Dual Process Control Models in the Brain and Machines with Application to Autonomous Vehicle Control

Lead Research Organisation: University of Stirling
Department Name: Computing Science and Mathematics


The field of autonomous vehicle control (AVC) is a rapidly growing one which promises improved performance, fuel economy, emission levels, comfort and safety.Application of conventional control methods can generate adequate results under restricted circumstances,but have high design and computational costs and are fragile under real environmental changes (winds, proximity of other vehicles etc).There is therefore a pressing need for alternative approaches to AVC.One particularly promising alternative is to break the task into a set of sub-tasks,each valid over a restricted range of conditions, and to switch between them when required.Dr Hussain's group in Stirling has been developing a novel framework for such'modular learning controllers'over the last few years.The problem of selecting from amongst a set of actions or behaviours is also a central problem for animals.There is growing evidence that a set of central brain nuclei -the basal ganglia- are used by all vertebrates to help solve this problem.Research in Prof Gurney's lab has,over the last decade,been developing computational models of how the basal ganglia support behavioural selection.Thus,we believe that the basal ganglia act as a central 'selector' or 'switch' in all vertebrate brains,in that they examine requests for behaviour and allow the most urgent or salient requests to be selected for behavioural expression Given the similarity between the two problems' domains of AVC and action selection in animals, this project aims to leverage new results from psychology and neurobiology (discovered in Prof Gurney's lab) and apply them to the AVC controllers under development in Dr Hussain's group.One aspect of action selection which appears particularly promising in this respect has to do with there being two general modes of behavioural selection.To see this,consider the following scenarios.First,imagine making tea soon after getting out of bed in the morning in your own kitchen.You probably know exactly what to do without having to consciously be aware of it--the location of the tea,milk,sugar,kettle and water-tap are all well learned, as is the motor actions required to interact with the objects in these locations.Introspection after the event leads us to use terms such as;`I did it in my sleep' or `I was on auto-pilot'.Now consider doing the same task if you are staying at a friend's house for the first time.A completely different strategy appears to be used.Thus,we have to be alert, explore, and use high level cognitive knowledge that we hope generalises well (for example,we hope the tea will be in a cupboard near the sink, not in the living room)These two modes of control are well recognised in the psychological literature as automatic and controlled or executive processing respectively.There is also growing neurobiological evidence for the existence of different control regimes, supported by different brain systems.In addition, the new AVC systems developed at Stirling have two major components:a high level 'supervisory' controller and a set of basic (but adaptable) controllers that direct the actual vehicle behaviour.We believe the similarities with the biological notions of executive and automatic control are highly indicative of a mutually fruitful interaction between neuroscientific and control theoretic domains in this regard.Thus, while our general aim is to exploit a range of similarities between systems in control engineering and the animal brain, we will focus specifically on the concepts of automatised and controlled (or executive) processing and how they might map onto modular AVC solutions of the kind described above.The outcome should be a new generation real-time AVC controller, more directly inspired by the biological ideas. We will work with our industrial partners (Industrial Systems Control and SciSys) to evaluate the benefits of these novel controllers within the context of regular road driving and planetary rover vehicles.

Planned Impact

The novel and more directly biologically inspired technologies that will emerge from the proposed interdisciplinary research will have a direct and potentially ground breaking impact on the technological base underpinning much of the UK's autonomous systems control industry. The envisaged technologies will embed integrated cognitive features (like learning, event-driven adaptation, decision making, action selection) that will enhance the system autonomy, reliability and performance. From an economic view point, the next generation of complex industrial processes and systems making use of cognitive control would be able to maintain operation for longer periods before it is necessary to shut down for maintenance. One particular class of complex systems that will be addressed in the project is that of autonomous vehicle control (AVC). In this arena, whilst computers are increasingly assuming driving-related tasks in some commercial vehicles, it is well recognised that, at present, conventional computer generated control algorithms for autonomous driving cannot match the performance of human drivers. This project is ideally placed to contribute to the development of the next generation of in-vehicle computing systems that will integrate essential aspects of cognitive intelligence and behaviours to allow future autonomous vehicles to manage driving actuators in a way similar to humans. Preliminary results (using realistic validated complex vehicle models) have demonstrated the ability of the current modular controllers to both simultaneously track desired longitudinal and lateral displacements, and vehicle speed changes, and to achieve the desired speed of response, whilst penalising excessive control actions - with significant potential implications for both fuel and emission economy. The proposed industrial collaboration with SciSys will also impact the development of next generation low-cost autonomous rover vehicle control systems for challenging planetary missions. Interplanetary exploration is increasingly likely to be conducted by robotic missions as they represent a considerable saving in mission cost compared to their human counterparts. The industrial support of SciSys Ltd. will significantly enhance the commercialization potential of project outcomes in this arena. Working with our other industrial partner, Industrial Systems & Control (ISC) Ltd., will also help maximise project impact. Their advice on simulation test-bed design and access to their benchmark AVC case study will ensure project work is kept relevant for commercialisation. ISC will also help assess the commercialisation potential of any outcomes with a view to negotiating a license agreement with one of their major (partner) companies. The project will also have an impact in the scientific domains of neuroscience and theoretical psychology. While there is no immediate economic impact for the work in these areas, insights into the fundamental computations performed by the brain during executive and automatic processing will certainly underpin future research into neural developmental disorders believed to involve deficits in one of these processing styles. These include (for example) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), dyslexia and dyspraxia. More generally, the project will impact all areas where cognitive decision making is a current focus of (inter-disciplinary) research including: robotics, experimental neuroscience, and computational neuroscience of frontal and prefrontal cortices. Finally, the project will also have a direct impact on the future collaborative research productivity potential of the investigators themselves as well on the interdisciplinary research and career development prospects of the post-doctoral researcher appointed on this challenging project.


10 25 50
Description This timely multi-disciplinary proposal capitalised on a raft of computational insights on biological solutions to the problems of action selection developed in Prof Gurney's Lab on the EPSRC-funded REVERB project (#EP/C516303/1). These novel insights were successfully deployed in the context of engineering systems for autonomous vehicle control (AVC), by building on preliminary AVC models developed in Prof Hussain's Lab at Stirling. Initial conceptual and quantitative studies of the links between REVERB-related ideas and AVC had already been conducted by the applicants.

The project successfully delivered on its full and challenging programme of work to develop and harvest multiple synergies, and validated them in a variety of autonomous vehicle settings in collaboration with industrial partners. The research has led to immediate and potentially ground breaking impact in the commercially-significant area of next generation intelligent transportation systems - which applies information and communication technologies to tackle well-known problems of congestion, safety, and environmental degradation.

As evidenced by the 50 research publications to-date (including numerous high-impact journal papers and special issues), regular invited keynotes at world-leading international conferences, industry co-organized International Summer School/Workshops, and numerous follow-on grant proposals resulting from the project (including a major new industry-co-funded, £418k EPSRC project led by Prof Hussain: AV-COGHEAR, Ref. EP/M026981/1, 2015-19), the highly-innovative research outcomes are continuing to lead to significant wider ramifications in intelligent control theory, cognitive multi-modal informatics, natural language processing, assistive technology, cybersecurity and autonomous robotics. These are exploiting and validating novel hypotheses concerning functional principles at work in the brain.

Extensive comparative simulations results, benchmarked using realistic, validated car-like rover models have demonstrated the potential of the developed neuro-biologically inspired, cognitive AVC methods and models, to simultaneously and more effectively track (in relation to conventional control methods):
(1) desired longitudinal and lateral displacements,
(2) and vehicle speed changes,
(3) in addition to achieving the desired speed of response, whilst penalising excessive control actions - with significant potential implications for both fuel and emission economy. The project's software code has been made publicly available for maximising impact, and adopted by a number of companies, including as part of follow-on, industry-co-funded national and international grant projects.

In particular, the project has opened a whole new direction of multi-disciplinary research in the area of Autonomous Cognitive Robotics, evidenced by the success of the (project and industry co-organized) first international Workshop held at Stirling - a first of its kind event for industry, academia and funding leaders - by fusing ideas across several traditional domains and furthering our understanding in two key problem domains. First, by instantiating brain models into an embodied form, it has supplied a strong test of those models, thereby furthering our understanding of neurobiology and cognitive psychology. Second, by harnessing the insights we have about cognition, it has provided a potentially fruitful source of engineering solutions to a range of problems in robotics, and in particular, in areas such as intelligent autonomous vehicles and assistive technology. It therefore promises next generation solutions in the design of complex engineering systems, such as: urban autonomous vehicles, planetary rovers, cognitive robotics, IoT, cybersecurity and assistive technology, artificial social and healthcare companions.

The outcomes of this grant have been exploited as part of a newly funded EPSRC progamme grant due to start in 2020. This aims to transform the design and development of cognitively-inspired multi-modal hearing aids, listening devices and assistive technologies.
Exploitation Route The project findings, including its developed software code, have been made publicly available for maximising both academic and non-academic industrial impact. These have already been adopted by a number of companies, and are being further researched, developed and commercially exploited as part of several follow-on industry co-funded projects (such as the major new, £418k EPSRC project: AV-COGHEAR, led by Prof Hussain, 2015-2019, in collaboration with Sheffield, MRC IHR clinicians and international hearing-aid manufacturers: Phonak, Ref. EP/M026981/1).

A wide-range of continuing high-profile engagement activities, such as the highly-successful (2018-19) Special Issue of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC): Systems, on "Autonomous Cognitive Robotics and Systems", will ensure the innovative high-impact project findings are widely disseminated and adopted by relevant stakeholders, including academic, industry and (national and international) funding leaders.

Numerous research papers are continuing to be published in collaboration with national and international researchers, exploiting the project's pioneering cognitive autonomous systems ideas in a range of challenging real-world applications.

Outcomes of this grant have been exploited in a large EPSRC programme which has been funded as part of the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies 2050 Call, and is due to start in 2020.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)







Description The impact of the proposed research has had significant ramifications across a number of commercially-relevant areas including: intelligent transportation systems (ITS), autonomous planetary rovers, adaptive control systems engineering and robotics in general, healthcare and assistive technology, natural language processing, and cognitive and computational neuroscience. In particular, the industrial and commercial Impact realised in the engineering and healthcare assistive technology domains (detailed below) represents a translation of the project's ground-breaking multi-disciplinary research in the general area of multi-modal cognitive autonomous systems. Commercial impact of the project on development of next generation intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and planetary rovers is evidenced by the adoption of the project software by its industrial partner: Industrial Systems and Control (ISC) Ltd., to devise ongoing training courses in intelligent control theory and applications in ITS, Automatic Highway Systems and planetary rover simulators. ISC delivers control engineering technology support to 35 world-class companies operating in diverse industries including Automotive, Aerospace and Defence, Chemical and Petrochemical, Energy, Marine, Metal Processing, Food and Drink manufacturing. The developed project software has demonstrated the potential of the novel neurobiologically-inspired autonomous vehicle control methods and models, to simultaneously and more effectively track (in relation to conventional control methods): (1) desired longitudinal and lateral displacements, (2) and vehicle speed changes, (3) in addition to achieving the desired speed of response, whilst penalising excessive control actions - with significant potential implications for both fuel and emission economy. The project software, which has been made publicly available to maximise impact, is serving as a benchmark and an open-source testbed for development of next generation assisted-driving and safety warning systems, as well as future safe, efficient and smart autonomous vehicle models requiring integrative multi-modal cognitive control technology. In addition, the simulation and cognitive control of realistic, validated car-like rover models (implemented in the project software) are serving as benchmark models for development of next generation, low-cost, autonomous rover vehicle control systems for planetary missions. Interplanetary exploration is increasingly likely to be conducted by future robotic missions as they represent a considerable saving in mission cost compared to their human counterparts. Commercial and clinical impact has also been realized in the healthcare assistive technology sector. Specifically, a Glasgow-based company, Business Innovation Ltd., has adopted the project software (relevant to cognitive multi-modal informatics) as part of a larger commercial system for Diabetes preventative m-healthcare. This innovative system is currently being further developed and commercialized through an industry co-funded, Scottish Digital Health and Care Institute (DHI) grant (led by Prof. Hussain). The major hearing-aid manufacturer, Phonak, has also exploited the cognitive and computational neuroscience outputs of this project, that are relevant to development of future cognitively-inspired autonomous, multi-modal hearing systems, by partnering and co-funding a major follow-on EPSRC project (£418k, from 2015 - 2019 Ref. EP/M026981/1), led by Prof. Hussain - in collaboration with Sheffield, and MRC IHR clinicians based at Glasgow Royal Infirmary. The project has also led to international commercial impact, through the development of follow-on industry co-funded joint-research projects between Stirling and top Chinese Universities, in the challenging project areas of cognitively inspired multi-agent and vision-based autonomous control systems and their real-world applications. Further, the project successfully exploited two other (originally proposed) routes for ensuring the envisaged commercial impact of the research was fully realised. Firstly, with support of the project's collaborating companies: ISC Ltd and SciSys Ltd., a fully-subscribed International Summer School on Cognitive Computation was organized by the project PI in Stirling in 2013, followed by the first-ever International IEEE/EPSRC Workshop on Autonomous Cognitive Robotics, in Stirling, in March 2014. The latter high-profile event brought together leading international and UK scientists, engineers and industry representatives, alongside European research network and EU funding unit leaders, to present state-of-the-art in autonomous cognitive systems and robotics research, and discussed future research, development and commercialization challenges and opportunities. The fully-subscribed EPSRC project organized Workshop served several purposes. First it showcased the project research to a wide audience of potential users and future collaborators (the Workshop received extensive coverage by the national and international media, which served as a further channel for reaching wider audiences). Second, it helped invigorate the field in the UK and served as a networking opportunity for the funded research teams, and the participants as a whole. Third, as a result of this activity, we successfully generated future funding opportunities and industrial collaboration. Fourth, we generated a draft 'Road-Map' document to help define future activities in the field. The document was disseminated through our industrial partners, and lead to follow-on grants (2014-19) with international collaborators, specifically with China's Anhui University, Beihang University, Tsinghua University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. Another platform for ensuring maximum impact in the area of autonomous vehicle control, was through publication of selected extended papers from the first International Workshop (and a related International Summer School on Cognitive Computation, also organized by the project PI) in Springer's leading Cognitive Computation journal, followed by a special issue of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (published in Nov 2015). A further, follow-on (invited) Special Issue is scheduled in the world-leading, high-impact IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (titled: Autonomous Cognitive Robotics and Systems (to be published in 2019). In 2018, Prof Hussain was co-Leader of the Winning Team (jointly with Tsinghua University) at the 2nd World Intelligent Driving Challenge (WIDC), held in Tianjin, China, 15-17 May 2018. This is an annual, internationally leading competition comprising contests in autonomous driving, intelligent assistance, information security and virtual testing. The Challenge attracts 90-100 teams from industry, universities and research institutes across the world. The Challenges are broadcast and reported by over 100 international media outlets. These platforms, coupled with a range of other high-profile engagement activities undertaken by the project team, both nationally and internationally, have enabled us to publish industrial research and opinion alongside academic research, and discuss and debate various aspects of the proposed Road-Map. In 2019, an invited programme grant proposal building on some of the key outcomes of this grant, was submitted to the EPSRC Transformative Healthcare Technologies 2050 Call, which has been funded, and is due to commence in 2020. The above demonstrate the range of significant, sustainable and long-term commercial, society and clinical impact of the project's multi-disciplinary outcomes.
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Electronics,Energy,Environment,Healthcare,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Transport
Impact Types Societal


Policy & public services

Description Industry, academia and Doctoral researchers Training
Geographic Reach Multiple continents/international 
Policy Influence Type Influenced training of practitioners or researchers
Impact The project strongly influenced and shaped multidisciplinary training of industry practitioners, academic and Doctoral researchers in the challenging multi-disciplinary area of cognitive computation and autonomous systems. A first of its kind, International Summer School on Cognitive Computation was organized by the project PI at Stirling from 25-20 August 2013, with co-sponsorship from industry, the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA - a Scottish Funding Council Research Pool), and relevant IEEE technical societies. Cognitive Computation is a new and emerging multi-disciplinary field, which promises to facilitate the development of novel brain-inspired cognitive technologies for engineering the intelligent systems of tomorrow.The innovative event was aimed at uniting young and experienced researchers coming from a variety of backgrounds. The stimulating and relaxed atmosphere invited a close and productive interaction between both School participants and their mentors. The School was intended for PhD students, postdoctoral and industrial researchers working in all areas of cognitive computation, including its theoretical, applied, artificial and natural dimensions. The vision of the Summer School was to empower participants with an interdisciplinary understanding of some of the key underlying methodologies, concepts and techniques in cognitive computation, and their strengths and limitations (demonstrated by a range of case studies). Participants learnt of future directions in this exciting multi-disciplinary field. Topics covered included: perception, action, attention, cognitive and affective learning and memory, decision making and control, social cognition, language processing and communication, reasoning, pattern recognition, problem solving, and consciousness. The five-day programme consisted of a set of tutorial-style lectures, all delivered by experts of international standing combined with hands-on practical sessions for constructing and working with the techniques covered in the course material. The initial sessions served as advanced introduction to cognitive computation, including practical sessions and a comprehensive review of the underlying interdisciplinary fields. Springer's Neuroscience Publishing Editor, also gave a talk on "publishing interdisciplinary research in scientific journals", which was followed by a Research Posters Session, and Exhibition organized by Springer. Authors of selected posters, were invited to submit extended/full papers to Springer's Cognitive Computation journal. The Summer School lectures were oversubscribed, and sparked questions and discussion afterwards. Feedback from participants was consistently positive, and an analysis of outcomes (of interactive-tutorials and hands-on practical assessments) demonstrated an increased multi-disciplinary skill level of participants in both the theoretical and applied areas of cognitive computation. Due to growing demand, a follow-on, larger-scale International Workshop on Autonomous Cognitive Robotics was organized in Stirling (chaired by the project investigators) from 27-28 March 2014. The aim of the inaugural 2-day international workshop, co-sponsored by the IEEE UKRI, EPSRC, SICSA and industry, was to bring together leading international and UK scientists, engineers and industry representatives, alongside European research network and EU funding unit leaders, to present state-of-the-art in autonomous cognitive systems and robotics research, and discuss future research and development challenges and opportunities. Contributions were solicited from people working in: neurobiology, cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, control engineering, and computer science. Both "works-in-progress" and fully-developed ideas were presented with selected abstracts also invited for oral presentations. A research posters session was also organized (with a best poster/presentation prize) and an Exhibition organized by Springer. Of particular interest to Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers was an invited talk by the Senior Publishing Editor of Springer Neuroscience, on "publishing interdisciplinary research in scientific journals". Authors of selected best (oral and poster) presentations were invited to submit extended papers for publication in Springer's Cognitive Computation journal. The fully-subscribed Workshop served several purposes. First it showcased the project research to a wide audience of potential users and future collaborators (the Workshop also received extensive coverage by the national media, which served as a further channel for reaching wider audiences). Second, it helped invigorate the field in the UK and served as a networking opportunity for the funded research teams, and the participants as a whole. Third, as a result of this activity, we successfully generated future funding opportunities and industrial collaboration. Fourth, we generated a draft 'Road-Map' document to help define future activities in the field. This will be further discussed and developed at the second international Workshop due to be held in Strathclyde, Glasgow, in Nov 2016 (chaired by Prof Hussain). The influential Workshop has become a major biennial event for both, industry, academia and funding leaders, and will continue to shape future scientific training and funding requirements in the challenging multi-disciplinary field of Autonomous Cognitive Robotics. This will be realized by facilitating fusion of ideas across several traditional domains and furthering participants' understanding in two key problem domains. First, by instantiating brain models into an embodied form, it will continue to supply a strong test of those models, thereby furthering our understanding of neurobiology and cognitive psychology. Second, by harnessing the insights we have about cognition, it will provide a potentially fruitful source of engineering solutions to a range of problems in robotics, and in particular, in areas such as intelligent autonomous vehicles and assistive technology. Continuous training and development of workforce in this highly multi-disciplinary area, therefore promises next-generation solutions to solving major societal problems, including through the design of more efficient engineering systems of tomorrow, such as: urban autonomous vehicles, planetary rovers, cognitive robotics and assistive technology, and artificial social (e)companions.
URL http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/events/COGCOMP2013/
Description Green Brain: Computational Modelling of the Honeybee Brain
Amount £660,561 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/J019534/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2013 
End 02/2016
Description Next-generation, cognitively-inspired Big-Data predictive analytics, visualization & gamification driven healthcare Mobile Apps
Amount £12,500 (GBP)
Organisation Digital Health Institute (DHI) 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2015 
End 01/2016
Description Towards a Cognitive Vision-based Multi-agent Modelling and Control Framework (under Sino-UK Higher Education Research Partnership for PhD Studies)
Amount £36,000 (GBP)
Organisation British Council 
Department British Council in China
Sector Public
Country China
Start 01/2013 
End 03/2015
Description Transforming approaches to improving hearing aid technology
Amount £418,262 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/M026981/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2015 
End 09/2018
Title A novel modular cognitive control framework for autonomous systems 
Description A novel modular cognitive control framework for autonomous systems has been developed that can potentially realize required cognitive action-selection and learning capabilities in a future cognitive machine. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact Application of the new modular cognitive control framework to simulated autonomous vehicles has demonstrated significant potential for fuel and emissions economy, in relation to benchmark/conventional control systems. 
Title A novel soft switching control approach for autonomous vehicles 
Description A novel neuro-biologically inspired 'soft switching' control approach has been developed for autonomous vehicles using a new functional model for Basal Ganglia (BG). Three controllers, specifically, a conventional Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, a PID structure-based pole-zero placement controller, and a pole only placement controller, were developed to support the proposed soft switching control strategy. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact In the proposed approach, a family of fundamental controllers is treated as a set of controllers, which may be thought of as an 'action' selected by the Basal Ganglia model, as part of a 'soft' switching (or neuro-biologically inspired 'action-selection') regime, for real-time control of autonomous vehicle systems. 
Title Basal ganglia (BG) inspired soft switching approach to the motion control of a car-like autonomous vehicle 
Description A fuzzy logic-based salience model (using reference and tracking error) is developed to enable the BG model to make correct controller selections from a family of candidate motion controllers. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact A fuzzy logic-based salience model was developed and implemented with reference and tracking error as input signals, which enhanced the performance capability of cognitive BG-based controllers for autonomous vehicle control applications. 
Title Brain-inspired soft switching approach for a cognitive cruise-control system 
Description A new approach has been developed for adaptive cruise control of autonomous/driverless vehicles by exploiting similarities between signal processing mechanisms and system architectures in control systems and the animal brain. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The new cognitive cruise-control method will serve as a benchmark for development of future autonomous vehicle control (AVC) systems. AVC is a rapidly growing multi-disciplinary field which promises improved performance, autonomy, comfort and safety for future intelligent transportation systems (ITS). 
Title A novel modular cognitive control framework for autonomous systems 
Description A novel modular cognitive-control framework model for autonomous systems has been developed that can potentially realize required cognitive action-selection and learning capabilities in future autonomous cognitive machines. 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2014 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Application of the developed modular-cognitive control framework model in simulated autonomous vehicles (including car-like rovers) has demonstrated significant potential for fuel and emissions economy, compared to conventional control systems. The developed cognitive control framework model serves as a benchmark for development of future autonomous Cognitive Robotics, specifically, by its successful fusing of ideas across several traditional domains and furthering our understanding in two problem domains. First, by instantiating existing brain models into an embodied form, the framework supplies a strong test of those models, thereby furthering our understanding of neurobiology and cognitive psychology. Second, by harnessing the insights we have gained about cognition, it will act as potentially fruitful source of engineering solutions to a range of problems in robotics, and in particular, in areas such as intelligent autonomous vehicles and assistive technology. The developed modular cognitive control framework model therefore promises next-generation solutions in the design of e.g. urban autonomous vehicles, planetary rovers, cognitive robotics, assistive technology and artificial social (e)companions. 
Title Neurobiologically-inspired cognitive control of autonomous systems 
Description The project developed software code has been made publicly available for maximising both academic and non-academic commercial impact. 
IP Reference  
Protection Copyrighted (e.g. software)
Year Protection Granted 2014
Licensed Yes
Impact The project software, which has been made publicly available to maximise impact, is serving as a benchmark and an open-source testbed for development of both next generation assisted-driving and safety warning systems, as well as future safe, efficient and smart autonomous vehicle models requiring integrative multi-modal cognitive control technology. In addition, the simulation and cognitive control of realistic, validated car-like rover models (implemented in the project software) are serving as benchmarks models for development of next generation, low-cost, autonomous rover vehicle control systems for planetary missions. The project findings and developed software have been adopted by a number of companies to-date (including ISC Ltd, Business Innovation Ltd. and Behavioural Media Networks Inc.), and are continuing to be further researched, developed and commercially exploited as part of follow-on industry co-funded projects (including the major new, £418k EPSRC project: AV-COGHEAR, led by Prof Hussain, 2015-2018, in collaboration with Sheffield, MRC IHR clinicians and international hearing-aid manufacturers: Phonak -EPSRC Grant Ref. EP/M026981/1).
Title Project software code 
Description Project software (Matlab) code has been developed for the following realistic simulations: 1) Adaptive car cruise control with a traditional method (to serve as benchmark) 2) New neuro-biologically inspired BG (basal ganglia)-based adaptive car cruise control system 3) Single controller approach for nonlinear path tracking of realistic, validated car-like rover models 4) Hard switching approach for nonlinear path tracking of realistic, validated car-like rovers (to serve as benchmark) 5) New neuro-biologically inspired BG-based soft switching approach for nonlinear path tracking of realistic, validated car-like rovers 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2014 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact Simulations results (using the software code) demonstrate the potential of the developed neuro-biologically inspired autonomous vehicle control methods and models, to simultaneously and more effectively track (in relation to conventional control methods): (1) desired longitudinal and lateral displacements, (2) and vehicle speed changes, (3) in addition to achieving the desired speed of response, whilst penalising excessive control actions - with significant potential implications for both fuel and emission economy. The project software, which has been made publicly available to maximise impact, is serving as a benchmark and an open-source testbed for research and development of both next generation assisted-driving and safety warning systems, as well as future safe, efficient and smart autonomous vehicle models requiring integrative multi-modal cognitive control technology. In addition, the simulation and cognitive control of realistic, validated car-like rover models (implemented in the project software) are serving as benchmarks models for research and development of next generation, low-cost, autonomous rover vehicle control systems for planetary missions. 
Description 2013 International Summer School on Cognitive Computation, University of Stirling, 25-30 August 2013 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact This first of its kind SICSA and industry co-sponsored International Summer School on Cognitive Computation was an innovative multidisciplinary event, aiming to unite young researchers coming from a variety of backgrounds. The stimulating and relaxed atmosphere invited a close and productive interaction between both School participants and their mentors.

The School was intended for PhD students, postdoctoral and industrial researchers working in all areas of cognitive computation, including its theoretical, applied, artificial and natural dimensions. The vision of the Summer School was to empower participants with an interdisciplinary understanding of some of the key underlying methodologies, concepts and techniques in cognitive computation, and their strengths and limitations (demonstrated by a range of case studies). Participants learnt of future directions in this exciting multi-disciplinary field. Topics covered included: perception, action, attention, cognitive and affective learning and memory, decision making and control, social cognition, language processing and communication, reasoning, pattern recognition, problem solving, and consciousness.

The five-day programme consisted of a set of tutorial-style lectures, all delivered by experts of international standing combined with hands-on practical sessions for constructing and working with the techniques covered in the course material. The initial sessions served as advanced introduction to cognitive computation, including practical sessions and a comprehensive review of the underlying interdisciplinary fields. Springer's Neuroscience Publishing Editor, also gave a talk on "publishing interdisciplinary research in scientific journals", which was followed by a Research Posters Session, and Exhibition organized by Springer. Authors of selected posters, were invited to submit extended/full papers to Springer's Cognitive Computation journal.

The Summer School lectures were oversubscribed, and sparked questions and discussion afterwards. Due to popular demand, a follow-on event is planned in the future.

A number of tutorial-style talks were given by leading experts at the first International Summer School on Cognitive Computation, organized by the EPSRC PI, at the University of Stirling, UK, 25-30 August 2013. The week-long Summer School empowered participants with an interdisciplinary understanding of some of the key underlying methodologies, concepts and techniques in cognitive computation, and their strengths and limitations, demonstrated by a range of case studies. Participants also learnt
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
URL http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/events/COGCOMP2013/
Description Computational models of action discovery in animals 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact The talk sparked questions and discussion afterwards.

The invited talk was by given by the EPSRC CI at the Workshop on Neurocuriosity, Bordeaux, 6-7 November 2014 - the first interdisciplinary symposium on Information-seeking, curiosity and attention. The talk enhanced the participants' understanding of neurobiologically-inspired computational models of action discovery in animals, and how they can be exploited in machines.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Deciding what to do next: models of action selection in the basal ganglia at multiple levels of description 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact The talk sparked questions and discussion afterwards.

The talk was given by the EPSRC CI at the flagship 24th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, which is an annual conference of the European Neural Network Society, held on 15-19 September 2014, Hamburg, Germany. The talk enhanced the participants understanding of neurobiologically inspired models of action selection in the basal ganglia at multiple levels of description.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Driverless Cars Competition Event 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact My active participation and talk sparked questions and discussion afterwards.

By attending this event, the EPSRC investigator learnt and shared experiences, and contributed to enhancing the participants' understanding of the societal impact of driverless cars.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description International Conference on Life System Modeling and Simulation (LSMS'2017) and International Conference on Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Energy and Environment (ICSEE'2017) 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The PI presented collaborative work on Automated Detection of Targets via a Focus of Attention for SAR Images. High-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images are known to provide rich features for target detection. However, the absence of efficient feature extraction and merging strategies limits their practicality. Inspired by the Focus of Attention (FOA) mechanism in the biological vision systems, the paper proposed a method for detecting SAR targets. This method mainly includes two stages: global detection (GD) and local detection (LD). The GD stage aims to rapidly predict the location of suspicious areas or targets, while the LD stage aims to locate and segment the salient objects as a whole. The proposed method obtains equal or better detection rate than that of vintage Constant False Alarm rate (CFAR), demonstrating its better feature extraction and processing. The talk stimulated lively discussions afterwards, with plans for new collaborations discussed with some participants.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2017
Description International EPSRC Workshop on Autonomous Cognitive Robotics, University of Stirling, Stirling, Scotland, UK, 27-28 March 2014 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Other audiences
Results and Impact The aim of this inaugural 2-day international workshop, co-sponsored by the IEEE UKRI, EPSRC, SICSA and industry, was to bring together leading international and UK scientists, engineers and industry representatives, alongside European research network and EU funding unit leaders, to present state-of-the-art in autonomous cognitive systems and robotics research, and discuss future R and D challenges and opportunities.

Contributions were solicited from people working in: neurobiology, cognitive psychology, artificial intelligence, control engineering, and computer science. Both "works-in-progress" and fully-developed ideas were presented with selected abstracts also invited for oral presentations. A research posters session was also organized (with a best poster/presentation prize) and an Exhibition organized by Springer. Of particular interest to Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers was an invited talk by the Senior Publishing Editor of Springer Neuroscience, on "publishing interdisciplinary research in scientific journals". Authors of selected best (oral & poster) presentations were invited to submit extended papers for publication in Springer's Cognitive Computation journal.

The fully-subscribed Workshop, which has become a regular biennial event due to popular demand, served several purposes. First it showcased the project research to a wide audience of potential users and future collaborators (the Workshop also received extensive coverage by the national media, which served as a further channel for reaching wider audiences). Second, it helped invigorate the field in the UK and served as a networking opportunity for the funded research teams, and the participants as a whole. Third, as a result of this activity, we successfully generated future funding opportunities and industrial collaboration. Fourth, we generated a draft 'Road-Map' document to help define future activities in the field. This will be further discussed and developed at the second international Workshop due to be held in Strathclyde, Glasgow, in Nov 2016 (chaired by Prof Hussain).

The aim of this 2-day International Workshop, organized as part of the EPSRC project (with the PI and CI acting as General co-Chairs), was to bring together leading international and UK scientists, engineers and industry representatives, alongside European research network and EU funding unit leaders, to present state-of-the-art in autonomous cognitive systems and robotics research, and discuss future R&D challenges and opportunities. There was also a research posters session (with a best po
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
URL http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/events/COGROB2014/
Description Towards Cognitive Control of Autonomous Systems 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact The talk sparked questions and discussion afterwards

This keynote speech was given by the EPSRC PI at the flagship 19th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP2012), 12-15 November 2012, Doha, Qatar. After the talk, the audience gained a better understanding of cognitive control of autonomous systems.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012
Description Towards Intelligent Transportation Systems: Neurobiologically Inspired Cognitive Control of Autonomous Vehicles 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The talk sparked questions and discussion afterwards.

The talk was given by the EPSRC investigator at the China-Scotland Signal and Image Professor Research Academy (SIPRA) Workshop on Advanced Signal Processing, held at Nanjing, China, 15-17 May 2012. The talk enhanced the participants' understanding of neurobiologically inspired Cognitive Control models of Autonomous Vehicles, and their potential role in future Intelligent transportation systems.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013