Spin Dynamics - from quantum theory to cancer diagnostics

Lead Research Organisation: University of Oxford
Department Name: Oxford e-Research Centre


This project addresses a long-standing problem in the physics and chemistry of magnetic phenomena -- the lack of efficient simulation algorithms for quantum spin dynamics.All magnetic processes can be traced back to a property of elementary particles called 'spin', but until recently the calculations of realistic systems could only be done for less than ten spins - a major limitation, particularly in chemical and biological magnetic spectroscopy, where the molecules often contain hundreds of spins.We recently solved this theoretical problem and will now proceed to implement and use the resulting high-efficiency algorithms to boost a number of research projects in magnetochemistry and biological magnetic resonance.Specifically, biological magnetoreceptors (some migratory birds feel the Earth's magnetic field and use it for navigation) can now be simulated and analysed, and so can paramagnetic cancer diagnostics agents, which are currently used in early cancer detection by MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). We have published a number of research papers in both areas and expect these research fields to benefit significantly from the expanded simulation capabilities.There are also a number of long-standing problems within chemistry itself, which can be solved now that large spin systems can be simulated -- protein structure determination can be streamlined and simplified, the analysis of magnetic spectroscopy experiments is no longer constrained by the available computer power, the questions about the possible chemical and biological effects of mobile phones and power transmission lines can be evaluated using quantum mechanical simulations of spin dynamics. Last, but not least, money can be saved and animal lives spared by theoretical pre-screening of molecules before running an experiment.On the practical level, the research programme will include:1. Theoretical segment: further investigation and optimization of high-efficiency spin dynamics simulation algorithms.2. Software segment: creation and testing of powerful user-friendly open-source software package for spin dynamics simulation of chemical and biological systems.3. Applications segment: application of the resulting theory and software to the investigation of magnetic phenomena in chemistry and biology.We believe this is an exciting and timely research project that will bring direct benefits to the society by creating powerful and efficient tools for fundamental and applied research as well as by addressing current questions and concerns relating to magnetism.


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Title Spin dynamics simulation package 
Description The algorithms resulting from this project have been implemented into the open source simulation package, called Spinach, maintained by Kuprov group (http://spindynamics.org). 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2012 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact See the published papers 
URL http://spindynamics.org