Transforming the Role of Simulation in New Product Development

Lead Research Organisation: University of Warwick
Department Name: WMG


This project will address key challenges in the area of deriving and reusing knowledge by improving the correlations
between impact simulation and real world performance, and will help engage end users in product design by
communicating critical information in highly visual and understandable formats, to facilitate decision making during target
setting and performance analysis.
Establishing realistic and relevant design targets, and interpreting knowledge derived from CAE, at the outset of a new
product development (NPD) process is critical to product success across a range of HVM sectors. This is particularly
important in rapidly developing markets where product legislation is loose or non-existent (e.g. personal protective
equipment (PPE)), as opposed to more mature markets where legislation is clearly defined and methodologies are well
established. Whilst the automotive industry has lead the way in the uptake and application of CAE simulation tools, other
sectors where product performance requirements are more fluid and cost implications of physical testing are less significant have been far slower to embrace the concept of simulation and as a result many UK businesses are missing out on
opportunities to accelerate NPD and jump ahead of global competition.
In order to improve simulation accuracy, this project will exploit recent developments in geometrical data processing to
convert large, high accuracy 3D data sets (typically from laser or CT scans) into a size and format compatible with the
latest impact simulation software. Innovative methods for building this data into transient models to optimise accuracy and
robustness of results will then be developed.
Furthermore, new solutions for visualising and interacting with simulation and physical test data will be developed, using
state-of-the-art immersive 3D technologies, facilitating the communication and understanding of results beyond the data
analysts, to designers, managers and customers alike.
The objectives of the project are fundamental to business growth and competitive advantage for the lead partner, Simpact,
whilst Aegis, the end user partner, is keen to exploit the potential of CAE to enable faster, more efficient innovation in the
development of PPE products. The project will lead to major advances in the reliability and usability of CAE for impact
simulation, creating a significant step change in PPE NPD, with potential to be exploited further across Simpact's HVM
customer base.

Planned Impact

Beneficiaries of the project will include:
UK public/final end users of products: The final customers of products developed under the new process and technology
outcomes will benefit from shorter times to market and lower product development costs which can be passed on in the
form of lower retail prices.
Government and government agencies: The benefits resulting from improvements in the PPE sector will be felt by
commercially by the MoD, and technically by law enforcement and armed forces end users, both in the UK and
internationally, through Aegis's existing and potential new contracts, and through the knock-on benefits to other PPE
manufacturers and CAE consultancies.
Membership organisations: There are a number of organisations who can both benefit from close links with the consortium
partners, and who can also play a key role in the dissemination of project outcomes through their networks of HVM
companies. Example organisations who already have links with WMG include The Motorsport Industry Association (MIA),
Gauge and Tool Makers Association (GTMA), and The Manufacturing Advisory Service (MAS).
The environment: Environmental benefits to be had by adopters of the project outcomes will stem largely from a shift
towards digital product development, with simulation potentially taking the place of much of the traditional physical testing.
This will save the cost of developing prototype products and energy consumed in their manufacture and testing.
Knowledge and Economy
Project partners: For Aegis, a strong PPE market, coupled with industry-leading NPD capabilities predicted to result from
the project, offers potential to grow revenue by up to a calculated £20M within 2 years of the end of the project. For
Simpact, this project will open opportunities across a range of HVM markets which could increase annual turnover in the
region of £600K within 5 years.
HVM companies, particularly SMEs: Benefits from increased uptake of CAE in developing sectors and in SMEs will be felt
by a range of HVM companies, impacting on their bottom line through faster product development and greater opportunities
for innovation early in the process.
CAE consultants: The technical outputs of the project will offer new tools and capabilities to CAE consultants,
predominantly in the UK where dissemination efforts will be focused.
WMG and The University of Warwick: The department and the university as a whole will benefit through the publication of
research findings in high impact, peer reviewed journals, and the resulting research profile enhancement.
Members of the project team: The project team will benefit from the interaction between industry and academia, combining
real-world applications with theoretical solutions to solve engineering problems, and demonstrating the latest technologies
and processes to designers and engineers.
CAE engineers: The outcomes of the project will give CAE engineers both greater confidence in their own simulation
results and an enhanced ability to communicate them to designers, senior managers and customers, optimising early
decision making within the NPD process.
Students: Through WMG's strong under- and post-graduate/post-experience teaching and research programmes, all levels
will benefit from the enhanced knowledge and training created by the project. This will cover taught material and projects,
from basic skills through to doctoral level. In particular, the next generation of young engineers will be targeted, equipping
them with the new skills necessary for integrating CAE into NPD processes.
Description Methods for visualising the outputs results from CAE models to increase impact within the New Product Introduction (NPI) process. Untilising advanced 3D visualisation technology to increase impact of simulation models throuout origanisations and non subject matter stakeholders. Results led to faster introduction of new technologies and significant cost savings through reduced product failure.
Exploitation Route Follow on IUK funding and technology used with High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult. Model for promoting adoption within industry and SME's.
Sectors Aerospace

Defence and Marine

Description Due to collaborating together with the project, the two industrial partners; Simpact Engineering Ltd and Morgan Advanced Materials, have subsequently developed a close working commercial relationship. This work is applying advanced simulation tools for the development of the next generation of lightweight armour systems.
First Year Of Impact 2014
Sector Aerospace, Defence and Marine
Impact Types Economic

Description Technology Strategy Board: Seeing More Than Before - Emerging Imaging
Amount £55,835 (GBP)
Funding ID 131747 
Organisation Innovate UK 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2014 
End 09/2015