A Planar Microwave Cavity Loaded with Ferrromagnetic Material: a new 8.2 MHz Anti-Theft Tag for Metallic Packaging within the Retail Sector

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF EXETER
Department Name: Physics


We propose to develop a new type of anti-theft tag based upon a planar microwave cavity loaded with ferromagnetic material. Many retail outlets currently use a system of tagging and detection developed by Checkpoint Systems Inc. for the protection of merchandise. The conventional planar tag is activated by an 8.2 MHz frequency alternating magnetic field applied perpendicular to its plane, rendering it ineffective on metallic surfaces due to eddy current shielding. The new tag is instead activated by an in-plane magnetic field. It will safeguard an important business sector for Crown Packaging UK, a leading manufacturer of metal packaging.


10 25 50
Description Crown Packaging UK PLC
Amount £16,124 (GBP)
Organisation Crown Packaging UK 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2011 
End 08/2012
Description Crown Packaging UK PLC
Amount £16,124 (GBP)
Organisation Crown Packaging UK 
Sector Private
Country United Kingdom
Description University of Exeter
Amount £47,137 (GBP)
Organisation University of Exeter 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 11/2011 
End 08/2012
Description Crown Packaging 
Organisation Crown Packaging UK
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We developed an inductive tag that operates on metallic packaging.
Collaborator Contribution Crown brought the problem to our attention and advised us of various constraints
Impact Publications are listed, a patent application is not listed because it has not yet been granted. Only the Department of Physics & Astronomy has been involved.
Start Year 2008