Downburst dynamics and the implications for engineering structures

Lead Research Organisation: University of Birmingham
Department Name: Civil Engineering


It is now an accepted fact that the disruption and economic losses arising as a result of extreme storms are increasing at a significant rate. There is also tentative evidence to suggest that these storms are increasing in frequency and magnitude due primarily to climate change effects, although it is acknowledged that such evidence is far from conclusive. Any increases in magnitude and frequency of extreme storms are likely to result in serious damage to the urban infrastructure, the world economy and society as a whole. In European terms, it has been suggested that by 2080, there will be an increase in wind-related insured losses from extreme European storms by at least....25-30bn Euro. However, it is perhaps worth noting that these estimates do not take into account society's increasing exposure to extreme storms, due to growing populations, wealthier populations and increasing assets at risk.

Over the last few years there has been renewed interest in the effects of extreme wind events, since in a number of cases these events are the most important with respect to wind loading (i.e., the design of buildings/infrastructure). One particular set of extreme wind events which has received little attention in the past are those associated with thunderstorm downbursts. During a downburst a column of air moves vertically downwards and impinges on the ground. This causes the resultant air to be displaced radially outwards from the point of impingement, with a ring vortex travelling away from the stagnation point. The effect of this is to alter the velocity field significantly. In other words, the velocity field which was assumed when the building was designed may no longer occur, and a new, very different field may exist. The effect that this new wind field has on typical structures has yet to be addressed.

Hence, there is a need to undertake a comprehensive examination of the structure of thunderstorm downbursts and to investigate the corresponding wind induced forces which can arise. The scarcity of full-scale data and the difficulty of predicting such events ensure that at present, modelling is a sensible way forward. Furthermore, the uncertainties associated with both physical and numerical modelling strongly suggest that a combined physical/numerically modelling programme supplemented by (limited) full-scale data is the best way forward. Without such an examination of the wind field associated with thunderstorm downbursts, the suitability of existing design methods remains an open question. This is of importance since in many parts of the world wind speeds of this origin constitute the design wind speeds. Even in areas where these events are not dominant, the continued investment and development in society and its related infrastructure ensures that society as a whole is more vulnerable to the effects of such an event irrespective of how frequently they current occur.

Planned Impact

The potential impacts of this research are significant, yet, by their very nature are impossible to fully quantify at this stage. The proposal brings together leading academics and through the steering group and involvement of the Wind Engineering Society incorporates stakeholders from a broad range of disciplines. The proposal's deliverables will aid policy makers, planners and other high-level decision makers in ensuring more sustainable and resilient infrastructure in constructed, and ultimately benefit the societies that they serve, the UK economy and international research agendas. In the far future, the beneficiaries of follow-on research from the project are:

City Councils, who are responsible for managing the sustainable redevelopment of the areas under their control and who will be able to make direct use of the findings to deliver more resilient infrastructures.

The infrastructure owners, which is likely to include a public-private mix.

Practitioners ranging from Civil Engineers, Structural Engineers, developers, architects, consultants, contractors, planners, environmental scientists and meteorologists.

The international academic community, which will gain insight into the challenges associated with the designing for extreme storms.

EPSRC, EU and other research programmes, given that applied work of this nature which relies heavily on blue sky research can be agenda setting.

Policy makers, regulators and non-governmental bodies with interests in resilience.

The research staff employed on the project and their future employers, who will gain invaluable experience of this cross-disciplinary aspects research in this growing field.


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Jesson M (2019) The physical simulation of a transient, downburst-like event - How complex does it need to be? in Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

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Jesson M (2013) Numerical and Physical Simulation of a Thunderstorm Downburst in 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering

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Jesson M (2018) A simple vortex model of a thunderstorm downburst - A parametric evaluation in Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

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Jesson M (2014) Wind Loading on a cube and portal framed buildings subject to transient winds in XIII Conference of the Italian Association for Wind Engineering, in vento

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Jesson M (2015) Aerodynamic forces on generic buildings subject to transient, downburst-type winds in Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

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Jesson M (2014) Wind loading on low, medim and high-rise buildings subject to transient high winds in 11th UK Wind Engineering Conference

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Jesson M (2015) Aerodynamic forces on the roofs of low-, mid- and high-rise buildings subject to transient winds in Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

Description The work presented results which helped to validate the downburst wind profile postulated in ISO 4353:2009 (an internal code of practice used in calculating the wind loads on structures). Furthermore, the results are being used by an ASCE working group which will develop and extend ASCE 49-18 (a code of practice for physically simulating wind loading on structures) ensuring that for the first time, downburst-type loads can be taken into account in the design process. A significant number of countries use ASCE codes of practice, ensuring the impact of this research will be worldwide.
Exploitation Route Validation of numerical modelling. Inclusion in codes of practice.
Sectors Construction


Description The project has explored a number of issues associated with extreme, transient winds. The findings have been published in three journal papers (in the leading journal in the field) and nine international conferences. The work presented results which helped to validate the downburst wind profile postulated in ISO 4353:2009. Furthermore, the results were used by an ASCE working group in developing "ASCE 49-21:Testing for Buildings and Other Structures". Thus, for the first time there is now commentary included which articulates how the simulation of downbursts could be undertaken and how these results could be used from a design perspective. Many wind loading codes are based on ASCE codes, ensuring the impact of this research will be worldwide. A special one day seminar on Wind Engineering was held at the University of Eindhoven at which the results were presented to an international audience ( To complement this, the findings of the work were also presented to an International audience at a joint event organised by Wind Engineering Society and the ANIV (Italian Association for Wind Engineering). In addition, the findings of the project have been used to inspire School pupils through a series of outreach events involving competitions. This work was key in highlighting that the traditional approaches used in Wind Engineering are not applicable when transient winds are considered. It will take time for a new framework to be developed incorporating such winds and as such overtime it is expected that the true impact of this research will increase. Finally, the research resulted in a major collaboration between University of Birmingham, Rensselaer polytechnic institute and Texas Tech University.
Sector Environment
Impact Types Societal

Description Improvement to codes of practice
Geographic Reach North America 
Policy Influence Type Membership of a guideline committee
Title Data analysis software 
Description Software for analysing velocity data from a Cobra Probe 
Type Of Material Data analysis technique 
Year Produced 2013 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Difficult to ascertain since this was made freely available. 
Title Experimental data 
Description Details relating to the experimental data associated with the EPSRC award "Downburst dynamics and the implications for engineering structures" 
Type Of Material Database/Collection of data 
Year Produced 2015 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact Data provided to the University of Strathclyde has resulted in joint outputs. 
Description Collaboration with Prof Chris Letchford, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY 
Organisation Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution The award was based at the University of Birmingham and as such we host Prof Lecthford when he visited Birmingham. In addition, we met frequently at conferences and via skype.
Collaborator Contribution As part of this award Chris was a visiting researcher and as such help with the design of the experiments, data analysis, the writing of papers and impact.
Impact All outcomes (papers) listed in the relevant section of researchfish.
Start Year 2012
Description Outreach visits (Secondary School) 
Organisation Kings Norton High School
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Mark Sterling visited the School and gave a general presentation on the effects of extreme winds and set a challenge involving the design of a building to withstand strong wind. The pupils then worked on this challenge for a number of weeks and tested their designs at the University of Birmingham.
Collaborator Contribution Please see above.
Impact No measurable outcomes were obtained. It is hoped this has encouraged a number of pupils to consider the possibility of a career in engineering.
Start Year 2012
Description Outreach visits (primary) 
Organisation Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Primary School
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution An outreach experiment was held in which the project was outlined (and the effects of extreme introduced) and the pupils participated in building a structure which was subjected to extreme winds.
Collaborator Contribution They actively participated in the day.
Impact There are no tangible outputs other than 60 students who have been inspired to explore a career in engineering. Hopefully this event will act as a catalyst for a future career in engineering.
Start Year 2014