii) Atomic resolution observations of cerium oxide nanoparticle surfaces reveal occurrence of surface reconstructions with cerium in interstitial positions as seen in cross-section by HRTEM. The amount and temporal change of surface details deviation from bulk crystallography are quantified and compared for various types of surface facets. Implications for catalytic activity predictions are discussed. Experimental results are interpreted with help of molecular modelling. (as reported in ACS Nano 2012)

(iii) Cube-shaped CeO2 NPs with/without Sm doping are found via EELS to be terminated by reduced ceria on their surfaces in both cases. Sm does not displace Ce3+ in its role as oxygen vacancy moderator; extended cube faces are better stabilised against irradiation-triggered transformations in comparison to edge and corner regions (as reported in JPC-C 2013)

(iv) Irradiation of NPs of fluorite-structured ceramics, such as CeO2, is examined using fully and partially focussed electron beams. Perforation is found largely delayed compared to other hard ceramics, while damage zones via amorphisation, swelling, and recrystallization are seen instead of straight hole drilling. ZrO2 follows a similar but distinct pattern in delayed perforation. Both materials show certain recovery upon further irradiation. (MRS-proceedings spring 2013):

In what ways might your findings be taken forward or put to use by others? *
Other research groups in the US and the UK have already taken up the findings and started continuing research activities in this area. While this first area of impact is still within academia, industry (from the below listed sectors) will benefit in a second wave of impact, once the postulated and proposed new findings have been internationally established.

To which sectors do you think your findings might potentially be of interest? *
The application areas of nano-ceria are mainly in the fields of
- catalysis
- ion conductors and fuel cells
- polishing/abrasives
- environmental pollution/detoxification
- anti-oxidant agents in cell protection
Exploitation Route In what ways might your findings be taken forward or put to use by others? *
Other research groups in the US and the UK have already taken up the findings and started continuing research activities in this area. While this first area of impact is still within academia, industry (from the below listed sectors) will benefit in a second wave of impact, once the postulated and proposed new findings have been internationally established. The application areas of nano-ceria are mainly in the fields of
- catalysis
- ion conductors and fuel cells
- polishing/abrasives
- environmental pollution/detoxification
- anti-oxidant agents in cell protection
To which sectors do you think your findings might potentially be of interest? *
Sectors Chemicals




Description Research output of this project (see Publications section) has been multiple times included/cited in publications from industrial authors since the end of the project and also in book chapters written by industrial authors. This applies in the majority of cases to the field of industrial catalysis.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Energy,Environment,Healthcare
Impact Types Economic

Description UCF Florida 
Organisation University of Central Florida
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution State of the art imaging and chemical analysis using transmission electron microscopy and EELS, as well as tomography
Collaborator Contribution Supply of complex series of samples
Impact Multiple Publications
Start Year 2010