2010 Grant balance: Durham University

Lead Research Organisation: Durham University
Department Name: Physics


This unspent balances project has been used in a competitive selection of "seedcorn projects" within EPSRC's portfolio at Durham. Each project was selected for its scientific quality and also its promise to lead, after a phase of funding at the ~£10k level, to a much more extensive research programme. The chosen topics were:
Develop Aptamer-based biosensors
Investigate Molecular Superconductors
Develop electrospun cell scaffolds
Set up collaboration with Japanese researchers in organic photonics
Develop molecular based memory devices
Perform electron tomography of solar cells

Planned Impact

Many of the projects will lead to considerable technological promise at their fruition into developed research programmes. we can detail as follows:
Develop Aptamer-based biosensors: security fields, medical sensor and real-time testing
Investigate Molecular Superconductors: new technologies in power and magnetic devices.
Develop electrospun cell scaffolds: medical applications in tissue culture
Set up collaboration with Japanese researchers in organic photonics: combining strength in low-energy and sustainiable lighting.
Develop molecular based memory devices: new computing hardware supports
Perform electron tomography of solar cells: improvements to photovoltaics


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