Novel vibrational spectroscopic techniques: long-range order in amyloid fibrils

Lead Research Organisation: University of Leeds
Department Name: Inst of Molecular & Cellular Biology


Amyloid diseases are a major health problem and include neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's disease, as well as type II diabetes and infectious prion diseases, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD). They are characterised by the deposition of large fibrillar aggregates of protein, both within cells and in the extra cellular matrix, that were thought to cause cell death and result in the observed pathology. The constituent fibres of these fibrils have a common beta-sheet architecture with long-range order despite being able to form from many different proteins. More recently, attention has shifted to precursor soluble oligomer species as the toxic agents in these diseases. However, the precise structure and degree of long-range order in these oligomers has not yet been determined and is difficult to probe using existing biophysical techniques, hampering the development of drugs targeted at this stage of the disease. My Fellowship will make use of terahertz frequency time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) to study long-range order of amyloid fibrils and their precursors. This will be complemented by Raman spectroscopy and molecular modelling calculations to gain an understanding of the inter- and intra-molecular interactions within this important class of biological molecules. THz-TDS is an emerging technique that is proving to be of particular importance for the investigation of organic crystalline compounds. This is because THz spectroscopy has been shown to excite inter-molecular vibrations, thus not only probing chemical composition, but also proving to be extremely sensitive to small changes in crystalline structure. During the Fellowship, I will develop new THz frequency spectroscopic techniques. For example, the inclusion of polarisation sensitive detection will, for the first time at THz frequencies, allow spectroscopic information to be obtained related to the chirality of the molecules, including the secondary structure of proteins and small peptides.

Planned Impact

Terahertz (THz) frequency spectroscopy is an emerging technique which has attracted considerable international attention in recent years. My suite of new THz spectroscopy techniques will have wide impact. To give one example, advances in spectral collection, and especially my reflection geometries, will strengthen the use of THz-based techniques for industrial process monitoring and security screening applications. This will be of interest to government agencies including HMGCC, DSTL and HOSDB (with which I have a number of contacts from my PhD research) who have a proven interest in THz imaging and spectroscopy for security applications. No existing THz spectroscopy system (either commercial nor research) can distinguish chiral forms, and so my proposed development of a THz vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) instrument will be of significance to the biological and pharmaceutical communities primarily, along with any industry involved in the use of process analytical techniques, specifically if they are concerned with chiral forms. Direct beneficiaries of this work are clinical end-users, with interest in the development, diagnosis and treatment of amyloid diseases. These are a major health problem and include neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and Huntington's disease, as well as type II diabetes and infectious prion diseases, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. They are characterized by deposition of large fibrillar aggregates of protein, although attention is focusing on the precursor soluble oligomer species as the toxic agents. The processes involved in the conversion of these soluble oligomers via nucleation to form amyloid fibrils is poorly understood and is difficult to probe using existing biophysical techniques, hampering drug development. My use of THz spectroscopy to probe the development of long-range order (proven for small molecular systems) of the precursor oligomer species, together with my THz-VCD technique, which could access the underlying secondary/tertiary structure of these systems, providing unique and crucial information in understanding amyloid fibril formation. This combined with an understanding of why so many proteins can form these fibrillar structures, seemingly independently of amino acid sequence, would be a significant step forward in the development of treatments for these debilitating diseases. Leeds has the largest teaching hospital in Europe providing significant access to clinicians as the programme progresses. To disseminate my work widely, results will be published in primary refereed journals with cross-disciplinary readership. The demonstration of THz-VCD of pharmaceutical compounds, and investigations of amyloid fibrils, will be advances publishable in high impact factor journals such as Nature Materials/Biochemistry. Results will also be published at conferences including IRMMW-THz, and ICAVS. I will attend meetings such as those organized by the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Infra-red and Raman Discussion Group, the EPSRC, and Knowledge Transfer Networks (KTNs), to ensure potential beneficiaries find out about and benefit from my research. Finally, IP will be protected by the University Research Support, and the University Knowledge and Innovation Unit, who underpin establishment of research contracts, knowledge-transfer, patents, and licensing issues, together with the University's Venture Capital partner, IP Group.


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Description Recently, it has become clear that in terahertz (THz) frequency studies of fibril formation, changes in attenuation were most likely to be due to scattering of the radiation, rather than through spectroscopic absorption. Nonetheless, this may be useful in identifying various stages in fibril formation, but scattering processes at THz frequencies are poorly understood, and so interpretation of such data is difficult. I have therefore concentrated on understanding THz scattering processes, using model powdered samples, with the ambition of applying these methods to interpret THz scattering from complex biological mixtures including fibrils.
I have furthermore discovered that the THz frequency spectral response can also be significantly influenced by particle morphology, including a significant shift of spectral features. I have therefore developed a methodology to calculate this effect for small crystalline particles embedded in a dielectric matrix. I plan to develop this method further to eventually include the influence of particle shape in solution suspensions.
I have also been developing the use of quantum mechanical methods to predict THz spectra using various van der Waals correction schemes, and have concluded that many of these schemes need to be modified to predict THz spectra of organic crystals. With suitable modification these methods significantly improve the ability to understand the complex nature of THz spectra. Further development of these methods along with their comparison to my on-going molecular dynamics simulations is continuing.
I have also managed to measure a temperature dependent dynamical transition in a single lysozyme crystal at THz frequencies for the first time. We believe this transition is solvent mediated and shows the sensitivity of such THz frequency measurements to dynamical changes of the biologically-important solvent surrounding the protein within a crystalline environment.
Finally I have also been developing a number of methods to improve the accuracy of THz spectral data that can be applied to any THz spectroscopy measurements. This includes the development of sample thickness extraction algorithms, and the use of effective medium approximations and novel scattering correction schemes to minimise spectral artefacts and improve the comparison between theory and experiment.
Exploitation Route Modelling work was extended through a grant from the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (HDTRA1-14-C-0013). The biological measurements on protein crystals was used to explain the need for the development of non-linear THz spectrometers. I was then awarded an EPSRC career acceleration fellowship (EP/P007449/1) to pursue the development of this new instrumentation.
Sectors Chemicals



Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Security and Diplomacy

Description One of the main findings of this fellowship was that the shape and size of fibrils leads to large amounts of THz radiation being scattered. While this made it difficult to use the spectral measurements to understand the structure-function relationship in these materials, it became clear that the understanding of scattering of THz radiation by materials in general was still poorly understood. As such, over the last few years we have been trying to develop an understanding of scattering in simpler well characterised systems before we continue to look at more complex materials like fibrils. One of the major outcomes of this scattering is the development of the software tool (PDielec) which focusses on understanding the THz spectra of powders. This now includes a range of scattering calculation tools which have been useful in understanding spectra of simple materials. These have wide ranging applications across multiple areas but particularly across the pharmaceutical and geochemical industries where THz spectroscopy is begining to be regularly used.
First Year Of Impact 2018
Sector Chemicals,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
Impact Types Economic

Description Dynamics, Control and Energy Transfer at Terahertz Frequencies
Amount £1,025,292 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/P007449/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2017 
End 12/2021
Description HDTRA1-12-CHEM-BIO-BAA
Amount $255,671 (USD)
Funding ID HDTRA1-14-C-0013 
Organisation Defense Threat Reduction Agency 
Sector Public
Country United States
Start 12/2013 
End 12/2014
Description HOS/14/002
Amount £78,200 (GBP)
Funding ID HOS/14/002 
Organisation Home Office 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 08/2014 
End 12/2014
Description THz Spectroscopy of Explosives for Homeland Security
Amount € 45,000 (EUR)
Funding ID COLB/CTR/2011/16/A 
Organisation Selex-Sistemi-Integrati 
Sector Private
Country Italy
Start 01/2012 
End 03/2013
Title Dataset relating to 'On-chip Terahertz Frequency Measurements of Liquids' 
Description This dataset includes ASCII data for all figures described in the paper entitled 'On-chip Terahertz Frequency Measurements of Liquids',and the HFSS device model used to simulate the device properties. 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2017 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Title PDielec 
Description The Python package PDielec calculates the infrared absorption characteristics of a crystalline material supported in a non absorbing medium by post processesing the output of solid state quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical calculations of the phonons or dielectric response of the crystalline material. The package calculates the internal electric field arising from different particle morphologies and calculates the resulting shift in absorption frequency and intensity arising from the coupling between a phonon and the internal field. The theory of the approach is about to be submitted for publication. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2015 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact Not at this time 
Title Pdielec V4.0 
Description The Python package PDielec calculates the infrared absorption characteristics of a crystalline material supported in a non absorbing medium by post processing the output of solid state quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical calculations of the phonons or dielectric response of the crystalline material. The package calculates the internal electric field arising from different particle morphologies and calculates the resulting shift in absorption frequency and intensity arising from the coupling between a phonon and the internal field. The theory of the approach is about to be submitted for publication. Version v4.0 Sees the release of a version of PDielec with a graphical user interface. PDGui allows access to nearly all of the functionality of PDielec. In addition there is a visualiser which allows the normal modes to be shown using an arrow to describe the atomic displacements, or as an animation. There is also the ability to break down each phonon mode into inter and intra-molecular contributions. Included in this release is a Windows compatible installation executable, which installs a version of PDielec/PDGui onto a Windows machine. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2018 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact none at the moment