Towards a Universal Biological-Cell Operating System (AUdACiOuS)
Lead Research Organisation:
Newcastle University
Department Name: Sch of Computer Science
A living cell, e.g. a bacterium, is an information-processing machine. It is composed of a series of sub-systems that work in concert by sensing external stimuli, assessing its own internal states and making decisions through a network of complex and interlinked biological regulatory networks (BRN) motifs that act as the bacterium neural network. A bacterium's decision making processes often result in a variety of outputs, e.g. the creation of more cells, chemotaxis, bio-film formation, etc. It was recently shown that cells not only react to their environment but that they can even predict environmental changes. The emerging discipline of Synthetic Biology (SB), considers the cell to be a machine that can be built -from parts- in a manner similar to, e.g., electronic circuits, airplanes, etc. SB has sought to co-opt cells for nano-computation and nano-manufacturing purposes. During this leadership fellowship programme of research I will aim at making E.coli bacteria much more easily to program and hence harness for useful purposes. In order to achieve this, I plan to use the tools, methodologies and resources that computer science created for writing computer programs and find ways of making them useful in the microbiology laboratory.
Planned Impact
This proposal will have impact in four main areas.
General Dissemination Pathway: as any interdisciplinary research project we will aim at publishing in the very top specialised (Computer Science, Synthetic Biology) and generalist journals (Nature, Science, PNAS). Our work will also be disseminated through the respective conferences and we have planed a series of workshop that will help up showcase our work and make it available to other academics and industrialist.
Wider Impact, Exploitation & Knowledge Transfer Pathway: The technology I will develop during my fellowship is an *enabling* technology. As such it will open the doors for cooperation across a range of disciplines. Notably, we propose to transfer knowledge back and forth across three main areas of research, namely, computer science, synthetic biology and -for the first time- DNA and RNA origami. This could very well seed new research lines and have impact on fields as varied as biomedical applications, the in vivo construction of detection sensors, and smard drug delivery systems.
Intellectual Property Protection and Technology Transfer: We will actively seek routes of commercial exploitation of our research and intellectual property will be protected as to guarantee a return to UK PLC.
Society At Large Related Pathway: The research ideas in this proposal are groundbreaking and could herald a revolution in the way synthetic biology projects are undertaken lowering the barrier to usability, complexity and ultimatly, impacting on practical applications. As such, this technology may also raise important ethical, social, legal issues that must be explored in conjunction with relevant stake holders (public, government, industry, academy, NGOs, regulators, etc). I have established a rigorous pathway to impact that embraces ELSI as well as science, technology and societal considerations.
General Dissemination Pathway: as any interdisciplinary research project we will aim at publishing in the very top specialised (Computer Science, Synthetic Biology) and generalist journals (Nature, Science, PNAS). Our work will also be disseminated through the respective conferences and we have planed a series of workshop that will help up showcase our work and make it available to other academics and industrialist.
Wider Impact, Exploitation & Knowledge Transfer Pathway: The technology I will develop during my fellowship is an *enabling* technology. As such it will open the doors for cooperation across a range of disciplines. Notably, we propose to transfer knowledge back and forth across three main areas of research, namely, computer science, synthetic biology and -for the first time- DNA and RNA origami. This could very well seed new research lines and have impact on fields as varied as biomedical applications, the in vivo construction of detection sensors, and smard drug delivery systems.
Intellectual Property Protection and Technology Transfer: We will actively seek routes of commercial exploitation of our research and intellectual property will be protected as to guarantee a return to UK PLC.
Society At Large Related Pathway: The research ideas in this proposal are groundbreaking and could herald a revolution in the way synthetic biology projects are undertaken lowering the barrier to usability, complexity and ultimatly, impacting on practical applications. As such, this technology may also raise important ethical, social, legal issues that must be explored in conjunction with relevant stake holders (public, government, industry, academy, NGOs, regulators, etc). I have established a rigorous pathway to impact that embraces ELSI as well as science, technology and societal considerations.
- Newcastle University (Lead Research Organisation)
- Michigan State University (Project Partner)
- Weizmann Institute of Science (Project Partner)
- University of California, Santa Barbara (Project Partner)
- Arizona State University (Project Partner)
- National Center for Biotechnology (Project Partner)
- University of Edinburgh (Project Partner)
- New York University (Project Partner)
- University of California, San Francisco (Project Partner)
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Project Partner)
People |
Natalio Krasnogor (Principal Investigator / Fellow) |

Bacardit J
Hard Data Analytics Problems Make for Better Data Analysis Algorithms: Bioinformatics as an Example
in Big Data

Bakir ME
Automatic selection of verification tools for efficient analysis of biochemical models.
in Bioinformatics (Oxford, England)

Ben Yehezkel T
Synthesis and cell-free cloning of DNA libraries using programmable microfluidics.
in Nucleic acids research

Blakes J
Heuristic for maximizing DNA reuse in synthetic DNA library assembly.
in ACS synthetic biology

Chaplin JC
Photochromic molecular implementations of universal computation.
in Bio Systems

Choo SW
Transcriptomic Responses to Coaggregation between Streptococcus gordonii and Streptococcus oralis.
in Applied and environmental microbiology

Coello C
Algorithms and models for complex natural systems
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Contreras I
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Exploitation Route | N/A |
Sectors | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Electronics Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
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Description | One of the core findings of this fellowship was the establishment of a protocol to generate dna/rna sequences that are both biological orthogonal to a target bacterial species but also uniquely addressable. The first property means the sequences can be introduced inside a cell without interfering with the cells biological program, while the second property means that those dna/rna sequences can be very precisely targeted for the construction of origami based nanostructures, molecular data structures (e.g. memory devices). These two properties have been taken forward and further refined as part of an ESPRC programme grant from were we have derived a product that is being taken forward to commercialization via a startup that is being formed. More details will be added next year once the company is operating. |
First Year Of Impact | 2017 |
Sector | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology |
Description | EPSRC Programme Grant - "Synthetic Portabolomics" |
Amount | £5,000,000 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/N031962/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
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Title | Combinatorial DNA Library Design Planner Web Server |
Description | The webserver presented here provides solutions of near-minimal stages and thanks to almost instantaneous planning of DNA libraries it can be used as a metric of ?manufacturability? to guide DNA library design. Rapid planning remains applicable even for DNA library sizes vastly exceeding today's biochemical assembly methods, future-proofing our method. |
Type Of Technology | Webtool/Application |
Year Produced | 2014 |
Impact | -- |
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Title | DNALD Planner Software |
Description | De novo DNA synthesis is in need of new ideas for increasing production rate and reducing cost. DNA reuse in combinatorial library construction is one such idea. Here, we describe an algorithm for planning multistage assembly of DNA libraries with shared intermediates that greedily attempts to maximize DNA reuse, and show both theoretically and empirically that it runs in linear time. We compare solution quality and algorithmic performance to the best results reported for computing DNA assembly graphs, finding that our algorithm achieves solutions of equivalent quality but with dramatically shorter running times and substantially improved scalability. We also show that the related computational problem bounded-depth min-cost string production (BDMSP), which captures DNA library assembly operations with a simplified cost model, is NP-hard and APX-hard by reduction from vertex cover. The algorithm presented here provides solutions of near-minimal stages and thanks to almost instantaneous planning of DNA libraries it can be used as a metric of ?manufacturability? to guide DNA library design. Rapid planning remains applicable even for DNA library sizes vastly exceeding today's biochemical assembly methods, future-proofing our method. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2014 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | -- |
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Title | Simbiotics |
Description | Simbiotics is a 3D simulation tool offering a range of modelling features to describe bacterial populations. Bacterial cells are represented as discrete geometric entities which may have internal processes and interact with their environment. Modellers may describe specific bacterial behaviour, environmental factors and the spatial arrangement of cellular populations, this is achieved via composing library modules into a model specification. Modules describe specific features to be simulated and are parameterisable, the library is extendable to allow for novel models of relevant processes to be added to the tool. Simulations can be run on mulit-threaded and multi-CPU environments to ensure the platform can represent industrially relevant systems. Simbiotics can be initialised via common standards experimentalists use such as microscopy image data and SBML models, allowing for the rapid development of 3D population models. An optional live 3D rendering and data graphing is available, alternatively exporting data in common formats (CSV and JSON) allow for the integration of Simbiotics into existing tools such as Blender or PovRay. The tool requires minimal programming experience to use. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2017 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | N/A |
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Title | The Infobiotics Workbench |
Description | The Infobiotics Workbench is a executable biology framework implementing multi-compartmental stochastic and deterministic simulation, formal model analysis and structural/parameter model optimisation for computational systems and synthetic biology. The Infobiotics Workbench is comprised of the following components: a modelling language based on P systems which allows modular and parsimonious multi-cellular model development where the outermost compartments can be positioned in 2-dimensional space to facilitate modelling at either extra-, inter- or intracellular levels of detail deterministic and stochastic simulator using algorithms optimised for large multi-compartmental systems (the simulator also accept a subset of SBML, allowing for visual model specification using tools such as CellDesigner) formal model analysis for the study of temporal and spatial model properties supported the model checkers PRISM and MC2 model structure and parameter optimisation using a variety of evolutionary and population-based algorithms to automatically generate models whose dynamics match specified target timeseries a user-friendly front-end for performing in-silico experiments, plotting and visualisation of simulations with many runs and compartments |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2012 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | -- |
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Title | ssapredict: a biologist's tool for enhancing the computational performance of stochastic simulations |
Description | ssapredict is a web service designed to automate the process of determining the fastest stochastic simulation algorithm (SSA) for a bio-chemical model. It calculates the topological properties of a model to predict the best performing algorithm. ssapredict is easy to use. With one-button click you upload a model and receive a prediction. You can then download the simulator customised for your model (for GNU/Linux, Windows or Mac OS). |
Type Of Technology | Webtool/Application |
Year Produced | 2015 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | This software has allowed biologists without a background on computational systems simulation to carry out integrative modeling of a large number of stochastic biological systems of interest to their research. Furthermore, the techniques developed for this software were later re-purpose to carry out origins of life simulations (Markovitch & Krasnogor, PLoS One, 2017) and also computational verification of complex systems (new paper under review) |
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