Smart Antenna Systems for Cooperative Low-Power Wireless Personal and Body Area Networks

Lead Research Organisation: Queen Mary University of London
Department Name: Sch of Electronic Eng & Computer Science


Wireless sensor networks are attractive solutions that can be used in healthcare and sport performance monitoring applications which will enable constant monitoring of health data and constant access to the patient regardless of the current location or activity and with a fraction of cost of the regular face-to-face examination. Such a system is particularly useful in the case of in-home assistance of the elderly and rapid repatriation of recovering patents to their own homes, as well as for smart nursing homes, clinical trials and research augmentation. It was estimated in 2012, that wireless sensor solutions could save $25 billion worldwide in annual healthcare costs by reducing hospitalisations and extending independent living for the elderly. Current wireless sensor solutions are limited in that they do not provide the means to overcome obstacles and shadowing of propagating radio waves and also reduce the effect of interference in congested radio environments. The project will conduct research into new techniques and methods that combine both antenna and radio propagation engineering with networking and smart frequency agile communication systems. It aims to develop underpinning capabilities for an advanced low-power wearable antenna elements coupled with intelligent control algorithm capable of sensing and understanding the dynamic human body and dense indoor radio environment. Wireless monitoring of patients with critical illnesses can be taken as an example to demonstrate the benefit this technology will bring to the healthcare services. In dense hospital (or care homes) environments, there are many wireless standards present and radio communication is faced with many obstacles. In cases where there is no clear path between the patient's sensors (ECG, Blood pressure, blood sugar level, etc.) and the access points or the carer's receiving units, for example when a patient is laying face-down on a wireless sensor monitoring the heart, the communication link can be lost completely - a risk which is unacceptable to the healthcare profession. In cases when there is a lengthened radio propagation path from shadowing, the wireless sensor requires more power to communicate with the access point. For a system consisting of a number of independent sensors monitoring different vital signs, the power consumption can be significant enough to make the approach impractical, particularly for the elderly, whose reliability to recharge the power source cannot be guaranteed. Proposed in this project is a cooperative communication network of on-body wireless devices in which individual antennas in the network can adapt their radiation mode to switch between communicating with off-body units or using neighbouring devices on the same body. Appropriately configured, such a system will ensure that the data from the body-worn device can be communicated to the local base station or access point either directly or via one or more onbody sensor hops. So regardless of degree of shadowing - the system will autonomously find a communication pathway around the body to an antenna with the lowest path loss to the access point, hence minimising power consumption. The ability of the system to autonomously detect an uncongested part of the available radio spectrum for the communication link further adds to improved battery life.

Planned Impact

The proposed project extends expertise in antennas and body-area networking to develop a novel approach to smart and cooperative wireless body-centric communications with low-power requirements, for example in: healthcare monitoring in-the-home; in dense environments such as hospitals; challenging and dynamic applications such as sport activity monitoring. The implications of the proposed technology will additionally have a tremendous impact on delivering user-centric information, treatments and life style advice. Beneficiaries are identified based on the expected period of impact. In the short term, the outcome from this project will primarily benefit two groups: (a) researchers interested in wearable wireless devices and antennas and propagation aspects of such devices and (b) intelligent control algorithm researchers working on smart communication networking and cognitive-based radio systems. In the medium term, the technologies developed in the project will benefit patients, healthcare practitioners, health services providers and the information technology community. For patients, low cost mobile patient monitoring has the potential for increasing the early detection of health problems not just for high-risk patients but lower-risk patients and eventually the general population. For healthcare practitioners, this allows the diagnosis and monitoring not to be limited to the brief time frames when the patient is in the hospital, and allow transient abnormalities to be captured at their naturally occuring states. For healthcare providers, the proposed research programme addresses the need for lowering healthcare costs, maximising efficiency and reducing hospital stay without compromising patient care. The UK general public, wider communities and government are identified as long term beneficiaries. Specifically, it will greatly assist the continuous monitoring of users for applications such as sport performance enhancement. Other area of interest is the well-being and safety of lone workers such as postmen and council workers. This project also benefits UK electronic industry for civil and military applications, in particular, system engineers for sensor specification, design engineers for antenna and sensor design and networking engineers for smart communications. Intellectual property rights will need to be protected to ensure relevance to those beneficiaries


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Abbasi QH (2012) Numerical characterization and modeling of subject-specific ultrawideband body-centric radio channels and systems for healthcare applications. in IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society

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Aboufoul T (2012) Reconfiguring UWB Monopole Antenna for Cognitive Radio Applications Using GaAs FET Switches in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters

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Description Wireless monitoring of patients with critical illnesses can be taken as an example to demonstrate the benefit the proposed outcome solution will bring to the healthcare services. In dense hospital (or care homes) environments, there are many wireless standards present and radio communication is faced with many obstacles. In cases where there is no clear path between the patient's sensors (ECG, Blood pressure, blood sugar level, etc.) and the access points or the carer's receiving units, for example when a patient is laying face-down on a wireless sensor monitoring the heart, the communication link can be lost completely - a risk which is unacceptable to the healthcare profession. In cases when there is a lengthened radio propagation path from shadowing, the wireless sensor requires more power to communicate with the access point. For a system consisting of a number of independent sensors monitoring different vital signs, the power consumption can be significant enough to make the approach impractical, particularly for the elderly, whose reliability to recharge the power source cannot be guaranteed. Proposed in this project is a cooperative communication network of on-body wireless devices in which individual antennas in the network can adapt their radiation mode to switch between communicating with off-body units or using neighbouring devices on the same body. Appropriately configured, such a system will ensure that the data from the body-worn device can be communicated to the local base station or access point either directly or via one or more on-body sensor hops. So regardless of degree of shadowing - the system will autonomously find a communication pathway around the body to an antenna with the lowest path loss to the access point, hence minimising power consumption. The ability of the system to autonomously detect an uncongested part of the available radio spectrum for the communication link further adds to improved battery life.

The project conducted research into new techniques and methods that combine antenna and radio propagation engineering with intelligent networking and smart communication systems. It developed capabilities for advanced wearable antenna elements coupled with an intelligent control algorithm capable of sensing and understanding the dynamic human body and dense indoor environment. This led to efficient and reliable cooperative sensor network. The research activities resulted in 10 publications published, submitted and to be submitted and also in more than £250k in follow-on fund from various funding sources including research councils, technology strategy board and industry collaborators. In addition, theoretical and practical findings were delivered as part of the European School of Antennas course on Antennas and Propagation for Body-Centric Wireless Communications held in London June/July 2011. The principle investigator and research assistant also presented a couple of invited talks at EuCAP 2011 and IEEE APS 2011. The resulted cooperative efficient body-worn wireless sensor network was used a demonstrator for outreach activities as part of the route to impact plan and presented at national science and engineering week 2011 and also in an industry-funded showcase event in Munich 2011.
Exploitation Route The large numbers of potential home users is driven by the world's ageing population and according to the population Reference Bureau those over 65 in the more developed countries form 16% of the population, representing more than 196 million people in 2008. The elderly are major users of healthcare technology and so suitable technology is being sought by all governments that can help to contain healthcare costs for this vulnerable and growing group. It was estimated that in 2012, wireless sensor solutions could save $25 billion worldwide ([1] in case for support) in annual healthcare costs by reducing hospitalisations and extending independent living for seniors and hence directly benefiting the NHS and the government economically.

• Large and medium companies interested in healthcare and consumer life style will benefit from the findings of the research, specifically the low-power and reliable link feature of the proposed technology. Such companies include Philips (see support letter attached) and also Zarlink, Intel and Freescale (all stated their interests through the commissioned report mentioned above)

• One of QMUL's main objectives is widening public access to new advances in science and technology by involving local communities, colleges and schools. The outcome of the research will be presented to various social communities to encourage participation from potential young engineers and scientists and has the potential to improve the effectiveness of public services. • The outcome of the various work packages will be presented by the PDRA/PI to interested groups with QMUL in regular seminars as part of the antennas group seminar series and also interdisciplinary seminars held in the schools of engineering, medicine and dentistry.

• We will present our research findings at two prestigious conferences; IEEE APS 2010 and the IEEE International Workshop on BSN. The paper submitted would address for example the "Tuneable wideband antenna element and its effect on radio channels for PAN and BAN applications". The project outcome will also be submitted to two prestigious journals; IEEE Trans. on Antennas & propagation and also IEEE Trans. on Information Technology in Biomedicine, which suits the main theme of the project and its intended application.

• Dr. Brennan from DCU and his research team will be able to evaluate their simulator through extensive experimental investigation by the PDRA and PI as part of WP1 and WP2. They will have access to antennas designed in QMUL and be able to test their ray tracing technique with real antenna parameters.

• Participation in standardisation groups working on regulation issues related to radio propagation characteristics and system parameters for personal and body area networks such as the IEEE 802.15 WPAN Task Group 6 (Body Area Networks). This will be achieved by attending standardisation group meetings and contributing to scientific discussions and publications. Contributing to standardisation group will in turn impact the economy since devices and equipment are always checked and regulated against these standards and thereafter released for public use.

• The PI is involved with a number of KTNs in the UK and will participate in workshops organised by KTNs and Technology Strategy Board (TSB).

• The project PI is an active member of the School's Communication and Outreach Committee, where he participates in general public talks delivered by technical institutions such as the IET and science and engineering research talks presented to local community and national colleges and schools. The PI and PDRA will contribute to short articles in magazines and specialised booklets produced by QMUL targeted at the surrounding communities and industrial partners such as the nationally acclaimed Computer Science for Fun project.

Issues regarding exploitation of technology will be discussed with the University's enterprise unit, Queen Mary Innovation Ltd.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)



Description Brief encounter of the major impact of the project and its findings. The proposed project extends expertise in antennas and body-area networking to develop a novel approach to smart and cooperative wireless body-centric communications with low-power requirements, for example in: healthcare monitoring in-the-home; in dense environments such as hospitals; challenging and dynamic applications such as sport activity monitoring. The implications of the proposed technology will additionally have a tremendous impact on delivering user-centric information, treatments and life style advice. Beneficiaries are identified based on the expected period of impact. In the short term, the outcome from this project will primarily benefit two groups: (a) researchers interested in wearable wireless devices and antennas and propagation aspects of such devices and (b) intelligent control algorithm researchers working on smart communication networking and cognitive-based radio systems. In the medium term, the technologies developed in the project will benefit patients, healthcare practitioners, health services providers and the information technology community. For patients, low cost mobile patient monitoring has the potential for increasing the early detection of health problems not just for high-risk patients but lower-risk patients and eventually the general population. For healthcare practitioners, this allows the diagnosis and monitoring not to be limited to the brief time frames when the patient is in the hospital, and allow transient abnormalities to be captured at their naturally occurring states. For healthcare providers, the proposed research programme addresses the need for lowering healthcare costs, maximising efficiency and reducing hospital stay without compromising patient care. The UK general public, wider communities and government are identified as long term beneficiaries. Specifically, it will greatly assist the continuous monitoring of users for applications such as sport performance enhancement. Other area of interest is the well-being and safety of lone workers such as postmen and council workers. This project also benefits UK electronic industry for civil and military applications, in particular, system engineers for sensor specification, design engineers for antenna and sensor design and networking engineers for smart communications. Intellectual property rights will need to be protected to ensure relevance to those beneficiaries.
First Year Of Impact 2011
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)
Impact Types Societal


Description Efficient Integrated Antennas for Wireless Smart Metering Solutions
Amount £15,000 (GBP)
Organisation Onzo Ltd 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2010 
End 04/2010
Description Improved Antenna and LNA Front-end for GNSS Hand-Held Unit
Amount £90,000 (GBP)
Organisation Trimble Navigation Ltd 
Sector Private
Country United States
Start 03/2012 
End 03/2013
Description Novel Composite Radiator
Amount £45,000 (GBP)
Organisation Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (DSTL) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2011 
End 04/2012
Description Collaboration with The Shadow Robot Company 
Organisation Shadow Robot Company
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Due to outcomes of this project the PI is collaborating with an SME (The Shadow Robot Company) on new technologies for the control of robotic hands.
Start Year 2011