Electron attachment to biomolecular clusters: probing the role of multiple scattering in radio-sensitivity.

Lead Research Organisation: The Open University
Department Name: Faculty of Sci, Tech, Eng & Maths (STEM)


The aim of this fellowship is to advance our understanding of how the chemical environment affects electron attachment to biomolecules. Electron attachment processes play an important role in radiation damage to biological material. In particular, electrons released by the ionization of local molecules (mainly water) can lose energy in a series of collisions before attaching to nucleobases in DNA. The resultant negative ions may be unstable and hence fragment yielding reactive species. A high density of such dissociation events in DNA constitutes a clustered lesion, recognised as a key precursor to mutations and cancers. Detailed knowledge of how electrons attach to biomolecules and the stabilities of the resultant anionic states is therefore essential to understand radiation damage on the molecular scale. Moreover characterising low-energy electron interactions with specific biomolecules can inform how manipulating their chemical environment with dopants can affect their radio-sensitivity with important applications in radiotherapy and radiation protection.The project will be centred on the development of an original experimental system to irradiate hydrogen-bonded biomolecular clusters with electrons at precisely defined energies (around 1meV to 15eV) and analyse the resultant anions by mass spectrometry. The key strength, novelty, and challenge will lie in applying the deflection of polar species in inhomogeneous electric fields (Stark deflection) to provide exceptional control over the target cluster configurations before the interactions with electrons. To date, direct comparisons with theory have been limited by the spread of neutral cluster sizes in experiments. The programme will be carried out in close collaboration with leading theoreticians (Gorfinkiel, OU, and Fabrikant, University of Nebraska) pioneering new methods to simulate electron scattering from / attachment to molecules within clusters. Electron interactions with specific neutral clusters will therefore be probed in equivalent experiments and calculations for the first time. The initial biomolecular targets will be complexes comprising water molecules, DNA bases, and a related azabenzene molecule, pyridine. Understanding the molecular-scale processes that initiate radiation damage in biological material has recently motivated extensive research into low-energy electron interactions with biomolecules. Experimental and theoretical studies of gas-phase biomolecules have revealed detailed information about the electron attachment sites and fragmentation patterns of specific anions. However hydrogen bonding can dramatically change the electron affinities of molecules as well as introducing new pathways for energy dissipation and electron loss from anionic states. The interpretation of experiments on biomolecular clusters without size selection and on condensed biomolecules is compromised by the lack of precise knowledge of the target and by dielectric surface charging, respectively. Size-selected neutral clusters provide a powerful test case to probe the effects of hydrogen bonding, notably by studying fragment anion production from a key biomolecule as a function of the precise number of associated water molecules. In summary, my objective is to develop a unique programme of experiments with strong theoretical support to advance our understanding of electron attachment processes in size-selected neutral clusters as model multi-molecular systems. This research will help to bridge the complexity gap between understanding radiation-induced processes in isolated molecules and in condensed material, with applications in modelling and potentially modifying biological damage processes on the nanoscale.

Planned Impact

The aim of my research is to advance our understanding of how the chemical environment affects electron attachment to biomolecules. This will have a major impact on the effort to trace radiation effects in biological tissue to critical nanoscale physical / chemical processes. Current innovations in drug delivery techniques, for example using doped fullerenes, offer the possibility of attaching specific molecules to DNA sites within targeted cells. This presents an exceptional opportunity for society: by understanding the mechanisms by which associated molecules enhance the radiosensitivity of key biomolecules, we can predict the effects of potential new radiosensitizer drugs. Research into radiation induced intermolecular processes therefore has a central role to play in improving the efficacy of radiotherapy treatments for cancers. The associated benefits in our ageing society in terms of quality of life and providing economically-viable healthcare are considerable.Low energy electrons are by far the most abundant species produced in irradiated tissue and can attach to nucleobases in DNA. The resultant negative ions may be unstable and hence yield reactive species. A high density of these events in DNA constitutes a clustered lesion, recognised as a key precursor to cell death, as well as mutations and cancers. Therefore, modifying the chemical environment to enhance or suppress low energy electron induced DNA base fragmentation has enormous radiosensitizing potential. To better understand these processes, my fellowship is centred on experiments probing electron interactions with small clusters of biomolecules. A novel Stark deflection application will provide exceptional control over the cluster configuration, thus clarifying data interpretations and strengthening comparisons with simulations. This approach will lead to new insights that can guide innovations in cancer therapies as well as assessments of the risks of low dose radiation exposure.The key to maximizing the benefits of the fellowship for society will rest on linking my work to research and development across the traditional boundaries between disciplines. I will work in partnership with a team (Garcia and co-workers) pioneering radiation damage models based on nanoscale data including low energy electron induced processes. The group collaborates with oncologists in order to refine predictions of radiotherapy effects in cancerous and healthy tissue. A further important interdisciplinary link is through the Nano-scale insights into ion beam cancer therapy EU COST network. This initiative coordinates measurements of molecular-scale interactions, Monte-Carlo modelling of tissue-scale effects, and radiobiological research with ion-beam therapy applications at world-leading accelerator facilities, notably GSI Darmstadt. My current teaching role on the Masters level course Radiotherapy and its Physics at the Open University has provided further opportunities to liaise with leading clinical scientists at centres including UCH, Addenbrookes Hospital, and The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital. This direct interface with cutting-edge radiotherapy innovation and provision will be invaluable for the dissemination of my results. Moreover these links will enable me to channel my experiments to understand electron attachments effects in the most promising radiation chemistries.In summary, my research will have applications in identifying new radiosensitizing agents and in the development of precise radiation damage models based on nanoscale interactions. The biomedical impact will be maximized through regular meetings and collaborations in an extensive interdisciplinary network. Thus my research will benefit society by contributing to innovations in radiotherapy, a key tool in the bid to control cancer.


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Barc B (2014) Multi-photon and electron impact ionisation studies of reactivity in adenine-water clusters in International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

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Bockova J (2019) Mapping the complex metastable fragmentation pathways of excited 3-aminophenol+ in International Journal of Mass Spectrometry

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Cunha T (2018) Communication: Site-selective bond excision of adenine upon electron transfer. in The Journal of chemical physics

Description The aim of this fellowship was to advance our understanding of how the chemical environment affects electron attachment to biomolecules. This will be achieved by developing an original experimental system to expose hydrogen-bonded molecular clusters to electrons with precisely defined energies (around 1meV to 15eV) and analyse the resultant anions by mass spectrometry. The key strength, novelty, and challenge will be the selection of neutral clusters on the basis of their mass / dipole moment ratio (Stark selection using a deflector developed by Kupper and co-workers at DESY) before the interactions with electrons. To date, comparisons with theory have been limited by the spread of neutral cluster sizes in experimental targets. The programme will be carried out in close collaboration with leading theoreticians (Gorfinkiel and Fabrikant, Open University and University of Nebraska) pioneering new methods to simulate electron scattering from / attachment to molecules within clusters. Electron interactions with specific neutral clusters will therefore be probed in equivalent experiments and calculations for the first time. The common targets will be complexes comprising water molecules, DNA bases, and a related azabenzene molecule, pyridine.

Electron attachment is known to play an important role in radiation damage to biological material. In particular, electrons released by the ionization of local molecules (mainly water) can lose energy in a series of collisions before attaching to nucleobases in DNA. The resultant negative ions may be unstable and fragment. A high density of such dissociation events in DNA constitutes a clustered lesion, recognised as a key precursor to mutations and cancers. Detailed knowledge of how electrons attach to biomolecules and the stabilities of the resultant anionic states is therefore essential to understand radiation damage on the molecular scale. Moreover characterising low-energy electron interactions with specific biomolecules can inform how manipulating their chemical environment with dopants can affect their radio-sensitivity with important applications in radiotherapy and radiation protection.

The motivation to understand the molecular-scale processes that initiate radiation damage in biological material has stimulated extensive research into low-energy electron interactions with biomolecules. Experimental and theoretical studies of gas-phase biomolecules have revealed detailed information about the electron attachment sites and fragmentation patterns of specific anions. However hydrogen bonding can dramatically change the electron affinities of molecules as well as introducing new pathways for energy dissipation and electron loss from anionic states. Selected neutral clusters provide a powerful test case to probe these effects, for example by comparing fragment anion production from pyridine as a function of successive hydrogen bonding with water molecules.

The greatest achievement in this project has been the manipulation of molecules and clusters in continuous supersonic beams using Stark deflection. In particualr, we have been able to separate isolated nitromethane from nitromethane clusters in a mixed beam for electron impact ionization (EII) and multi-photon ionization (MPI) experiments. We have also been able to deflect relatively complex biomolecules, notably DNA bases. To our knowledge, DNA bases have never been manipulated before using electric field gradients and this achievement is particularly striking as the deflection was achieved in CW beams. We are currently extending our MPI and electron impact ionization (EII) experiments on Stark deflected DNA bases.

In parallel with exploring the ideal experimental conditions to select our planned targets (specific biomolecular isomers and clusters) and performing MPI and EII experiments on these systems, we are currently optimizing the low energy electron source. Controlling beams of low energy electrons with precisely defined energies is experimentally challenging and we have encountered various technical problems. Although the funding period of the project has now finished, we are continuing this optimisation work and anticipate being able to carry out electron attachment experiments on selected clusters in the coming year. In parallel with the experimental development, some complementary experiments have been carried out within the framework of the project using existing systems. For example we have probed high electron interactions with (non-selected) adenine-water clusters, yielding evidence for spontaneous intra-cluster reactivity. We have also carried out a number of experiments at external facilities (notably The New University of Lisbon) probing electron transfer processes.

In summary, the project objective was to develop a unique programme of experiments with strong theoretical support to advance our understanding of electron induced processes in selected neutral clusters as model multi-molecular systems. It has yielded major progress in producing selected targets suitable for collision experiments, notably the first Stark-controlled beam of DNA constituents. More generally, the work has contributed to bridging the complexity gap between understanding radiation-induced processes in isolated molecules and in condensed material, with applications in modelling and potentially modifying biological damage processes on the nanoscale.
Exploitation Route The aim of this project is to advance our understanding of how the chemical environment affects electron attachment to biomolecules. This will have a major impact on the effort to trace radiation effects in biological tissue to critical nanoscale physical / chemical processes. Current innovations in drug delivery techniques, for example using doped fullerenes, offer the possibility of attaching specific molecules to DNA sites within targeted cells. This presents an exceptional opportunity for society: by understanding the mechanisms by which associated molecules enhance the radiosensitivity of key biomolecules, we can predict the effects of potential new radiosensitizer drugs. Research into radiation induced intermolecular processes therefore has a central role to play in improving the efficacy of radiotherapy treatments for cancers. The associated benefits in our ageing society in terms of quality of life and providing economically-viable healthcare are considerable.

Low energy electrons are by far the most abundant species produced in irradiated tissue and can attach to nucleobases in DNA. The resultant negative ions may be unstable and hence yield reactive species. A high density of these events in DNA constitutes a clustered lesion, recognised as a key precursor to cell death, as well as mutations and cancers. Therefore, modifying the chemical environment to enhance or suppress low energy electron induced DNA base fragmentation has enormous radiosensitizing potential. To better understand these processes, my fellowship is centred on experiments probing electron interactions with small clusters of biomolecules. A novel Stark deflection application will provide exceptional control over the cluster configuration, thus clarifying data interpretations and strengthening comparisons with simulations. This approach will lead to new insights that can guide innovations in cancer therapies as well as assessments of the risks of low dose radiation exposure.

The key to maximizing the benefits of the fellowship for society will rest on linking my work to research and development across the traditional boundaries between disciplines. I have established a new partnership with a team (Garcia and co-workers) pioneering radiation damage models based on nanoscale data including low energy electron induced processes. The group collaborates with oncologists in order to refine predictions of radiotherapy effects in cancerous and healthy tissue. A further important interdisciplinary link is through the Nano-scale insights into ion beam cancer therapy EU COST network. This initiative coordinates measurements of molecular-scale interactions, Monte-Carlo modelling of tissue-scale effects, and radiobiological research with ion-beam therapy applications at world-leading accelerator facilities, notably GSI Darmstadt. My current teaching role on Medical Physics parts of OU undergraduate and post-graduate curriculum has provided further opportunities to liaise with leading clinical scientists at centres including UCH, Addenbrookes Hospital, and The Institute of Cancer Research: Royal Cancer Hospital. This direct interface with cutting-edge radiotherapy innovation and provision provides excellent opportunities for the dissemination of my results. In order to further engage researchers in physics, radiation chemistry and biology, and mathematics linked to medicine, I co-organised a cross-disciplinary conference: NARAP-2 (Edinburgh, 19th May 2014). More recently, I co-organised the IOP-sponsored Molecular Physics Workshop (Caen, 7th-10th July 2015).

In summary, my research will have applications in identifying new radiosensitizing agents and in the development of precise radiation damage models based on nanoscale interactions. The biomedical impact will be maximized through regular meetings and collaborations in an extensive interdisciplinary network. Thus my research will benefit society by contributing to innovations in radiotherapy, a key tool in the bid to control cancer.
Sectors Chemicals


URL http://physics.open.ac.uk/clusters/electron.php
Description The results of the project have not yet been exploited directly in modelling radiation damage. However the latest results show that the Stark deflection system is effective and we have already used this to probe related radiation induced processes (notably electronic excitation and ionization) in controlled targets. I continue to work on and extend the project, which has so-far yielded 15 papers in international journals and numerous conference contributions (talks and posters presented by me and other members of my research group).
First Year Of Impact 2011
Description DESY 
Organisation Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL Science)
Country Germany 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This collaboration is centred on my EPSRC CAF project to study electron attachment induced processes in selected molecular clusters. The selection method exploits a Stark deflector device that was designed and built by Jochen Kupper and co-workers (DESY). The specific use of the Stark deflector has been designed at the OU: using a moveable skimmer to select specific parts of the deflected beam for planned collision experiments. The complete experiment is based at the OU and is currently being optimized.
Collaborator Contribution Kupper and co-workers built the Stark deflector for this project and have given us expert training and advice on how to use it. They will continue to play an important role as the project moves from the experimental development stage to recording and analysing results. Their expertise in predicting and interpreting Stark-deflection data will be invaluable.
Impact The key outcome from this collaboration has been the development of a new experimental system at the Open University. Kupper and co-workers built a Stark deflector device (providing all the costs for materials and engineer time) for this experiment. The experiment is currently being optimized but the early results are very encouraging. In particular, isolated DNA bases have been deflected and separated from their clusters for multi-photon ionization and electron impact ionization experiments. The collaboration is expected to yield outputs in high-ranking journals in the near future. Student and / or post-doc exchange activities are envisaged. Conference talks and seminars based on this collaboration (only including talks by me - further conference presentations on this subject have been made by my students): 1. Electron induced processes in controlled molecular beams International Workshop on Dissociative Electron Attachment, Mumbai, India, 20th November 2015 2. UV and electron induced dynamics in biomolecules and clusters XUV/X-ray light and fast ions for ultrafast chemistry (XLIC) WG2 expert meeting on biomolecules, Fruška gora, Serbia, 28th April 2015 3. Radiation driven reactivity in biomolecular clusters Radiation Damage of Biomolecular Systems: Nanoscale Insights into Ion Beam Cancer Therapy (Nano-IBCT), Boppard, Germany, 29th October 2014 4. Electron driven processes in biomolecules and clusters Radiation Biology and Biophysics (RABBIT) International Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 24th June 2014 5. Electron and UV induced reactivity in biomolecular clusters Franck-Hertz Meeting, Newport Pagnell, UK, 29th April 2014 6. Reactivity in electronically excited and ionized biomolecules and clusters Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP), Obergurgl, Austria, 11th February 2014 7. Electron impact and multi-photon processes in isolated and clustered biomolecules POSMOL Symposium on Electron-Molecule Collisions and Swarms, Kanazawa, Japan, 21st July 2013 8. Clustering effects on biomolecular multiphoton ionization and electron attachment Nanoscale Radiation Chemistry, Belfast, UK, 29th July 2012 9. Clustering effects on the UV multiphoton ionization pathways of DNA and RNA bases RSC Spectroscopy and Dynamics Group Annual Meeting, Leicester, UK, 6th January 2012 10. Radiation induced processes in biomolecules and clusters OU - Gdansk University of Technology Symposium on Biophysics and Medicine, Department of Physical Sciences, Open University, UK, 19th May 2015 11. Biomolecular clusters: radiation induced processes and methods to control neutral beams School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham, UK, 5th March 2014 12. UV multi-photon ionization pathways and fragmentation patterns of clustered nucleobases Synchrotron SOLEIL, Paris, France, 28th September 2012 13. Clustering effects on UV multi-photon ionization and fragmentation of DNA / RNA bases CIMAP-GANIL, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, France, 26th September 2012 14. Contrasting UV multiphoton ionization processes in isolated and clustered DNA bases Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, Germany, 3rd November 2011
Start Year 2011
Description GANIL 
Organisation Large National Heavy Ion Accelerator
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This collaboration is centred on our common aim of understanding of radiation physics and chemistry at the molecular scale, with an emphasis on the effect of nanohydration. The main strength and novelty of our experimental approaches lies in the selection and control of the molecular systems under study. My group at the OU are exploiting a Stark deflection system to control neutral molecules and clusters (EP/J002577/1). We are also developing a complementary system based on cluster anion selection and subsequent neutralisation (EP/L002191/1). We probe radiation effects in multi-photon ionization, electron impact ionization, and electron attachment experiments.
Collaborator Contribution We are able to investigate only relatively small systems at the Open University, whereas larger molecules such as proteins can be brought into the gas phase by electrospray ionization sources. Our collaborators in Caen (notably Poully and Vizcaino) are building an experiment to enable the study of ion collisions with trapped ionic molecules and clusters. While suitable for the study of small systems, will enable the selection and irradiation of systems that are closer to a biologically relevant target (macromolecules and large clusters).
Impact This collaboration has so-far yielded two papers, with one more currently at an advanced stage of preparation. Furthermore, we have applied for a collaborative grant to support exchanges between the two laboratories (CNRS International Programs For Scientific Cooperation). Our proposal has been selected for funding, pending security verification. Publications based on this collaboration: 1. Formation and fragmentation of protonated molecules after ionization of amino acid and lactic acid clusters by collision with ions in the gas phase J-C. Poully, V. Vizcaino, L. Schwob, R. Delaunay, J. Kocisek, S. Eden, J-Y. Chesnel, A. Mery, J. Rangama, L. Adoui, and B.A. Huber ChemPhysChem 16 (2015) 2389 2. Multi-photon and electron impact ionisation studies of reactivity in adenine-water clusters B. Barc, M. Ryszka, J.-C. Poully, E. Jabbour Al Maalouf, Z. el Otell, J. Tabet, R. Parajuli, P.J.M. van der Burgt, P. Limão-Vieira, P. Cahillane, M. Dampc, N.J. Mason, S. Eden Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. 365-366 (2014) 194
Start Year 2013
Description Heriot Watt University 
Organisation Heriot-Watt University
Department Physics
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have collaborated with Townsend and co-workers at Heriot-Watt University, culminating in the experiments, analysis, and interpretations in the paper below. Most of the experiments in the paper were performed by Townsend and co-workers in their lab at Heriot Watt, albeit with some assistance from a visiting student from my group. My most important contribution to the work was to initiate the collaboration in order to tackle a specific research question: could Townsend's ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy be used to probe a ring-opening conical intersection in uracil that had been suggested by our experiments at the OU (as part of this ESPRC fellowship)? We also contributed new results to the paper from the OU in order to enable the most direct comparison possible with Townsend's experiments. Since completing the work above, we have extended the collaboration by building two new laser-thermal-desorption sources at the OU. This equipment was inspired by Townsend's methods and he has advised their design. We are currently preparing a collaborative paper that presents new multi-photon ionisation experiments at the OU on the nucleoside uridine.
Collaborator Contribution As noted above, most of the experiments that have been published from this collaboration so far were performed by Townsend and co-workers at Heriot Watt. As Townsend's group evidently has the most relevant expertise in ultrafast spectroscopies, they also led on the analysis, interpretations, and drafting for this paper. The subsequent experiments in the collaboration have been performed by my group and co-workers with design advice from Townsend.
Impact Ultraviolet relaxation dynamics in uracil: time-resolved photoion yield studies using a laser-based thermal desorption source O. Ghafur, S. Crane, M. Ryszka, J. Bockova, A. Rebelo, L. Saalbach, S. De Camillis, J. Greenwood, S. Eden, D. Townsend J. Chem. Phys. 149 (2018) 034301 - featured article with JCP press release (17/07/2018)
Start Year 2016
Description Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) 
Organisation New University of Lisbon
Country Portugal 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution I have collaborated with Paulo Limao-Vieira and co-workers at UNL for a number of years. I participate in UV spectroscopy studies of aeronomic and biological molecules as well as experiments probing the fragmentation patterns of metastable uracil anion produced in collisions with potassium atoms. As the outermost electron in potassium is weakly bound, these experiments provide an analogy for electron transfer from electronically excited neutrals in irradiated biological material. In addition to contributing to running experiments, my input includes data interpretations and writing papers. Reciprocally, Paulo Limao-Vieira contributes to our measurements and development work at the OU.
Collaborator Contribution Paulo Limao-Vieira's group lead the UV spectroscopy and electron transfer experiments described above. Paulo Limao-Vieira contributes to our measurements and development work through quite regular visits and remote discussions. These are mainly linked to data interpretation and experimental planning. Student exchanges between the groups have been supported through the RABBIT PhD training programme centred at UNL. I am currently supervising a student from UNL during a 6-month visit to carry out Stark deflection experiments at the OU.
Impact The collaboration has been extremely fruitful in terms of research outputs. In addition to papers (listed below) and conference contributions, the collaboration has played an important role in establishing the RABBIT doctoral training programme (described below). Furthermore, many of the absolute measurements from this collaboration are available in databases (http://www.science-softcon.de) that can be valuable in (for example) atmospheric modelling. Collaborative refereed papers since my first EPSRC grant (2007) 1. Electronic state spectroscopy of halothane as studied by ab initio calculations, vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) synchrotron radiation and electron scattering methods F. da Silva, D. Duflot, S. Hoffmann, N. Jones, F. Rodrigues, A. Ferreira- Rodrigues, B.G.G. de Souza, N.J. Mason, S. Eden, P. Limao-Vieira J. Phys. Chem. A 119 (2015) 8503 2. Multi-photon and electron impact ionisation studies of reactivity in adenine-water clusters B. Barc, M. Ryszka, J.-C. Poully, E. Jabbour Al Maalouf, Z. el Otell, J. Tabet, R. Parajuli, P.J.M. van der Burgt, P. Limão-Vieira, P. Cahillane, M. Dampc, N.J. Mason, S. Eden Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. 365-366 (2014) 194 3. New Fragmentation Pathways in K-THF Collisions as Studied by Electron Transfer Experiments: Negative Ion Formation D. Almeida, F. da Silva, S. Eden, G. Garcia, P. Limao-Vieira J. Phys. Chem. A 118 (2014) 690 4. Multi-photon ionization and fragmentation of uracil: neutral excited-state ring opening and hydration effects B. Barc, M. Ryszka, J. Spurrell, M. Dampc, P. Limão-Vieira, R. Parajuli, N.J. Mason, S. Eden J. Chem. Phys. 139 (2013) 244311 5. Mass spectrometry of anions and cations produced in 1-4 keV H-, O-, and OH- collisions with nitromethane, water, ethanol, and methanol D. Almeida, R. Antunes, G. Garcia, R. W. McCullough, S. Eden, P. Limão-Vieira Int. J. Mass. Spectrom. 311 (2012) 7 6. Electron transfer-induced fragmentation of thymine and uracil in atom- molecule collisions D. Almeida, R. Antunes, G. Martins, S. Eden, F. Ferreira da Silva, Y. Nunes, G. Garcia, P. Limão-Vieira Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 15657 7. Electron transfer processes in potassium collisions with 5-fluorouracil and 5-chlorouracil [cited 6] F. Ferreira da Silva, D. Almeida, R. Antunes, G. Martins, Y. Nunes, S. Eden, G. Garcia, P. Limão-Vieira Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 (2011) 21621 8. Electronic state spectroscopy of C2Cl4 S. Eden, B. Barc, N. J. Mason, S.V. Hoffmann, Y. Nunes, P. Limão-Vieira Chem. Phys. 365 (2009) 150 9. Photoabsorption measurements and theoretical calculations of the electronic state spectroscopy of propionic, butyric, and valeric acids A. Vicente, R. Antunes, D. Almeida, I.J.A. Franco, S.V. Hoffmann, N.J. Mason, S. Eden, D. Duflot, J. Delwiche, M.-J. Hubin-Franskin, P. Limão-Vieira Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11 (2009) 5729 10. Valence shell electronic spectroscopy of isoprene studied by theoretical calculations and by electron scattering, photoelectron, and absolute photoabsorption measurements G. Martins, A.M. Ferreira-Rodrigues, F.N. Rodrigues, G.G.B. de Souza, N.J. Mason, S. Eden, D. Duflot, J.-P. Flament, S.V. Hoffmann, J. Delwiche, M.-J. Hubin-Franskin, P. Limão-Vieira Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11 (2009) 11219 11. The VUV electronic spectroscopy of acetone studied by synchrotron radiation M. Nobre, A. Fernandes, F. Ferreira da Silva, R. Antunes, D. Almeida, V. Kokhan, S.V. Hoffmann, N.J. Mason, S. Eden, P. Limão-Vieira Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 10 (2008) 550 12. VUV photoabsorption of CH3Cl and CH3I S. Eden, P. Limão-Vieira, S.V. Hoffmann, N.J. Mason Chem. Phys. 331 (2007) 232 Collaborative funding award: £1,000 British Council Treaty of Windsor Programme: collaborative experiments and student exchanges between the Open University and the New University of Lisbon in 2009 and 2010. Collaborative training programme: Paulo Limao-Vieira and I have contributed to training students from each other's groups in the regular visits between our labs. We have recently formalized this as the Open University is a participating international institution in the RABBIT (Radiation Biology and Biophysics) multi-disciplinary Doctoral training programme. In addition to the scientific benefits, this exchange-based student training programme has clear cultural benefits and can have impact on society though enabling talented young researchers to learn new skills and enhance professional links between the UK and in Portugal. My laboratory offers project opportunities to RABBIT students and I gave a talk at the recent RABBIT conference in Lisbon (24th June 2014).
Description University of Nebraska 
Organisation University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This partnership extends Ilya Fabrikant's existing collaboration with my co-worker at the OU, Jimena Gorfinkiel. Gorfinkiel and Fabrikant are developing original theoretical approaches combining ab initio (R-matrix) treatments with methods to incorporate nuclear motion in limited degrees of freedom in order to simulate inelastic electron-cluster interactions, including dissociative electron attachment. My two current EPSRC projects are centred on measuring the changes in the resonant energies of electron attachment processes due to clustering (EP/J002577/1) and measuring absolute cross sections for electron attachment to mass-selected clusters (EP/L002191/1). Comparing our data with their calculations will test Gorfinkiel and Fabrikant's developing methodologies and provide new insights into the fundamental mechanisms.
Collaborator Contribution In parallel with the experiments providing a test for the theory, the theoretical work will be key for the interpretation of the experimental data.
Impact The experiment is currently being optimised. Results are expected in the near future that will enable our first comparisons with theory. As electron attachment processes are known to play an important role in radiation-induced damage to biological material, the results will provide new insights into the effects of hydrogen bonding on the radio-sensitivity of specific important biomolecules (notably DNA bases and related biomolecules). This can have societal impact because the new insights and data can lead to improvements in molecular-scale Monte Carlo models of radiation effects in biological material and thus guide radiotherapy innovations. Ilya Fabrikant, Nigel Mason, Juraj Fedor, and I are currently preparing an invited review entitled Recent Progress in Dissociative Electron Attachment: from Diatomics to Biomolecules (Advances In Atomic, Molecular And Optical Physics).
Start Year 2011
Description University of Wolverhampton 
Organisation University of Wolverhampton
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is a new collaboration with Dr Kate Nixon from the Chemistry Department at the University of Wolverhampton. Kate Nixon is an expert is electron beam experiments and difficulties controlling low energy electrons has held back progress in our research extending from the EPSRC career acceleration fellowship. Since late 2018, Kate Nixon has been a regular visitor to our lab at the OU and we are making excellent progress together improving the electron beam control. We are also currently writing our first collaborative paper together on the metastable dissociation pathways of excited guanine ions.
Collaborator Contribution See above.
Impact The outcome so-far has been a dramatic improvement in the performance of our electron attachment experiment which was first built as a central part of my EPSRC career acceleration fellowship.
Start Year 2018