Lead Research Organisation: University of Manchester
Department Name: Mechanical Aerospace and Civil Eng


Oil-free turbomachinery is an emerging technology defined as high speed rotating machinery that operates without oil-lubricated rotor supports. The term is generally understood to refer to gas-bearing technology, in particular, foil-air bearings. Such bearings support the shaft by means of an air cushion bounded by a flexible foil structure. The introduction of the foil structure resolves the problems associated with the very tight radial clearance required by a plain air bearing. With a foil-air bearing, while the shaft is stationary, there is either a slight clearance or a preload between shaft and bearing. As the shaft turns, a pressure is generated, which pushes the foil boundary away, allowing the shaft to become completely airborne. A solid lubricant coating on the shaft and/or top foil allows for the brief rubbing interval during start-up and shutdown. Recent technological breakthroughs in the USA in solid lubricant technology will enable the widespread use of such bearings in turbomachinery, particularly gas turbine machinery. This has resulted in intensive research in oil-free turbomachinery motivated by its technological and environmental benefits for both military and civil applications (e.g. turbochargers that run up to 180,000rpm and engines for small aircraft). As stated by NASA, the foremost challenge for this technology is the design of an oil-free turbine engine to power 21st century aircraft .Foil-air bearings, like conventional oil bearings, are nonlinear elements that are capable of introducing undesirable nonlinear effects into the dynamic response of the system. These effects may involve sudden jumps in the vibration amplitude, non-synchronous vibration and self-excited vibration. These effects exacerbate vibration and introduce fatigue. Hence, to guarantee structural integrity, the deployment of these bearings in practical machinery necessitates rotordynamic analysis that takes account of the bearing nonlinearity. The ability to make reliable quantitative predictions of such effects enables the engineer to account for/mitigate them in the design. Moreover, such analysis provides the basis of a much-needed knowledge database for in-service monitoring. However, such calculations are hampered by the prohibitive computational cost introduced by the complexity of the bearing model. Consequently, dynamic analysis has so far been restricted to a highly simplified rotordynamic system. The proposed project researches novel methods that enable the efficient nonlinear dynamic analysis of practical oil-free turbomachinery. These methods will be experimentally validated in a study that provides a much-needed insight into the nonlinear dynamics of such systems. The deliverables of this project will be:i. A suite of computer software algorithms for efficient nonlinear dynamic analysis based on three novel approaches (Galerkin reduction, Harmonic Balance, System Identification). ii. An original-design test-rig for experimental validation of the computational methods.iii. A report on the validation of the methods, focussing on both computational and experimental issues.The proposed research is novel since: (a) It will give the UK a foothold in oil-free turbomachinery technology, raising the UK's scientific profile - such research has to date been confined mainly to the US; (b) It will research the prediction of the nonlinear dynamics of practical oil-free turbomachinery (e.g. an oil-free turbocharger); (c) It will do so through the three novel approaches mentioned above; (d) It will produce an original-design test-rig for the validation of the methods developed and investigation of nonlinear phenomena.The work will be carried out by a post-doctoral researcher over a period of three years.

Planned Impact

The main deliverable of this project is a suite of efficient computer software algorithms which would allow, for the first time, the nonlinear dynamic analysis of realistic oil-free turbomachinery. An original-design test rig will enable experimental validation and provide an insight into the dynamics of foil-air bearings. The ability to predict and understand nonlinear dynamic phenomena is essential for guaranteeing the structural integrity of such machinery. Hence, this project will significantly advance oil-free technology on an international level by facilitating the safe application of foil-air bearings to a wide range of turbomachinery. This, in turn, will significantly contribute towards the ongoing process of making such technology more affordable for civilian applications. The technological and environmental benefits of oil-free turbomachinery ultimately translate into an improved quality of life to the general public as a result of cleaner, more reliable machinery that is much less bulky and more economical to run. The elimination of an oil lubrication system means higher reliability, no scheduled maintenance and weight reduction, which is a bonus for aerospace applications. It also means less power consumption, and hence less pollution. Also, with oil lubrication, some of the oil mist generated at high engine speeds will find its way into high temperature areas, resulting in its combustion and extra pollution. Due to the tight clearances, if a foil-air bearing failure occurs, the presence of the foil restrains the shaft from excessive movement and so, damage is confined to the bearings and shaft surfaces. Foil bearings can handle severe environmental conditions such as sand and dust ingestion without any need for air filters. They are self-acting, so do not require a power source (unlike magnetic bearings). Moreover, the load capacity of air bearings increases as speed increases in direct contrast to rolling-element bearings, making them ideal for small high speed turbomachinery. The outcomes of this research will give the UK a foothold in this beneficial emerging technology, raising the UK's world research standing. This project will form the basis of a specialist research group which would be key to facilitating post-project technology transfer to UK industry. The establishment of oil-free turbomachinery research in the UK is envisaged as a two-stage process. The proposed project constitutes the first stage: the development of a significant body of publicly-funded academic research and associated technical skills. These outcomes would then provide the basis for the second stage which would see closer industrial involvement and technology transfer. Technology transfer would involve the embedding of the algorithms into industrial rotordynamic codes and the exploitation of the test rig for experimental testing of foil-air bearings for industrial applications. Such technology transfer will benefit UK turbomachinery manufacturers in their quest to design greener and more economical machinery products. In the longer term, their UK-based client companies, who supply components, would also benefit if they branch into the supply (and possibly design and manufacture) of foil-air bearings (design and manufacture of these bearings is currently almost exclusive to the US companies). This project is endorsed by a leading US foil-air bearing manufacturer (Mechanical Solutions Inc). This is appropriate since this project constitutes the first stage of the establishment of UK research into oil-free turbomachinery. In order to facilitate close post-project industrial collaboration, the awareness of industry to the ongoing project activities and achievements will be raised through two means: (a) Conference participation (in addition to journal publication); (b) A small measure of collaboration with a UK turbomachinery manufacturer (Cummins Turbo Technologies Ltd) during the project itself.


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publication icon
Bonello P (2018) An experimental and theoretical analysis of a foil-air bearing rotor system in Journal of Sound and Vibration

Description Oil-free turbomachinery (OFT) is an emerging technology defined as high speed rotating machinery operating without oil lubrication, relying instead on "foil-air" bearing (FAB) technology. Such bearings support the shaft by means of a cushion of gas (typically air) bounded by a flexible foil structure. OFT research is motivated by technological and environmental benefits for diverse applications. FABs, like oil bearings, can introduce undesirable nonlinear effects into the machinery dynamics, exacerbating vibration. These effects may involve sudden jumps in the vibration amplitude, non-synchronous vibration and self-excited vibration. These effects exacerbate vibration and introduce fatigue. Hence, to guarantee structural integrity, the deployment of these bearings in practical machinery necessitates rotordynamic analysis that takes account of the bearing nonlinearity. The ability to make reliable quantitative predictions of such effects enables the engineer to account for/mitigate them in the design. However, such calculations are hampered by the prohibitive computational cost introduced by the complexity of the bearing model which is governed by the dynamic interaction of the air film, foil structure, and the machine. Prior to this project, due to the computational burden involved, analysis capability was severely restricted since it was subject to simplifications to various aspects of the problem. Foremost among these was the adoption of an approximate approach wherein the air film, foil structure and machine equations were not solved simultaneously (as they should). Another simplification was that the machine was typically approximated as a simple rigid rotor. These simplifications limited the applicability and the reliability of the computational predictions. The project EP/I029184/1 has overcome such limitations, producing highly efficient and accurate algorithms that made the simultaneous solution feasible and that are applicable to realistic machine structures. This was realised through the following four novel approaches that accelerate the computational process:
• Symbolic computing
• Galerkin reduction
• Harmonic Balance
• System Identification
The various components of the suite were computationally tested and cross-validated through application to different rotor systems, including a turbocharger model supplied by Cummins Turbo Technologies. They have also been validated against experimental results in the literature. The project has also delivered an original-design test facility that is currently being used for the ongoing experimental validation of the theoretical methods (as part of an overseas-funded PhD project) and will be an invaluable platform for consolidation of the research.
Exploitation Route This project has significantly advanced oil-free technology on an international level by facilitating the safe application of foil-air bearings to a wide range of turbomachinery.
Knowledge and People
The outcomes of this research gives the UK a foothold in this beneficial emerging technology, raising the UK's world research standing. They form the basis of a specialist research group enabling mutually beneficial collaborations with both international academia and industry. The research outputs have already attracted the attention of US and European specialists, particularly as a result of participation in the ASME Turbo Expo conferences in San Antonio 2013, Dusseldorf 2014 and the forthcoming one in Montreal 2015. The PI has been asked to chair the session on gas bearings at the latter conference and examine an international PhD in the same area. Potential collaboration with international institutions is currently being discussed (see Narrative Impact).
Economy and Industry
The expertise developed will be essential for post-project technology transfer, which will benefit UK turbomachinery manufacturers in their quest to design greener and more economical machinery products. In the longer term, their UK-based client companies, who supply components, would also benefit if they branch into the supply (and possibly design and manufacture) of foil-air bearings. It is noted that foil bearing design and manufacture is currently almost exclusive to the US companies (e.g. Mechanical Solutions Inc, Mowhawk Innovative Technologies Inc). The outcomes significantly contribute towards the ongoing process of making such technology more affordable for civilian applications.
The outcomes are being taken forward with a view to the above and focus on: (i) adapting the algorithms to more realistic foil structure models (this area was outside the scope of the completed research); (ii) widening the scope of the project to include manufacturing and materials issues (involving the School of Materials); (iii) innovating on the foil design. An EU (ERC) Consolidator Grant application was submitted in May 2014 but was not successful. Research is currently being consolidated through PhD work and discussions with industry (who initiated contact following publication of the research outputs) are on-going (see Narrative Impact).
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine




Description Prior to the work of this project, the simultaneous solution approach was avoided due to the computational burden introduced by the unique complexity of this bearing that arises from the rotor/air-film/foil structure interaction. This limited the applicability and the reliability of the computational predictions that are an essential part of design calculations to minimise vibration, fatigue and machine failure. The first evidence of impact followed the first presentation of the work at the ASME Turbo Expo conference in San Antonio, 2013. The basic strategy of the simultaneous solution approach introduced in the EPSRC project was adopted and independently verified in Siemens-funded PhD research conducted at the Danish Technical University (DTU) and at Siemens facilities, carried out by J.S. Larsen, under the supervision of Prof Ilmar Ferreira Santos. Dr Bonello was nominated as an external examiner for the DTU PhD and travelled to Copenhagen for the examination in March 2015. The DTU thesis and its peer-reviewed publications cite a number of output publications from this EPSRC project ( Further evidence of impact was contact initiated by Dyson and Bladon Jets. A short-term consultancy contract with Dyson, exploring the feasibility of introducing these oil free bearings into commercial appliances, was completed in September 2016. Dr Bonello was nominated and approved as an external examiner for a second PhD on foil-air bearings at the Danish Technical University (DTU) and conducted the examination in May 2017. Like the first DTU PhD, this latest PhD and its peer-reviewed publications cite a number of output publications from this EPSRC project. On 5 February 2018 Dyson signed an agreement to provide direct and in-kind support to an EPSRC-funded PhD supervised by Dr Bonello on foil-air bearing rotordynamics that started in September 2017 - the primary objective of this project is to transfer and develop technology from the EPSRC project to industrial applications. Additionally, an EPSRC standard grant proposal on foil-air bearing research (supported by Dyson) was also submitted in April 2018 but was unfunded. Discussions on potential collaboration with Honeywell Aerospace have also been initiated. Collaboration with Dyson on the aforementioned PhD project is ongoing.
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Energy,Environment,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Transport
Impact Types Economic

Title Foil-air bearing nonlinear rotordynamic solution algorithms 
Description The foil-air bearing is the key enabler in the emerging demand for green oil-free turbomachinery. Its deployment in such machinery requires computational analysis as an essential part of design calculations to minimise vibration, fatigue and machine failure. The main contribution of this research is a suite of efficient algorithms that have enabled, for the first time, the simultaneous solution of the equations governing the dynamic interaction between the the rotor, air film and foil structure, which is an essential part of design calculations to minimise vibration. Prior to this work, this simultaneous solution approach was avoided due to the computational burden introduced by the unique complexity of this bearing that arises from the rotor-air-structure interaction. This limited the applicability and the reliability of the computational predictions. The project has made simultaneous solution feasible through various computation-accelerating features like the Galerkin transformation and symbolic computing. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact The basic strategy of the simultaneous solution approach was adopted and independently verified in Siemens-funded PhD research at the Danish Technical University (DTU) and at Siemens facilities, carried out by Jon Steffen Larsen, under supervision of Prof Ilmar Ferreira Santos. The DTU thesis cites a number of publications from this EPSRC project. 
Description Cummins Turbo Technologies 
Organisation Cummins
Department Cummins Turbo Technologies
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Expertise in theoretical modelling/computational analysis
Collaborator Contribution Provision of turbocharger model; attendance at bi-annual meetings; consultancy (£1500)
Impact Publications in ASME Turbo Expo 2014 (Dusseldorf), ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (see Publications list for this award)
Start Year 2011
Description Dyson consultancy contract on use of oil free bearings (foil air bearings) for their products 
Organisation Dyson
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Please details in narrative impact (March 2017 update)
Collaborator Contribution Please details in narrative impact (March 2017 update)
Impact Consultancy report (confidential): please details in narrative impact (March 2017 update)
Start Year 2016
Description Dyson support for EPSRC-funded PhD 
Organisation Dyson
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution I am supervising this PhD project (2017-2021)
Collaborator Contribution £40k cash and £75k in-kind contribution from Dyson
Impact The collaboration involves technology transfer on oil-free bearings research as the primary objective of the PhD
Start Year 2018
Description Mechanical Solutions Inc 
Organisation Mechanical Solutions, Inc.
Country United States 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Expertise in theoretical modelling
Collaborator Contribution Provision of discounted foil-air bearings, free technical support
Impact Test rig facility for on-going experimental validation (continuing as overseas-funded PhD project research):
Start Year 2011
Description EPSRC Design the Future Scheme 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Policymakers/politicians
Results and Impact EPSRC Design the Future Presentation, Dec 2014, Nottingham University
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014