Microneedle-mediated enhanced Raman therapeutic drug monitoring

Lead Research Organisation: Queen's University Belfast
Department Name: Sch of Pharmacy


Over the past 3 decades there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people infected with human immunodeficiency virus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, such that approximately 40 million are currently infected by HIV and 14 million are infected with tuberculosis. Strict compliance with prescribed drug treatment regimens is required for management of these diseases in individuals and control of their spread to others. Monitoring of compliance using conventional methods is problematic, particularly in the Developing World, where lack of resources and improper use of needles causes significant problems for society. Advances in medical treatment mean more premature neonates now survive. Due to their prematurity and the associated complications, these patients are frequently treated with multiple drugs. Direct blood sampling can, however, cause severe bruising or scarring and such patients also have very limited blood volumes, which prevents frequent sampling. One in five fatal car accidents in the UK are currently due to drivers driving under the use of illegal or prescription drugs. No appropriate roadside test currently exists. When considering these factors, in addition to the time-consuming nature and expense of routine therapeutic drug monitoring in hospitals, it is obvious that development of novel non- or minimally-invasive technologies that permit rapid and frequent ambulatory monitoring without drawing of blood is extremely important. In this project, we will investigate novel technology based on tiny needles that puncture the outer layer of skin without causing any pain or bleeding - the sensation is said to feel like a cat's tongue or sharkskin. These needles will then swell, turning into a jelly-like material that keeps the holes open and allow collection of skin fluid. As the drug content in the fluid in people's skin is very similar to that in their blood, we can use our microneedles, in combination with a sophisticated measurement technique, known as Surface-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, to accurately monitor blood levels of drugs.Once developed, the technology described here will allow frequent routine monitoring of patients. Accordingly, drug- and exogenous substance-associated adverse events and complications arising from blood sampling will be prevented, to the benefit of patients Worldwide. In the UK, the NHS will benefit from reduced costs due to shorter hospital stays and reduced occurrence of inappropriate dosing. Ultimately, health-related-quality-of-life will be enhanced through improved disease control, rapid detection of dangerously high or low levels, facile monitoring of adherence to prescribed regimens (eg treatment of tuberculosis in the Developing World) and detection of illicit substances in addicts or vehicle drivers. Preterm neonates are likely to derive great benefit from the marked increase in monitoring frequency permitted, as are elderly patients being treated with multiple drugs. Ultimately, commercialisation of the technology will be the primary route by which UK industry, the NHS and patients will derive benefits. In order to attract potential industrial partners, it is vitally important to demonstrate proof of concept for this technology, which is the over-arching aim of the present proposal.

Planned Impact

Who will benefit from this research? This project will investigate technology that will produce a sophisticated and distinctive minimally-invasive generic monitoring system that could be modified for monitoring of various molecules of therapeutic interest. In so-doing, it will benefit patients, the NHS and the UK medical devices and biomedical sensors industries. The concept described herein constitutes a minimally-invasive technology that will permit rapid and frequent ambulatory monitoring without drawing of blood and, once developed, will allow frequent routine monitoring of patients. Accordingly, drug- and exogenous substance-associated adverse events and complications arising from blood sampling will be prevented, to the benefit of patients Worldwide. In the UK, the NHS will benefit from reduced costs due to shorter hospital stays and reduced occurrence of inappropriate dosing. Ultimately, health-related-quality-of-life will be enhanced through improved disease control, rapid detection of dangerously high or low levels (eg drugs with narrow therapeutic windows), facile monitoring of adherence to prescribed regimens (eg treatment of tuberculosis in the Developing World) and detection of illicit substances in addicts or vehicle drivers. Preterm neonates are likely to derive great benefit from the marked increase in monitoring frequency permitted, as are elderly patients being treated with multiple drugs. How will they benefit from this research? In answering both fundamental and applied questions, this project will contribute to the UK knowledge base and economic development within the UK pharmaceutical and health-related industries. The technology developed here is likely to be of great interest to UK companies in the medical devices and/or biosensor sectors. Sales of conventional finger-prick analysis devices for monitoring of blood glucose alone total $2 billion per annum. This market is currently US-led. Due to its much greater scope, the technology described here has the potential to make a significant and far-reaching impact in this field and place UK Research at the very forefront of developments, in accordance with the government's Science and Innovation Investment Framework 2004-2014: Next Steps. Ultimately, commercialisation of the technology will be the primary route by which UK industry, the NHS and patients will derive benefits. In order to attract potential industrial partners, it is vitally important to demonstrate proof of concept for this technology, which is the over-arching aim of the present proposal. Given the time required for industrial scale-up and full clinical trials, it is likely to be 3-5 years following completion of this project before the economic and patient benefit of this technology is realised. The PhD students employed on this project will have a unique opportunity to work at the interface of pharmaceutical sciences and analytical chemistry, to carry out research in a challenging environment and to receive both subject-specific and generic skills training. This will undoubtedly aid their personal and professional development and, in turn, their ultimate employability. What will be done to ensure that they benefit from this research? Allowing for IP considerations, academic publications, both journal articles and conference presentations, are likely to attract the interest of relevant industry. However, we will also make contact with the relevant UK industry players directly. The applicants' have extensive experience in collaborative research with industry and the exploitation of university research. Two potential routes to market exist for this technology. The first option is out-licensing to one or more biosensor or medical device companies on a royalty basis. The second option is to form a University spin-out company through QUBIS Ltd in collaboration with an industrial partner with manufacturing capabilities in medical devices or biomedical sensors.


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publication icon
Donnelly RF (2014) Microneedle-mediated minimally invasive patient monitoring. in Therapeutic drug monitoring

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Donnelly RF (2012) Hydrogel-Forming Microneedle Arrays for Enhanced Transdermal Drug Delivery. in Advanced functional materials

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Eltayib E (2016) Hydrogel-forming microneedle arrays: Potential for use in minimally-invasive lithium monitoring. in European journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics : official journal of Arbeitsgemeinschaft fur Pharmazeutische Verfahrenstechnik e.V

Description In this unique Project, we proved the concept of using hydrogel-forming microneedle arrays for capture of skin interstitial fluid for diagnostic/monitoring applications both in vitro and in vivo. A range of new microneedle designs were produced and evaluated. The key aspect was the ability to remove the entire microneedle system from skin intact so as to maximise fluid capture while avoiding polymer deposition in skin. This was readily achieved and the model compounds caffeine, theophylline and glucose were detectable post-microneedle removal from excised skin in vitro. In vivo rat experiments centred on theophylline, which has a narrow therapeutic window. The drug was detectable at both high and low plasma concentrations. Accordingly, the Project Objectives were clearly met. This led to 2 years of further funding from Action Medical Research, where the work has focussed on applications of this technology for neonatal monitoring. This Project is now 18 months in and we are seeking follow-on funding from this charity to begin adult human volunteer studies looking at drug substances and biomarkers of infection and other illnesses relvant to premature neonates. There is currently considerable industrial interest in this technology, with Randox and Johnson & Johnson both funding further research in our laboratory. Both companies are major players in the global diagnostics market. We believe that successful proof of concept in human volunteers (to be conducted in both projects on different analytes) will lead to licensing of the technology to one or both of these leading firms.
Exploitation Route Enhanced delivery of therapeutic agents, minimally-invasive patient monitoring, enhanced in-skin delivery of active cosmeceutical ingredients My Group are currently working with 5 international companies in a wide range of fields to take the patented technology developed during this project to market. Major funding from BBSRC's Super Follow-on Fund facilitated manufacturing scale-up and reliable patient application. Our collaborator, LTS Lohmann, now has Europe's first GMP microneedles manufacturing facility. This will undoubtedly facilitate commercialisation of this exciting technology.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

URL http://pure.qub.ac.uk/portal/en/persons/ryan-donnelly(7f46a524-c3a4-46a9-b347-834f0a3640f2).html
Description Randox and Johnson & Johnson are currently investigating this technology for use as minimally-invasive patient sampling/monitoring/diagnostic devices
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Economic

Description Clinical evaluation of hydrogel-forming microneedles for drug and biomarker detection and monitoring in human volunteers.
Amount £38,580 (GBP)
Funding ID SM/kd 
Organisation Northern Pharmacies 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2015 
End 09/2016
Description Engineering Centres of Excellence
Amount £959,568 (GBP)
Organisation Randox Laboratories 
Sector Private
Country Global
Start 03/2017 
End 03/2022
Description Healthcare Technologies
Amount £821,430 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P034063/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2017 
End 10/2020
Description Microneedle sensors for detection of miRNA in skin
Amount £70,077 (GBP)
Organisation Johnson & Johnson 
Sector Private
Country United States
Start 01/2019 
End 06/2019
Description Microneedle-enhanced neonatal therapeutic drug monitoring
Amount £94,154 (GBP)
Funding ID GN2024 
Organisation Action Medical Research 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2013 
End 12/2014
Description Nanoengineered microneedle arrays for enhanced delivery of long-acting HIV medicines
Amount £1,095,411 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/S028919/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2019 
End 09/2023