Synthetic Information Molecules

Lead Research Organisation: University of Sheffield
Department Name: Chemistry


Nature has long inspired chemists with glimpses of the awesome levels of sophistication and functionality that are possible with well-organised molecular systems. By comparison, the prototype synthetic molecular machines that are beginning to emerge are still very primitive. Arguably, the most important molecule in Nature is the nucleic acid: in biology, it is used to store and reproduce genetic information via template-directed synthesis; the single-stranded forms function as catalysts for chemical transformations; the double-stranded forms have found widespread applications as programmable building materials for nanotechnology. The information content of nucleic acids appears to offer generic solutions in a wide range of areas: surface tiling, nanoobjects, structure templates, reaction templates, molecule-based calculations, molecular switches, molecular walkers etc. These properties are currently unrivalled in any other material, but the aim of this proposal is to develop new classes of information molecules that will offer a programmable synthetic alternative to the nucleic acids. The programme of work described in this proposal will establish the general principles using specific systems that look promising based on our current knowledge, but this work will open the door to a very wide range of synthetic information polymers that will have a significant impact on the development of future nanotechnology.

Planned Impact

This project is fundamental research but in a highly topical area and will impact on many current research problems. The aim is to design from scratch functional molecular assemblies that can be programmed to self-assemble and to direct their own synthesis. As part of this process, design rules for the application of supramolecular principles in the construction of novel functional materials will emerge, and these should have general utility. Thus success will impact not only on research in supramolecular chemistry, but more widely in areas such as biology, materials and nanotechnology. Non-covalent interactions play an important role in almost all molecular processes in the chemical, biological and material sciences, and any step towards understanding how they work will have significant benefits in both academia and in industry. The insights arising from this research programme will be directly applicable in synthetic methodology, catalyst design, process chemistry, drug design, molecular machines, nanotechnology etc. Moreover, the materials prepared in the course of the project may themselves find applications in a range of areas where DNA-based assembly currently represents the state-of-the-art.

The project will produce a scientist with training and expertise that spans the traditional disciplines of organic, biological, polymer and physical chemistry, with an insight into key problems that are related to the biological and materials sciences. The interdisciplinary nature of the work will equip the appointee for work at the interfaces with other disciplines, which is where they are likely to have to most impact in their future research careers.

Dissemination of results will be by the usual twin routes of (i) publication in international peer-reviewed journals, and (ii) presentations at relevant conferences. The applicant has a strong track record in both areas. It is planned that the PDRA will participate in presentation of their work both in the form of lectures and posters at range of national and international meetings. As the research is of a fundamental nature, it is not envisaged that results of immediate commercial or industrial interest will arise, but if they do, appropriate patent protection and further exploitation will be handled by Biofusion which has an exclusive long-term, IP commercialisation agreement with the University of Sheffield. The applicant collaborates with a range of pharmaceutical and agrochemical companies and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of a computational drug discovery company, so there is plenty of potential for knowledge transfer and industrial input to the project through these interactions.


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Description Nature has long inspired chemists with glimpses of the spectacular levels of sophistication and functionality that are possible with well-organised molecular systems. Among these systems, nucleic acids stand out. In addition to their unique biological properties, they have found widespread applications as programmable building materials for nanotechnology. These properties are currently unrivalled in any other material. In this project, we are developing new classes of synthetic polymer that bear no chemical resemblance to DNA, but have similar properties. To date, we have developed methods for the synthesis of a range of different oligomeric molecules equipped with defined sequences of binding sites. These systems form stable double-stranded duplex structures held together by specific interactions between the binding sites on one oligomer chain with complementary binding sites on the other. Preliminary experiments also show that one oligomer chain can template the synthesis of a copy of itself. Thus the molecules developed in the project have been shown to have the key features required to reproduce some of the special properties of nucleic acids.
Exploitation Route Nucleic acids are currently unrivalled in their programmability and functionality and are the first choice of material for the construction of complex objects on the nanoscale. The development of new synthetic oligomeric molecules that form sequence-selective duplexes establishes a new field at the interface of supramolecular, biological and polymer chemistry, and provides an alternative to nucleic acids. The ability to program bulk polymers with recognition information will open the way to new materials of unprecedented complexity and functionality. These systems have potential applications in all areas of nanotechnology where precise control over macromolecular structure and supramolecular organisation will be used to program mechanical, photochemical and electronic properties into sophisticated assemblies that rival biology.
Sectors Chemicals

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology
