Efficient Photonic Devices for Near- and Mid-Infrared Applications

Lead Research Organisation: University of Surrey
Department Name: ATI Physics


This project aims to address many issues of growing importance in today's world. We are all becoming increasingly technology-dependent, whether for entertainment, critical areas, e.g. healthcare and perhaps most notably for communication. All of these technologies require energy and as our appetite for higher performance, faster and better technology increases, the demand on natural resources increases correspondingly. Photonics (the use and manipulation of light) is perhaps one of the most widely used technologies, whether it be for sending information at high speeds across the internet, for reading/writing data onto DVDs, laser surgery and so on. Photonic components (lasers, light emitting diodes etc.) are the fundamental building blocks of this technology and are produced in their billions annually (with revenues in the multi $1Bs). In spite of the widespread use of these devices, their efficiency is often relatively low, and compounded by a strong temperature sensitivity, particularly for devices operating in the near- and mid-infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. This has largely held back the widespread deployment of mid-infrared lasers, for example in environmental and medical sensing (many gases are absorbed at these wavelengths) and other forms of free-space optical communication. In the near-infrared, telecommunications lasers operating in the optical fibre optimum transmission window at 1.55um are both inefficient and temperature sensitive. As a result, these devices require additional control electronics which consume significantly more power than the lasers themselves! Typically, more than 90% of the energy is such a system is wasted as heat.This proposal aims to tackle these issues in a coordinated manner since the core issues influencing near- and mid-infrared emitters is the same. The approach of this project is two-fold: (a) to work to develop a better understanding of the physical processes which give rise to poor efficiencies and to work in collaboration with other leading international groups towards developing new semiconductor materials systems which the PI has predicted will strongly suppress such processes (e.g. narrow band gap quantum dot systems and relatively unexplored semiconductor alloys, such as (In)GaAsBi) and (b) to develop novel materials such as dilute nitride phosphides to embed photonic components directly in electronic circuits, which are primarily silicon based. Routing data optically in such circuits could significantly reduce power (heat) dissipation in computers. Together, these approaches offer the potential to provide both large energy savings due to the use of better materials, and cost savings in manufacture, due to integration.The materials and devices in this project will be obtained from leading semiconductor growth groups in North America, Europe and Asia. At Surrey, the PI has established unique experimental techniques (e.g. low temperature and high pressure systems) to probe the physical properties of photonic materials and devices and will use these to determine both the basic materials parameters and the influence these have on device performance. The fellowship will allow the PI an excellent opportunity to lead a significant effort working together with a strong international team to investigate the fundamental physical characteristics of new materials with the aim of developing high efficiency improved photonic technology for widespread applications of importance to UK industry.


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Adams A (2015) Semiconductor Quantum Well Lasers With a Temperature-Insensitive Threshold Current in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics

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Batool Z (2023) Effect of bismuth incorporation on recombination mechanisms in GaAsBi/GaAs heterostructures in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics

Description This Leadership Fellowship project had a number of aims both in terms of scientific research and for the career development of the principal investigator. On a technical level, the project aimed to develop three core areas of scientific research: (a) the development of silicon-compatible laser technology, (b) determining the properties and device potential of GaAsBi for lasers and related devices and (c) to research the properties of InAsN quantum dot structures for use in mid-infrared photonics. In all of these areas the project has been enormously successful. For (a), working in collaboration with Philipps University, Marburg, Germany, the project has demonstrated GaAsNP/Si lasers. These devices are important for the development of optical computing. For (b), working with University of Victoria, Canada, the project has developed spectroscopic techniques to probe the properties of GaAsBi. This work also led to the development of the EU FP7 BIANCHO project which directly led to the demonstration of the world's first GaAsBi laser at Surrey. For (c), working with Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, the work has demonstrated the longest wavelength inter band emission from an InP based active region and shows potential for the development of devices.

Owing to the flexibility afforded to the project owing to the nature of the fellowship, the project has allowed the PI to develop a leading activity on photovoltaics. This also directly led to new commercial collaborations with Airbus to demonstrate laser power convertors.

The work undertaken in the Fellowship has had wide media recognition through articles in the Economist, the Sunday Times, the Financial Times and a broadcast on BBC Radio 2.

For the career development of the PI, the project has allowed him to raise his profile internationally and he is now internationally recognised as a leader in the development of semiconductor photonics devices. He has been invited to join the committees of the major international conferences in lasers and photonics and the editorial board of major international journals in materials science and quantum electronics. Nationally, he helped develop the UK roadmap for III-V semiconductors and he sits on the EPSRC National III-V facility steering committee and the Institute of Physics Semiconductor group committee. At Surrey, he was promoted to a personal Chair and now leads the Photonics activity.
Exploitation Route The outputs of the work are important to the international community of semiconductor material and device researchers. The work is also of strong interest to companies working to develop new technologies in the near- and mid-infra red ranging from pre-cursor producers to photonic component manufacturers.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine


Food and Drink


Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)





including Industrial Biotechology

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description The findings from the research have led to a number of highly cited journal publications. The work has also led to the development of two patent filings which are being followed-up in terms of commercial interest.
First Year Of Impact 2013
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Electronics
Impact Types Societal


Description EPSRC Impact Acceleration Award - Exploration of efficiency limits in LEDs
Amount £20,000 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2013 
End 10/2014
Title Quantifying Auger recombination coefficients in type-I mid-infrared InGaAsSb quantum well lasers 
Description From a systematic study of the threshold current density as a function of temperature and hydrostatic pressure, in conjunction with theoretical analysis of the gain and threshold carrier density, we have determined the wavelength dependence of the Auger recombination coefficients in InGaAsSb/GaSb quantum well lasers emitting in the 1.7-3.2 µm wavelength range. From hydrostatic pressure measurements, the non-radiative component of threshold currents for individual lasers was determined continuously as a function of wavelength. The results are analysed to determine the Auger coefficients quantitatively. This procedure involves calculating the threshold carrier density based on device properties, optical losses, and estimated Auger contribution to the total threshold current density. A strong increase with decreasing mid-infrared wavelength (< 2 µm) indicates the prominent role of intervalence Auger transitions to the split-off hole band. Above 2 µm, the increase with wavelength is approximately exponential due to CHCC or CHLH Auger recombination. The observed dependence is consistent with that derived by analysing literature values of lasing thresholds for type-I InGaAsSb quantum well diodes. Over the wavelength range considered, the Auger coefficient varies from a minimum of 1x10 -16cm 4s -1 at 2.1µm to ~8x10 -16cm 4s -1 at 3.2µm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3907414
Title Quantifying Auger recombination coefficients in type-I mid-infrared InGaAsSb quantum well lasers 
Description From a systematic study of the threshold current density as a function of temperature and hydrostatic pressure, in conjunction with theoretical analysis of the gain and threshold carrier density, we have determined the wavelength dependence of the Auger recombination coefficients in InGaAsSb/GaSb quantum well lasers emitting in the 1.7-3.2 µm wavelength range. From hydrostatic pressure measurements, the non-radiative component of threshold currents for individual lasers was determined continuously as a function of wavelength. The results are analysed to determine the Auger coefficients quantitatively. This procedure involves calculating the threshold carrier density based on device properties, optical losses, and estimated Auger contribution to the total threshold current density. A strong increase with decreasing mid-infrared wavelength (< 2 µm) indicates the prominent role of intervalence Auger transitions to the split-off hole band. Above 2 µm, the increase with wavelength is approximately exponential due to CHCC or CHLH Auger recombination. The observed dependence is consistent with that derived by analysing literature values of lasing thresholds for type-I InGaAsSb quantum well diodes. Over the wavelength range considered, the Auger coefficient varies from a minimum of 1x10 -16cm 4s -1 at 2.1µm to ~8x10 -16cm 4s -1 at 3.2µm. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2020 
Provided To Others? Yes  
URL https://zenodo.org/record/3907415
Description Marburg 
Organisation Philipp University of Marburg
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I established a collaboration with the Central Technology Laboratory to work on the development of semiconductor materials and devices.
Collaborator Contribution The partner has supplied material and devices for testing and has grown semiconductor samples to our specification.
Impact The outcomes are mainly in the form of joint publications, as listed against the appropriate grant.
Start Year 2009
Description NTU 
Organisation Nanyang Technological University
Country Singapore 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I established the collaboration with NTU following a visit there in 2008. This led to collaborations on the development of semiconductor material and devices. Our contribution to the collaboration is through our advanced semiconductor and optical characterisation facilities.
Collaborator Contribution The partners in NTU have provided a number of semiconductor wafer samples for characterisation.
Impact A number of journal publications, as given in the publications list.
Start Year 2008
Description Victoria 
Organisation University of Victoria
Country Australia 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I established the collaboration with Victoria owing to their expertise in bismuth-containing semiconductors. Our contribution to the collaboration was in the design of layer structures and characterisation of semiconductor materials and devices.
Collaborator Contribution Victoria provided a number of semiconductor wafers and devices for characterisation. They also provided valuable know how on novel semiconductors.
Impact The outcomes are mainly journal publications.
Start Year 2009
Title Apparatus and Method for Monitoring LED Color Mix 
Description This invention concerns a method for monitoring and changing the colour balance in solid-state lighting units 
IP Reference US20150091474 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact This activity has led to further research on new approaches to solid-state lighting.
Title Apparatus and Method for Monitoring LED Efficiency 
Description This invention concerns a method for measuring the output and spectral content of LED based lighting sources. 
IP Reference US20150305099 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact This work led t the development of new techniques for measuring solid-state lighting units and feedback systems for optimising semiconductor-based lighting.
Title Light Emitting Semiconductor Device 
Description This patent concerns the use of bismuth containing alloys to produce high efficiency photonic devices. 
IP Reference US20120168816 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted
Licensed Commercial In Confidence
Impact This work has spawned a field of research and development in new materials for photonic devices. The applications include telecommunications and sensing.
Title Light Receiving Device 
Description This patent application concerns the use of novel III-V alloys for use in the development of high efficiency solar cells. 
IP Reference US20160149060 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted
Licensed No
Impact This IP has led to research into new approaches for solar cell design and helped to stimulate a new research topic on photodetectors.