Pigments Controlling the Quantum Efficiency of Photosynthetic Light Harvesting

Lead Research Organisation: Queen Mary University of London
Department Name: Sch of Biological and Chemical Sciences


The biological process of photosynthesis is the foundation upon which all life on Earth is supported. Since the advent of oxygenic photosynthesis, oxygen-evolving organisms have provided all heterotrophic organisms with both food and the oxygen required to utilize it. More recently, photosynthetic organisms have provided humans with a huge variety of useful compounds, including fuels, pharmaceuticals, fibres, pigments, and animal feeds and it has become apparent that plant-derived commodities will only increase in importance in the future green economy. The proliferation of oxygenic photosynthesis on Earth may be attributed to the efficient evolutionary design of the molecular machinery of photosynthesis, along with their adaptability with respect to changing environmental conditions. The photosynthetic membranes of the chloroplasts, commonly known as the thylakoid membranes, are the most complex of all biological membranes, being greatly enriched in a diverse collection of various protein complexes. These protein complexes represent the necessary molecular machinery of complex, multi-step process of photosynthesis, carrying out such diverse tasks as light-harvesting, electron transport and the synthesis of vital biochemical compounds. In order to fulfil these roles the various membrane proteins bind a number of cofactors such as chlorophylls, carotenoids, lipids, water, and various metal ions. One of the major pigment-lipoprotein complexes found within the thylakoid membrane is the light-harvesting complex of photosystem-II, LHCII. This complex, which is a trimer of three identical proteins, each binding 18 photosynthetic pigment molecules, collects light energy received by the thylakoid membrane and transfers it to the photosynthetic reaction centres. In addition to LHCII there are two minor light-harvesting complexes known as CP26 and CP29. In addition to this role LHCII, has been found to play an important role in regulating the amount of energy that is delivered to the reaction centre. This is achieved via the dissipation of excess energy absorbed during periods of intense illumination, a process commonly referred to as photoprotection. Recently we have discovered that the currently available structure of LHCII corresponds to the structure of a photoprotective conformation of the complex. This finding is of particular importance since it offers unique structural insights into how the thylakoid membrane senses and responds to excessive illumination, and hence how photosynthetic systems protect themselves against photodamage. It has also been suggested that the minor antennas, CP26 and CP29, rather than LHCII are responsible for photoprotection. The aim of this proposed work is to understand how the photosynthetic pigments known as xanthophylls regulate the amount of light energy delivered to the reactions centres by the major and minor antenna complexes. This work is divided into two copuled parts, each of which will employ a unique combination of methods from the fields of experimental biophysics, theoretical physics, and quantum chemistry to complete. First, it is essential to understand how varying the specific xanthophyll compliment of LHCII affects the rate of energy dissipation in the antenna complex. This will be achieved via spectroscopic measurements of the antenna complexes and theoretical modelling of the transfer of excitation energy. Second, we will investigate whether specific sites in LHCII, CP26, or CP29 are responsible for the dissipation of excess energy. This will require detailed theoretical modelling of the electronic properties of the photosynthetic pigments, theoretical simulation of the transfer and dissipation of energy within the antenna complexes, and detailed spectroscopic mapping of the energy transfer pathways within the antenna complexes of both mutants and natural specimens.

Planned Impact

Who will benefit from this research? 1. The principle end users of this research will be in the commercial sectors associated with nanotechnology, and solar energy industries. In addition, applications may arise in biofuel and crop industries. 2. Agricultural agencies, both in the UK and abroad are also potential beneficiaries. How will they benefit from this research? 1. In the very near future, there will be a strongly increasing demand for sustainable energy for our society. The sun is the far biggest source of energy, and photosynthetic organisms in both land and aquatic environments are the foundations of a bio-based economy. 2. This project will investigate fundamental characteristics about how light energy is absorbed and transduced by plants, and how the process is regulated to provide both highly efficient solar energy conversion and protection from environmental stress. In a bio-based economy, photosynthesis is the direct basis for the generation of food, chemical feedstocks and biofuels from plants and microalgae. It is increasingly recognized that improvements in photosynthesis are needed in all of these cases and, in a dynamic environment, the response of photosynthesis to irradiance is an important trait. Already programmes are beginning which have the improvement in photosynthetic processes as the target, with a timescale of 5-10 years. 3. There is also considerable interest in utilizing the unique properties of biomolecules in various new technologies - e.g. in the construction of nanoscale devices in which biomolecules are printed onto circuits interfacing with man-made components. In the case of the light harvesting complexes investigated in this project there is scope for new kinds of solar energy converters which utilise the remarkable plasticity of these molecules in smart energy conversion. Rapid progress is being made in the technologies underpinning the construction of sophisticated hybrid systems. One foresees practical outputs within 10 years. 4. A key element in the knowledge transfer process will be the training of young scientists with the necessary set of skills. Researchers are needed who have sufficient intellectual luggage to produce the innovations that are needed for a successful bio-based economy. The multidisciplinary nature of this research project which combines state of the art spectroscopy and theotical physics and chemistry applied to a problem of demonstrated physiological importance will help train young researchers in such a way that they will be able to work at the forefront in such innovations. What will be done to ensure that they benefit from this research? Dissemination of results. Publications in peer-reviewed international journals; Oral and poster contributions at international scientific meetings and workshops; the project will be described on the PI's website; (http://queenmaryphotosynthesis.org/~ruban/); publicity of important finding via press releases from QMUL. Exploitation. In order to interface effectively with various potential end users, we would like to involve Professor Peter Horton. Following 30 years of research in the area of this project, Professor Horton now advises and consults on the practical applications of photosynthesis research, and is involved with a number of projects in the agricultural and bioenergy fields. He is currently biosolar advisor to the Faculty of Science at the University of Sheffield (http://photosynthesis.peterhorton.eu/). Training. The training opportunities provided by this project will be greatly augmented by the participation of the PI in the HARVEST Marie Curie training Network of the EU FP7 programme. HARVEST brings together 15 top institutes from various disciplines working on the elementary regulation mechanisms in oxygenic photosynthesis, as well as academic groups and commercial enterprises working on new methodologies suitable for industrial and commercial exploitation of biosolar energy.


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publication icon
Chmeliov J (2019) Aggregation-Related Nonphotochemical Quenching in the Photosynthetic Membrane. in The journal of physical chemistry letters

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Chmeliov J (2015) An 'all pigment' model of excitation quenching in LHCII. in Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP

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Duffy CD (2015) Dissipative pathways in the photosystem-II antenna in plants. in Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology

Description Nearly all of the objectives of the grant have been met during the course of the project. The project itself was aimed at an understanding of the role of the xanthophyll family of pigment molecules in regulating the efficiency of photosynthetic light-harvesting in higher plants. A number of important findings were obtained which have subsequently been published in highly regarded journals. 1. It was discovered that xanthophyll hydrophobicity is a key factor that controls the structure and function of the light-harvesting pigment protein complexes. 2. A novel theoretical model identified a possible molecular origin of one of the spectroscopic signatures of the photoprotective state of the photosynthetic membrane. 3. A novel theoretical model explained fundamental difference and similarities between xanthophyll-protein interaction in the major and minor photosystem II antenna, explaining previously observed experimental features and excluding an established model of NPQ in higher plants. 4. A novel theoretical model explained fundamental difference and similarities between xanthophyll-protein interaction in the major and minor photosystem II antenna, explaining previously observed experimental features and excluding an established model of NPQ in higher plants. 5. A quantum mechanical model of the key role of the xanthophyll lutein in NPQ has been established, ultimately explaining the molecular origin of photoprotective NPQ. 6. In addition two highly cited reviews on the topic of the regulation of photosynthetic light-harvesting have been published.
Exploitation Route solar energy technologies; creation of high light resistant crops The results of the project have impacted significantly on the field. Data has been shared with the FP7 network 'HARVEST' and has been well received at regular meeting. The published work is well recognised and dissemination of data through our links with Dr E. Murchie ensures that commercial exploitation (in the field of agro-biotechnology) of the results will occur within the next decade.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink



Description The project generated the first molecular model of the role of energy transfer in the Photosystem II antenna to explicitly include chlorophyll-xanthophyll interactions. Along with providing a plausible explanation of the molecular mechanisms of a long-studied phenomenon, it has provided the basis for the study of related pigment protein complexes. This methodology is now being employed by the group of Dr Cynthia Lo (University of Washington at St Louis) to study the energy transfer dynamics of the peridinin-chlorophyll a-protein found in dinoflagellates. In collaboration with Prof L. Valkunas (University of Vilnius) this methodology is being applied to the further study of plant light-harvesting complexes and artificial light-harvesting dyads. Dr Duffy has started a joint project with A. Pandit (Leiden), combining solid state NMR with computational modelling to probe the dynamical/structural processes that determine the light-harvesting/regulatory function of light-harvesting proteins. This collaboration has resulted in a publication (Modelling the NMR signatures associated with the functional conformational switch in the major light-harvesting antenna of photosystem II in higher plants (2014) Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. DOI: 10.1039/C3CP54971B). More generally, this methodology represents a significant advance in current computational approaches to light-harvesting research. Dr Duffy's perspective on current trends and future directions of this field are detailed in his recent perspective article (Light-harvesting processes in the dynamic photosynthetic antenna (2013) Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15, 18752-18770). Lastly, as a result of the work carried out with the support of this grant Dr Duffy was appointed to the position of Lecturer in Cellular and Molecular Biology, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London in 2013. . Beneficiaries: Researchers working in the field of natural and artificial light-harvesting and the industrial sectors that will eventually benefit from this research
Sector Agriculture/Food and Drink,Energy,Environment,Manufacturing/ including Industrial Biotechology
Impact Types Cultural