Modelling of graphene-based spintronic devices
Lead Research Organisation:
Lancaster University
Department Name: Physics
Spintronics is a form of electronics which relies on the measurement and control of the spin degree of freedom of electrons, as well as their charge. A promising, new candidate material for the realisation of spintronics devices is graphene, a single-atom thick sheet of carbon atoms, because it is a good conductor and spin relaxation is supposed to be very slow in it. By employing gate electrodes, it is easy to tune the carrier density of graphene from particle to hole channels. Moreover, it is possible to change the electrical and magnetic properties of graphene in various ways: by creating nanoribbons; coverage with adatoms; proximity to other materials; or by using few-layer graphene materials (bilayers/trilayers etc).Over the course of the next three years, we expect that there will be a concerted international effort by chemists, physicists and engineers to understand the underlying mechanisms of spintronics in graphene, to improve fabrication techniques of graphene and related materials including attempts to develop magnetic properties, and to develop spintronics devices in graphene. Oustanding issues include an understanding of the causes of spin relaxation in graphene; whether, with the apparent lack of magnetism and the weakness of spin-orbit coupling, it is possible to manipulate spins in graphene; whether, given the unusual band structure of graphene, it will be possible to realise spintronics devices with functionality unique to graphene. The aim of the proposed collaboration is to contribute to a resolution of these issues, by developing the theory of spin-orbit coupling and magnetic impurities in graphene, to predict their manifestation in experimental characterisation of graphene, and to model spin-polarised transport in graphene-based spintronic devices.
Planned Impact
This research project shares the general objective of fundamental nanoscience, namely, to identify unconventional material properties and novel functionalities which provide the basis for medium-term applied research and long-term commercial applications in the electronics and information storage industry. In particular, graphene is the only new material with realistic potential for applications in electronics that has appeared since carbon nanotubes more than a decade ago. There is no guarantee that graphene will be the silicon of the future or even the basis of novel spintronic devices, still, it is quite clear that the potential of this material is worthy of investigation. The use of graphene may lead to spintronic devices with speed, versatility, low power consumption, small physical dimension, or new functionality (for example, by combining magnetic functionality with transistor operation within a single device). This may have implications in microelectronics, sensor applications, high-density information storage, bio-medicine, quantum computing, etc. We aim to disseminate our results to a large audience including specialists, such as the rapidly-expanding international community of scientists and technologists working on spintronics and graphene, and to a non-specialist general audience. Specifically, we intend to Develop and maintain a project website, including information about our aims, achievements, and publications. Publish the results of our research in internationally-respected journals (e.g. Nature Physics, Physical Review). Organise mini-conferences (two in Lancaster, one in Tokyo) during the course of the project. Attend international conferences and workshops in order to present talks and posters, and to contribute to Conference Proceedings. Disseminate to a broad audience by giving Summer School Lectures, writing Review and News and Views Articles, providing press interviews. Support public outreach activities: at Lancaster, the arrival of IOP Teaching Fellow Philip Furneaux in 2008/09 has stimulated Physics Department outreach activities with school visits and teacher days.

Bao W
Stacking-dependent band gap and quantum transport in trilayer graphene
in Nature Physics

Koshino M
Multilayer graphenes with mixed stacking structure: Interplay of Bernal and rhombohedral stacking
in Physical Review B

Koshino M
Landau level spectra and the quantum Hall effect of multilayer graphene
in Physical Review B

Kozikov A
Evidence for spin memory in the electron phase coherence in graphene
in Physical Review B

McCann E
z?-z symmetry of spin-orbit coupling and weak localization in graphene.
in Physical review letters

McCann E
Spin-orbit coupling and the Landau level spectrum of ABA-stacked trilayer graphene
in Journal of Physics: Conference Series

McCann E
Spin-orbit coupling and broken spin degeneracy in multilayer graphene
in Physical Review B

McCann E
The electronic properties of bilayer graphene.
in Reports on progress in physics. Physical Society (Great Britain)
Description | The aim of the research collaboration was to develop a theoretical understanding of the behaviour of electrons in graphene and graphene-related materials (bilayers, trilayer, multilayers) and, particularly, the role that the spin of the electron plays. We developed a way to describe spin-orbit coupling and magnetic impurities using a symmetry-based analysis, and we used this to predict how these effects would be observed in experiments through the spin- and phase-coherence of electrons. We also investigated how spin-orbit coupling appears in multilayer graphene systems, where the possibility of different stacking structures influences spin-orbit coupling. A second part of our research was to determine the behaviour of electrons in a magnetic field in multilayer graphene systems. Here, we found that the energy level spectrum was sensitive to details related to the type of stacking. With experimental colleagues from the USA (principally University of California, Riverside), we demonstrated how these effects are observed in experiments, leading to the possibility to tune the properties of electronic devices based on multilayer graphene. This grant supported the research team leaders, Koshino and McCann, by enabling them to travel between Japan and the UK and, thus, develop their collaboration. In the UK, the grant also provided assistance for two very successful UK-Japan workshops, one at Lancaster University, 3-4 February 2011, and one at Lake Windermere, 15-18 November 2011. They both had about 100 participants with oral and poster presentations, Japanese speakers and participants from many UK universities. |
Exploitation Route | We have disseminated our results to a large audience including specialists, such as the rapidly-expanding international community of scientists and technologists working on spintronics and graphene, and to a non-specialist general audience. Specifically, we published the results of our research in internationally-respected journals (e.g. Nature Physics, Physical Review), we organised two very successful UK-Japan mini-conferences in the UK, we attended conferences and supported public outreach activities. |
Sectors | Electronics |